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Attacked With A Cleaver


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I really wish I could make up stuff. But I am not very good at that.


Put 5000 baht on the table and I will take you on a tour of Pattaya. Not only will we see everything I have written about but I will include a side of Pattaya that few Farangs ever see. You can see female farang sexpats and female Thai sex mongers and just about anything else you want to see.

So you doubters put your money where your mouth is. :D:D

I assume Pattaya Fox you actually live in Pattaya and are not a wanna be expat. Message me. I will take you anytime. The truth of what I have written is readily checkable. I know we are not going to like each other but heck give me a call I can put up with almost anyone for a few hours.

Yes Pattaya Fox this is a direct challenge. :D Kind of like pistols at dawn. I have slapped you in the face with my literary glove. Put up or shut up. Or send your seconds. I love a night out anyway. Looking forward to hear from you.


Now you are really going over the top kerryk........... you expect me to pay for your weird night out :D

Having lived in Pattaya for 5 years and next week I will be back on my 50th trip believe me your little jaunts to your sordid seedy hangouts would do nothing for me. Your fantacies and sexual hangups thank goodness do not play a part in my world.

Although I`ve probably forgotten more than you will ever know :bah:

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With age comes responsibility, one of which is to not suck the life out of other people just because you have developed problems in your old age. It might be nice for an old man to fiddle around with a teenage girl. It might also be nice for an old tribal leader to kill a young baby, eat it's heart and thus prolong his own life (in their mind) - but it's not right.

I guess that PCP really does destroy minds. :D

Guess what; there is absolutely no correlation between having consensual sex with another adult and killing someone except in your wet dreams. Puritanical porno! :o

UG - A high percentage of your mails are about going to bars and having sex.

Why don't you just admit how asinine your remark was, instead of the boring lecture about obnoxious yobs back in England that has nothing to do with nothing? You seem to have much more in common with them than you would like to admit. :D

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With age comes responsibility, one of which is to not suck the life out of other people just because you have developed problems in your old age. It might be nice for an old man to fiddle around with a teenage girl. It might also be nice for an old tribal leader to kill a young baby, eat it's heart and thus prolong his own life (in their mind) - but it's not right.

I guess that PCP really does destroy minds. :D

Guess what; there is absolutely no correlation between having consensual sex with another adult and killing someone except in your wet dreams. Puritanical porno! :o

UG - A high percentage of your mails are about going to bars and having sex.

Why don't you just admit how asinine your remark was, instead of the boring lecture about obnoxious yobs back in England that has nothing to do with nothing? You seem to have much more in common with them than you would like to admit. :D

UG, You chop posts, taking them out of context. Then you make smart alec quips. - Pointless.

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To the contrary, I took your off-topic, long-winded reply and reduced it to it's essence.

I put it in context. :o


1) off-topic - This whole thread by KerryK talks about sexpats in Pattaya. Me too.

2) long-winded. - I agree, sorry.

3) reduced to it's essence. You cannot know what the essence of my thoughts were. You chopped to benefit your argument.

4) put in context. Your context, and out of my and the threads contexts.

You are consistent. You chop, take out of context. Then you make smart alec remarks. - Pointless.

I am consitent too. Long-winded, over-analysed and boring...

(Can we stop this please. Your right, I'm wrong, OK?)

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Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :o

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Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :D

It must be a great weight off your mind Rob :o

I think kerryk has to bury the cleaver first and if he offers me 5000baht then I`ll consider going easy on him :D

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :o

I read the..... first page, and the second (40 posts per page)...... then my attention went elsewhere ... revisit, read the second page again, part of the third.

To save me the horror of reading the whole thing from start to finish.... this was a wind up wasn't it... or a hack doing some research?

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Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :o

I read the..... first page, and the second (40 posts per page)...... then my attention went elsewhere ... revisit, read the second page again, part of the third.

To save me the horror of reading the whole thing from start to finish.... this was a wind up wasn't it... or a hack doing some research?

Yes Thaddeus he is a wannabe story writer who just doesn`t seem to be able to differentiate between fact and fiction............sad really.

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Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :o

I read the..... first page, and the second (40 posts per page)...... then my attention went elsewhere ... revisit, read the second page again, part of the third.

To save me the horror of reading the whole thing from start to finish.... this was a wind up wasn't it... or a hack doing some research?

Yes Thaddeus he is a wannabe story writer who just doesn`t seem to be able to differentiate between fact and fiction............sad really.


I really don’t mind your disagreeing with me. Fell free to do that at any time. Calling me a liar over and over again especially when I have offered you a tour of Pattaya and verification of everything I have said is a little over the top.

It is OK to tell me I can’t write. I join the company of all of the great writers of the world who were all told they could not write by people who never published anything.

I also join the company of most of the great artists who never sold much until they died.

Sure you don’t agree with me. If you did agree with me I would be a hack. Artists always have to be ahead of the current way of thinking. If you agreed with me I would be frightened.

My parents liked Lawrence Welk.

