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THAI bets big on maintenance hub


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19 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Haven't been looking too hard eh?


I have, and I haven't found one eother. Lots of odd-jobbers and the odd out and out conman, but nobody with real skills in anything mechanical. This lot can't even dig a hole and fill it in properly.


Perhaps I live in the wrong part of Thailand, should I move to Pattaya?

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1 minute ago, KiwiKiwi said:


I have, and I haven't found one eother. Lots of odd-jobbers and the odd out and out conman, but nobody with real skills in anything mechanical. This lot can't even dig a hole and fill it in properly.


Perhaps I live in the wrong part of Thailand, should I move to Pattaya?

Only if you have tangible claims to special forcesry.

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2 hours ago, OnTheRun said:

The Malaysian labour force is miles behind Thailand in the industry I work in (oil & gas). Given a choice between the two I'd take Thai nationals every time. 


Even though the average IQ is less than 90, and 65% of Thai students fail everything including Thai language, statistics say that in a population of 70 million, there ought to be at least a couple of hundred skilled oil and gas workers. How many do you know? and does that really make Thais not a bunch of numbskulls?


I once knew a Thai computer programmer, but that doesn't make Thailand the hub of computer programming. Not so far as I know anyway...

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Just now, KiwiKiwi said:


 in a population of 70 million, there ought to be at least a couple of hundred skilled oil and gas workers. How many do you know? and does that really make Thais not a bunch of numbskulls?


One in 25 years. :jap:

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4 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Even though the average IQ is less than 90, and 65% of Thai students fail everything including Thai language, statistics say that in a population of 70 million, there ought to be at least a couple of hundred skilled oil and gas workers. How many do you know? and does that really make Thais not a bunch of numbskulls?


I once knew a Thai computer programmer, but that doesn't make Thailand the hub of computer programming. Not so far as I know anyway...

I once knew a prolific ThaiVisa forum poster. Didn't make him at all eloquent and worldly.


Plenty rice being grown, cars being built, oil being pumped, minerals being mined, fish being caught, planes being flown, tunnels, bridges and multi-story edifices to westernization being built... and none have fallen down yet so I would hazard that despite it being really cool to lampoon the great unwashed, they do a pretty decent job regardless of all the highly-qualified westerners who hang about, wanting to work in their backwater and bigging up their indispensible expertise in their limited social circles. Those that gaze wistfully at the greener grass in Malaysia and Vietnam really, really have absolutely no clue about those two, fragile economies.

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I once knew a prolific ThaiVisa forum poster. Didn't make him at all eloquent and worldly.


Plenty rice being grown, cars being built, oil being pumped, minerals being mined, fish being caught, planes being flown, tunnels, bridges and multi-story edifices to westernization being built... and none have fallen down yet so I would hazard that despite it being really cool to lampoon the great unwashed, they do a pretty decent job regardless of all the highly-qualified westerners who hang about, wanting to work in their backwater and bigging up their indispensible expertise in their limited social circles. Those that gaze wistfully at the greener grass in Malaysia and Vietnam really, really have absolutely no clue about those two, fragile economies.

Ooh. A sledge. Great.


If Thailand is so full of experts, how come I can't get a room painted, or a hole dug? And if they're so smart, how come the average IQ has been locked at 89 for 12 years?


Wakey wakey son, before you sledge people you don't even know, have a closer look at your own racism and reverse discrimination.


And I though a decent conversation was in the offing. Silly me.

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2 hours ago, OnTheRun said:

The Malaysian labour force is miles behind Thailand in the industry I work in (oil & gas). Given a choice between the two I'd take Thai nationals every time. 

It is a management / legal thing, not a labor / nationality thing.  I work with both on a daily basis.   My issues are with Thai management and legal issues. 

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30 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Ooh. A sledge. Great.


If Thailand is so full of experts, how come I can't get a room painted, or a hole dug? And if they're so smart, how come the average IQ has been locked at 89 for 12 years?


Wakey wakey son, before you sledge people you don't even know, have a closer look at your own racism and reverse discrimination.


And I though a decent conversation was in the offing. Silly me.

Oh... so your NOT special forces after all?


