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Six arrested, 500 websites blocked in child porn crackdown


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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The leadership of each Country can decide on what they want to censor and what they want to allow .

   "We" have no right to tell other Countries what they should and should not censor (in their Countries)

To your comments above - I strongly disagree with the first (it should be the people NOT the leaders), but equally strongly agree with the second!

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No, the authorities clamped down on child porn being sold in markets quite a few years ago , why dont you report the shop selling them ?


haha exactly... a clampdown 'quite a few years ago'...  and yet child pornography is still openly on sale - the authorities have done nothing to stop it.


when you understand more about thailand you'll realise that just because the authorities say they will do something does not actually mean they will do anything.


i dont need to report anyone as everyone knows it is on sale, and, sorry to repeat myself; the authorities do nothing.

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4 minutes ago, samsensam said:


haha exactly... a clampdown 'quite a few years ago'...  and yet child pornography is still openly on sale - the authorities have done nothing to stop it.


when you understand more about thailand you'll realise that just because the authorities say they will do something does not actually mean they will do anything.


i dont need to report anyone as everyone knows it is on sale, and, sorry to repeat myself; the authorities do nothing.


I have never, ever seen it on sale. I remember a lot of regular porn being sold at Pantip plaza years ago, but now I don't even see that.



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2 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I have never, ever seen it on sale. I remember a lot of regular porn being sold at Pantip plaza years ago, but now I don't even see that.

Regular porn is still sold on the streets of Pattaya, in fact in March there were vendors on Beach Road itself! Doesn't interest me, nor does it bother me but I remember seeing it alongside the other DVDs.

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6 minutes ago, samsensam said:


haha exactly... a clampdown 'quite a few years ago'...  and yet child pornography is still openly on sale - the authorities have done nothing to stop it.

when you understand more about thailand you'll realise that just because the authorities say they will do something does not actually mean they will do anything.

i dont need to report anyone as everyone knows it is on sale, and, sorry to repeat myself; the authorities do nothing.

The authorities have indeed done something , a few years ago, child porn was available everywhere , they clamped down and it seems like its just the shop you know that is still selling them  .

   You yourself  or anyone could easily stop it . 

Just make a video of the shop selling and then send that video to a Western newspaper , they will publish it and that will cause such a fuss , they will be forced to close down

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7 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Thai police force likes to use big numbers that are difficult to check......... 

You are wrong there are thousands of this kind of websites online child pornography meny use Skype to see children get molested 

Do it seems you not think this is a serious crime 

Pedophile is everywhere in every country 

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Can't help but wonder about this. 500 websites yet only 6 people. A population of 70 million, yet only 6 people.


I strongly suspect it's enough for a publicity splash and grandiose claims, but I doubt it's enough to make a real dent in the activities of these scumbags. And they were mostly Thais? Given the attractiveness of Thailand for foreign paedophiles, I strongly doubt this can be taken at face value.


Link-ups to governments of other SE Asian Nations?


Hmmm, the close proximity of a human trafficking report might explain the timing. Call me a cynic.

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10 minutes ago, Fish Head Soup said:

Why do people insist on referring to child abuse images/videos as pornography? This is not pornography, this is simply child abuse.


there are many types of child abuse and child pornography (the portrayal of  sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal) can, sadly, result from some types of child abuse but not all.

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29 minutes ago, samsensam said:

there are many types of child abuse and child pornography (the portrayal of  sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal) can, sadly, result from some types of child abuse but not all.

Child 'porn’ is documented evidence of serious criminal offenses taking place against children, it isn’t porn.


Clearly, anyone who cares about the effect of “child porn” on the children involved would wish to draw attention to the creation rather than the viewing, and would therefore use the term “child sexual abuse images”.


It's my opinion, you won't change it. You're entitled to yours, I'll probably disagree with it.

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23 hours ago, quandow said:

There are several thoughts as to whether or not pedophilia can be cured. My advice - get thee to a psychiatrist or doctor or priest, SOMEONE. Kiddie porn is NOT A VICTIMLESS CRIME!

I’m sure the priest could show them a trick or two. More chance of propogating the problem I would think. 

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On 2018-05-11 at 9:46 PM, Anak Nakal said:

6 arrested?

Shoot them.


On 2018-05-11 at 11:21 PM, watcharacters said:


Should that be prior to or after a trial?


