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Mystery at the Thai Football Association as professional thieves steal financial documents


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Just now, bangrak said:

Who's telling the 'professional thieves' did actually take anything with them ...?

that's actually a good point.

maybe they planted something to "facilitate" investigations on FIFA ?

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3 hours ago, dabhand said:

This may well be connected to a report on the Qatar WC 2022 bid and the corruption linked to it. The report is due to be issued today and Thailand gets an 'honourable' mention.


There is an article in the Daily Mail which I cannot link to, but this link to 'The National' in UAE gives a brief mention to a LNG deal involving Thailand.




The timing seems to be too much of a coincidence for there not to be some kind of a connection.

says it all 


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Mr., former pol. lt. gen. and nat. police chief, instead of choosing for a golden retirement, although you didn't even deserve it (not for serving the country, rather the opposite), alas, for everybody including you, you chose to plunge deep into the sasspool that's bringing so much money to the BiBs: prostitution and human trafficking, but not enough, you had taken the top job into a summit of corruption: leading the professional football organisation, no less (your experience with football being at the other end of your great experience with all things corrupt)! Nothing preparing you for the 'honour', of course, as the RTP is not a corrupt mafia, who would dare to say so?

And now this 'burglary' joke, come on! How many (former...?) policemen can it take to enscene a keysone cops 'take' like this?  Like KT was a huge stinking cover-up you lead, this one is more pla ra than rotting flesh, but by the same, nothing was stolen, isn't it, but some things which had to disappear had been removed, before the show with the window and its 'protection', isn't it, is it, could it be?

Just one thing I am bloody sure of: it is that you think you are so way high above the Law that nothing can touch you. And I sincerely hope you will be shown dead wrong, on this and some other matters!  

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Football Association of Thailand chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said he said he did not know why someone would break in and steal the documents

Lol.......the filthiest sports association in the world, and this guy.


What could possibly be out of order??? 

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5 hours ago, joebrown said:

His CV is a bit longer if you add his stellar performance in the Koh Tao murders 'investigation'

And do not forget his luck at the thai stock market, where he made hundreds of million in an incredibly short time.

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

And do not forget his luck at the thai stock market, where he made hundreds of million in an incredibly short time.

And his generous awarding of the Erawan bomb reward money...  to guess who? 

Edited by lamyai3
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14 hours ago, samsensam said:

Thieves have broken into the offices of the Football Association of Thailand and stole financial documents (sic)


come on OP, you can do better then this.


You're not supposed to attack anyone on this forum for their bad English, as not every member is a native English speaker - including, it would seem, the so-called editors in the TV "newsroom". So I won't join you in griping about the poor literacy standards that plague us these days, nor whinge about lazy writers and editors. No, I shan't do these things. No sirree. 

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18 hours ago, scorecard said:


...and targeting theft of the association's financial records...


... sounds fishy?



Yes, they knew which floor and which storeroom, a blind person can see this is an inside job for sure. Will be used as blackmail in the future, 100Baht say's I'm right. Any takers hahahahahahaha

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