My mistake.

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16 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Oh... so your NOT special forces after all?


My mistake.


No problem, I'm sure you make lots. And you shouldn't feel bad, lots of folk have similar issues, we had a joker here a few days ago with transparent Daddy issues, now we have one with Mummy issues.


Symmetry of a sort I suppose - still, room for all is the cry...

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8 hours ago, Thian said:

In 15 years i haven't seen a qualified (to western standards) engineer in Thailand...now i won't even let them pump my tires because the garage even doesn't have a pressure gauge to do that properly.


So will thailand become the hub of maintenance for planes? I don't think so.....

 In the 47 years that I was involved in the aircraft maintenance field before I retired. I working in The US and Asia including Saudi Arabia and Iran I have worked with ,instructed or supervised many aircraft maintenance mechanics and other people in the aviation field. In my opinion , I have found that there are many aircraft maintenance repair, overhaul ,and testing stations that any commercial or private aircraft owner can trust that the work will be done safely and properly  in many of these countries  .Los would be one of those 10 in the bottom of my list.

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22 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


No problem, I'm sure you make lots. And you shouldn't feel bad, lots of folk have similar issues, we had a joker here a few days ago with transparent Daddy issues, now we have one with Mummy issues.


Symmetry of a sort I suppose - still, room for all is the cry...

My best mate is a kiwi. He's also incredibly thick-skinned too. But he's batting 70 these days and been around the block a fair bit so maybe that's the difference.


I still haven't a clue where the sledge come from... unless you thought YOU were the "prolific ThaiVisa forum poster" I commented on. Tell me it isn't so.

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4 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Even though the average IQ is less than 90, and 65% of Thai students fail everything including Thai language, statistics say that in a population of 70 million, there ought to be at least a couple of hundred skilled oil and gas workers. How many do you know? and does that really make Thais not a bunch of numbskulls?


I once knew a Thai computer programmer, but that doesn't make Thailand the hub of computer programming. Not so far as I know anyway...


What difference does it make how many I know? I was commenting on my observations of the standard of the workforce between Malaysia and Thailand from my experience. If you know better I'll bow to your superior knowledge. I take it, like me, you've worked alongside literally hundreds of Malaysians and Thais?

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Now THAT'S a salient observation rather than a moan about bad painters, shoddy hole diggers and allegedly low IQ's.

The funny thing is that once you show people in Thailand how you want something done, they just do it.  Management in Thailand does not say or do anything.  They just wave their hand and make a decry with grand hand gestures and flowery talk.  Sound familiar ?  Wonder where they get that from ?


Have seen automobile restorations in Thailand that were absolutely flawless.  Have seen great works of art.   There is patience, attention to detail and pride in the average Thai.  What screws up most things is management's money worship, graft and selfishness.

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

It is a management / legal thing, not a labor / nationality thing.  I work with both on a daily basis.   My issues are with Thai management and legal issues. 

I don't get involved in the legal side so can't comment on that. Surely Labour would play a big part in any companies decision to invest / base themselves anywhere?


Out of curiousity what are your issues with Thai management compared to Malaysians? 


The main problem I've found with a Thai workforce is fear to voice an opinion and get involved in decisions with management. Malaysia isn't much different in this respect.

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5 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


I have, and I haven't found one eother. Lots of odd-jobbers and the odd out and out conman, but nobody with real skills in anything mechanical. This lot can't even dig a hole and fill it in properly.


Perhaps I live in the wrong part of Thailand, should I move to Pattaya?

Back to New Zealand might be better. You can then teach building scaffolding until your hearts content.

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1 hour ago, OnTheRun said:


What difference does it make how many I know? I was commenting on my observations of the standard of the workforce between Malaysia and Thailand from my experience. If you know better I'll bow to your superior knowledge. I take it, like me, you've worked alongside literally hundreds of Malaysians and Thais?


God no. I've only watched literally hundreds of Thais. I'm frankly disinterested in comparing degrees of stupidity other than globally - as a group. Most people, when commenting upon the intelligence of people, naturally tend to compare it with their own. So the guy who says "Thais are smaht" is really saying "I knew a Thai man or men, and they were about as smaht as me". Similarly, the man who says most Thais are a bit dim, means that compared to him or her, they are a bit dim, or at least that has been their experience. It's natural, an unconscious behaviour., it's one of the ways we sort and categorise people, there are lots of others.


