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Useless UKVI

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Why is UKVI so useless. 2.5 years at my wife's FLR application they had obviously dropped the lever arch on the floor and presented me back a complete messed up pile of papers. This time at the fast track office having handed the them one full lever arch and one with quarter full they gave me back the quarter full one saying they kept all the photo copies. Now apart from all documents having to be originals I told them that I hadn't given them any copies that gave me back a thick wodge of papers less the lever arch. In the "copies" as they put it was the original limited company registration document (can never be replaced) and the original England language certificate and all the original bank statements, mortage statement, pay slips, utility bills. council tax bill, divorce certificate. They did manage to return the marriage certificate so i suppose I shouldn't complain too much.

No I find they kept my pension award notice that I now need to send to the student loan company so now my son can't get his student loan. Why are they so God damn useless. What do you think the chances are of getting a replacement pension award notice are?

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A bit late for a first reply but a few things spring to mind.

Best not to put things in a lever arch file as it is likely they will get rid of that then pile one application onto another or put the paperwork into whatever system of trays or folders they use. With the time constraints they have it is unlikely they would be that careful with the papers.

Keep all originals together and provide copies for them to work from. They can check originals when they need to.

I accept things have changed since I did a FLR but a level arch folder seems a lot of paperwork. Bank statements can be lumped together for example.

If you organise things it will make the decision makers life much easier. Most important is to keep originals in one place and stamp COPY over the photocopies so even the most stressed and inexperienced can tell one from another!

Of course they should treat all your paperwork with respect but this is the UKVI/Home Office we are talking about. They are infamous for putting paperwork in piles and moving it from one place to another. 

Always make a formal complaint and let them know you need the originals and for that reason had supplied copies.

The cynic in me says you are lucky to have got that much back!

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