Fans of communists and nazis ??   That’s their solution to mental sickness also. Either execution, or perhaps Lobotomy.  You’d fit right in comrades

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On 5/12/2018 at 2:43 AM, quandow said:

There are several thoughts as to whether or not pedophilia can be cured. My advice - get thee to a psychiatrist or doctor or priest

I'm sexually attracted to women and no amount of chats with psychologists, priests or others is going to change that. Nobody could change my sexual attraction to women. They just couldn't. The exact same way that the same psychologists, priests and whoever else cannot change a pedophiles sexual attraction to children. So let's forget all this counselling etc, it's not going to work. Castration be it physical or chemical is the way forward, let's remove the urge for these people.



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1 hour ago, Fish Head Soup said:

I'm sexually attracted to women and no amount of chats with psychologists, priests or others is going to change that. Nobody could change my sexual attraction to women. They just couldn't. The exact same way that the same psychologists, priests and whoever else cannot change a pedophiles sexual attraction to children. So let's forget all this counselling etc, it's not going to work. Castration be it physical or chemical is the way forward, let's remove the urge for these people.




A bucket of cold water, and some badly needed reason on this difficult and emotive topic.


Well done you for saying it. Thanks, I believe you may well be right.

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1 hour ago, Fish Head Soup said:

I'm sexually attracted to women and no amount of chats with psychologists, priests or others is going to change that. Nobody could change my sexual attraction to women. They just couldn't. The exact same way that the same psychologists, priests and whoever else cannot change a pedophiles sexual attraction to children. So let's forget all this counselling etc, it's not going to work. Castration be it physical or chemical is the way forward, let's remove the urge for these people.

Brainwashing is possible, but the methods aren't palatable enough for the public. Requires inducing heavy trauma, etc. I'm pretty sure even sexual orientation can be manipulated if you forget all rules of engagement. Unless the subject croaks first, which in case of pedophiles.. not a big loss.

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2 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

I'm sexually attracted to women and no amount of chats with psychologists, priests or others is going to change that. Nobody could change my sexual attraction to women. They just couldn't. The exact same way that the same psychologists, priests and whoever else cannot change a pedophiles sexual attraction to children. So let's forget all this counselling etc, it's not going to work. Castration be it physical or chemical is the way forward, let's remove the urge for these people.

They could go to Thailand and get girls that look underage to satisfy their desires

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Just now, sanemax said:

Yes, I quite often see guys walking around with petite asian girls who have the body shape of a 12 year old western girl

And this doesn't mean that they are not also showing predatory behavior towards children. Like I originally said it would be better to castrate anyone who is caught for any offense regarding sexual interest in children. Why take the risk of not doing it?

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On 5/11/2018 at 10:43 PM, quandow said:


I used to work cyber security. ANY and ALL who involve themselves in this kind of evil need several parts of their bodies removed with a dull, rusty knife.



I think you are being a little bit too kind there.  

I would prefer that the removal tool be more like the flat, round part of a 16 ounce hammer, with the offending body part on a wooden anvil.  

Something like this


Image result for 16 ounce ball peen hammer



And this
Image result for small stump

But, that is just how I think. 

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There was a list leaked by Wikileaks some years ago that contained blocked alleged child porn websites by an European country (I think it was Denmark) where many of the sites were just legal porn and some of the blocked websites even were free speech blogs. 


Never trust your gov with censoring anything. The only way to fight child rape is to find the rapist and delete the website off the internet. A study showed that all ISPs were compliant and did in fact shut off the website in cases of real child pornography. Blocking doesn't fight anything, it just hides the problem.

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On 5/13/2018 at 3:14 PM, DrTuner said:

500? That's a lot. I would have thought this goes on in private torrent sites and like, not on websites. Makes one wonder how much goes on in there.


Wow people these days are really naive. Even the exact number of 500 is obviously odd. How did they manage to find exactly 500? No 489 or 540. You mean, they just rounded up? Well, this is called lying. If it starts already there, the truth is far away anyway. Any bets, many of the blocked website have something to do with free speech or not so much free speech in Thailand.

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3 hours ago, IsaanFam said:


Wow people these days are really naive. Even the exact number of 500 is obviously odd. How did they manage to find exactly 500? No 489 or 540. You mean, they just rounded up? Well, this is called lying. If it starts already there, the truth is far away anyway. Any bets, many of the blocked website have something to do with free speech or not so much free speech in Thailand.

I initially did not pay attention that it was Thailand which blocked 500 websites. Now that I know it, I guess you are right. It's probably not easy to find and block child porn websites, as they must be on the dark web. Probably a load of BS to pretend they are doing something against it. It is also likely they took advantage of it to block websites they did not like for other reasons.

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