Being aware of that means that I try very hard not to do it, in other words, the smartness or dimness of Thais is objective, based on accepted scales such as IQ and EQ (which are related), whereas with most people it's subjective - its the way I've been trained, just as you think the way you've been trained - it's universal. It's one of the reasons I take little notice of people who aren't smart enough to make an observation contrary to someone else's opinion without insulting the person whose opinion he disagrees with. One might just as well resent the cockroach for being a cockroach or a worm for being a worm, they can't help it, it's natural behaviour for them and probably reflects the pain life has already dished out to them.


So my knowledge isn't superior to yours, its just that professionally, it's been my job to evaluate and understand why people do the stuff they sometimes do - not so much individually, but as a part of groups. Which probably explains why we think differently on some things.

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1 hour ago, OnTheRun said:


What difference does it make how many I know? I was commenting on my observations of the standard of the workforce between Malaysia and Thailand from my experience. If you know better I'll bow to your superior knowledge. I take it, like me, you've worked alongside literally hundreds of Malaysians and Thais?

"What difference does it make how many I know?"


Because that's what shapes your opinion.

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Why so coy about naming the "major aircraft manufacturer"?


It's got to be either Airbus or Boeing.


Are either of them really interested, considering the regional alternatives?


PS: Royal Thai Navy as the specially licenced investment partner? I thought their gig was ships, let's face it, aviation hasn't exactly been their strong point!

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2 hours ago, OnTheRun said:

I don't get involved in the legal side so can't comment on that. Surely Labour would play a big part in any companies decision to invest / base themselves anywhere?


Out of curiousity what are your issues with Thai management compared to Malaysians? 


The main problem I've found with a Thai workforce is fear to voice an opinion and get involved in decisions with management. Malaysia isn't much different in this respect.

 A good labor force is important, but so is stability and rule of law.  We imported Thai workers into Malaysia quite easily.  When there was an abundance of undocumented workers, Malaysia handled the issue with relative ease.  The junta  did not.  The junta also has worried non Chinese investors, where Malaysia has shown itself to be far better governed.  I like working with Thais, but the way Thailand is makes me very cautious.  I have fewer worries in Malaysia. 

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11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Pump your tires? Where the <deleted> do you live?


Go to just about any garage and use the air machine like the rest of us. They have an nice hose that you can use and a nice gauge that makes a noise when you reach the required pressure. Some even have a tap so you can wash your hands!

Most garages in the Hua HIn area that I have used do NOT have air machines.   The local Market Village mall has installed one for customers' use, but more often than not the area is cordoned off for VIP's just like many of the internal parking spaces.  What does one have to do to be regarded as a VIP?


As having the correct tyre pressure is essential for safety on the roads, I believe that it should be obligatory for all service stations to have an air machine.

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8 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Most garages in the Hua HIn area that I have used do NOT have air machines.   The local Market Village mall has installed one for customers' use, but more often than not the area is cordoned off for VIP's just like many of the internal parking spaces.  What does one have to do to be regarded as a VIP?


As having the correct tyre pressure is essential for safety on the roads, I believe that it should be obligatory for all service stations to have an air machine.

My experience on air stands at Shell, Esso and Texaco gas stations are few machines and in poor repair. Bangchak and PT have a better success rate but the all round winner for having a working machine that some dork hasn't buggered up the inflator gizmo is with PTT stations, especially the newer ones with a handy 7-eleven on the concourse. The PTT bogs tend to be much better as well FWIW.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

My experience on air stands at Shell, Esso and Texaco gas stations are few machines and in poor repair. Bangchak and PT have a better success rate but the all round winner for having a working machine that some dork hasn't buggered up the inflator gizmo is with PTT stations, especially the newer ones with a handy 7-eleven on the concourse. The PTT bogs tend to be much better as well FWIW.

Why do PTT install  tyre inflator in the bogs?

Or have I got confused...


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