If you insist on calling me a liar have the decency to support your claims with something other than your imagination. Come to Pattaya. I’ll show you. I have no problems doing that.

Well I do have one slight problem as the GF came over to my hotel this evening dead drunk and stole a pack of cigarettes from my desk.

Why on earth would she steal a pack of cigarettes? She does not smoke. Her daughter does and when she opened her purse I saw my cigarettes and she said she took them for her daughter. I had just given her 100 baht for a motor bike ride home. She could have asked me for a pack of cigarettes and I would have given her one.

I realize lying and stealing is a part of the Thai culture if most of the posts on the internet are accurate but it still upsets me.

So if it is OK with you stop calling me a liar because I am really trying not to be defensive here. Calling me a liar upsets me. It would not upset me if I was fabricating the truth. But in this instance I am not. If you want to call me a liar at least make an effort to find out if your information is accurate.

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Now you are really going over the top kerryk........... you expect me to pay for your weird night out :o

Having lived in Pattaya for 5 years and next week I will be back on my 50th trip believe me your little jaunts to your sordid seedy hangouts would do nothing for me. Your fantacies and sexual hangups thank goodness do not play a part in my world.

Although I`ve probably forgotten more than you will ever know :D


It has been my experience that one can make a thousand trips to Thailand and still know nothing about the Thai culture.

Living here is much different than visiting.

My first visit to Thailand was in 1968. When did you get her Fox?

You said you lived in Pattaya for five years. 12 months a year? Is that full time living?

If you have forgotten more than I will ever know you have alzheimers. I wish you well and there are some new drugs out that delay the onset of the final stages.

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It is OK to tell me I can’t write. I join the company of all of the great writers of the world who were all told they could not write by people who never published anything.

I also join the company of most of the great artists who never sold much until they died.

Artists always have to be ahead of the current way of thinking.

KerryK you're not a great writer, if you don't want to except that it just shows how deluded you are.

You are never going to join the company of great writers living or dead and 99% of authors were recognised well before they died, usually by their first publication.

I used to have a girlfriend who was a very talented artist and she said that many people use the title artist in order to get away with being obnoxious and shallow, whilst claiming superiority and wisdom. It's very true and in your case very fitting.

Of course there is the other type of artist who studies at the bottom of a bottle.

If you're going to publish your 'memoirs' don't start crying when people critisize you.

Edited by Robski
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It is OK to tell me I can’t write. I join the company of all of the great writers of the world who were all told they could not write by people who never published anything.

I also join the company of most of the great artists who never sold much until they died.

Artists always have to be ahead of the current way of thinking.

KerryK you're not a great writer, if you don't want to except that it just shows how deluded you are.

You are never going to join the company of great writers living or dead and 99% of authors were recognised well before they died, usually by their first publication.

I used to have a girlfriend who was a very talented artist and she said that many people use the title artist in order to get away with being obnoxious and shallow, whilst claiming superiority and wisdom. It's very true and in your case very fitting.

Of course there is the other type of artist who studies at the bottom of a bottle.

If you're going to publish your 'memoirs' don't start crying when people critisize you.

Robski, you are not a great reader. Try reading what I wrote.

I said I had no problem being criticized for my writing.

In this case the writing is factual. I said I don’t like people calling me a liar when it is so easy to check out the factual content of my writing.

I was first published at 16 years of age. I was a regular magazine contributor and newspaper reporter at 22.

“Too terribly would-be and done-on-purpose, utterly without spontaneity or real life."

D.H. Lawrence's rejection of James Joyce

If Joyce did not pay any attention to D. H. Lawrence perhaps you could give me some intellectual reason for anyone let alone me, to pay attention to you.

I said artists not writers who never sold anything until they died. Check out Vincent Van Gogh.

As an aside, most of the things I have written in the past couple of years were a result of fans emailing me and asking me to keep writing.

Your girlfriend makes a good point and I certainly have done that as have I written from the bottom of a bottle. Of course so has almost every other popular fiction writer of the past century.

Even bad writers are writers. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of being published I even wrote a story about it.

I don’t think I will publish my memoirs. Mainly, I confine my writing to short stories.

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It is OK to tell me I can’t write. I join the company of all of the great writers of the world who were all told they could not write by people who never published anything.

I also join the company of most of the great artists who never sold much until they died.

Artists always have to be ahead of the current way of thinking.

KerryK you're not a great writer, if you don't want to except that it just shows how deluded you are.

You are never going to join the company of great writers living or dead and 99% of authors were recognised well before they died, usually by their first publication.

I used to have a girlfriend who was a very talented artist and she said that many people use the title artist in order to get away with being obnoxious and shallow, whilst claiming superiority and wisdom. It's very true and in your case very fitting.

Of course there is the other type of artist who studies at the bottom of a bottle.

If you're going to publish your 'memoirs' don't start crying when people critisize you.

I don’t think I will publish my memoirs.

Thank goodness for that.........that`s the most sensible thing that you have said since you started this stupid thread!

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