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Have to accept most people have pretty entrenched views on this subject.

Mine, for what its worth, is that westerners (usually, but not always women) are unhappier about this than the Thais are. My wife and staff get winks and come ons daily whilst shopping and think its a gas. They (Thais) have a totally different view on life and fun than we do, and I only wish we could be more like them, than have us (yes, I'm a cuplrit) constantly trying to convert them to our staid western no fun, full law enforcement views.

As for the ususal sad quotes about men having to pay for it or not being able to get a real woman, thats your ususal PC BS closed mind, standard college text book response. Totally ignores the reality that there are tens of thousands of very slim hadsome young men coming to Thailand. Most men here tired of having a wife/girlfriend drone on about how fantastic she was at work..... Anyway, not on this thread.

Anyway, lets have the chicken and egg debate!!

It's girls enticing men to part with money!

No its not, it's men forcing and luring girls into prostitution.

Either way nothings changing! :o

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I think its typical that some men will find excuses for poor behavior to a woman when the woman has done nothing to warrant it. These are the same kinds of attitudes that excuse rape based on a woman's appearance IMO.

What does it take for a girl to be left alone in a tourist area? A Chador?

Being white helps :o as you asked a question.


Not always easy here but i certainly condemt the approach of the "italian",he could approach her politely,after a few seconds he will knew.


If you are a man walking in Patong or anywhere on Phuket for that matter, there are girls on scooters or motosai if you prefer, who approach you and ask you where you go hansum man?

I have been approached by many women on motosai asking me to go with them to a hotel, or if they can come to my hotel.

This alleged Italian was wrong in what he did, but is anybody complaining about the women on motosai who chase men and ask for paid sex?

What does it take for a girl to be left alone in a tourist area? A Chador?

a chador can be very sexy :o


Thailand has thrived on the sex tourist dollars for years.

Cheap girls, food, grog and sun has been what has kept the Thai tourism industry afloat for years.

The farang dominated tourists areas are full of working girls looking for trade.

While the comments that the farang made are indeed distasteful they are highly understandable.

If Thailand doesn't want this sort of tourist then they need to do something about it.


Its a pity so many tourists only ever see Bangkok, Phuket, Chiangmai, Pattaya, Phuket, etc and never visit regional centres or the country- that behaviour would be quickly sorted out in most rural areas - if the tourist was stupid enough to stay around.

I think its typical that some men will find excuses for poor behavior to a woman when the woman has done nothing to warrant it. These are the same kinds of attitudes that excuse rape based on a woman's appearance IMO.

What does it take for a girl to be left alone in a tourist area? A Chador?

Being white helps :o as you asked a question.

I've never seen many farang girls with that problem, but then of course, most guys who chase after farang girls have more tact and manners than to ask "how much?"

A Thai girl that worked for us was propositioned and did not find it funny or amusing but was quite offended that the guy automatically assumed every Thai woman is a prostitute. So, I guess the idea that all Thai women don't mind is wrong as well.

just wanted to get that off my chest

I could go on and generalise about the 'average' westerner here, but thankfully there are enough of the opposite to prove me wrong.

Italian? No offense to your colleague, but Thais couldn't tell an Italian from a turnip.

Like you said, you could go on to generalise about the average westener who lives in Thailand but why bother, instead you withheld yourself until your next line and generalised about a whole nation of people. :o

one of the girls from my work was driving home last week on her motorbike through patong when she had to stop at an intersection. she had a full face helmet on, gloves, and was very covered up and conservatively dressed.

this farang bloke (she says italian, but who knows) stopped next to her and asked her 'how much for a short time?'

what a prick.

I'm Italian and I would never do that. So can all of you just lay off the Italian-bashing please? :D:o

just wanted to get that off my chest

I could go on and generalise about the 'average' westerner here, but thankfully there are enough of the opposite to prove me wrong.

Italian? No offense to your colleague, but Thais couldn't tell an Italian from a turnip.

Like you said, you could go on to generalise about the average westener who lives in Thailand but why bother, instead you withheld yourself until your next line and generalised about a whole nation of people. :o

Too true, chastised . . . but am I wrong? :D

I would have been more careful, but they were in PATPONG!
There's never any excuse for bad manners, even in Patpong.

Just a point of clarification here...

one of the girls from my work was driving home last week on her motorbike through patong

As in Phuket.




Same, same.

I'm not sure that was worth clarifying. :D

If you are a man walking in Patong or anywhere on Phuket for that matter, there are girls on scooters or motosai if you prefer, who approach you and ask you where you go hansum man?

I have been approached by many women on motosai asking me to go with them to a hotel, or if they can come to my hotel.

This alleged Italian was wrong in what he did, but is anybody complaining about the women on motosai who chase men and ask for paid sex?

They don't get on my nerves, but the katooey who chase you around pretending to be real girls should all be in prison breaking rocks. :o

..... is that westerners (usually, but not always women) are unhappier about this than the Thais are. My wife and staff get winks and come ons daily whilst shopping and think its a gas. They (Thais) have a totally different view on life and fun than we do

im a thai, and I can tell you i will NOT appreciate the kind of behaviour that the girl in the OP received. so perhaps you might want to reconsider your perception of what/how thais think.

also keep in mind that getting the occasional wink, flirty remarks or such are not the same as getting asked 'how much'..which implies what donna said...that farang assuming any girl is available for paid sex.

yes thais enjoy the fun side of life...and are not confrontational. hence in this situation most thais would not make a big deal of the situation (even if offended), but simply walk away. this does not imply and should NOT be taken as we appreciate it.

(by the way...this I would not include as the fun side of life either)


I'm just finding it hard to believe how many guys are justifying this guy or finding his behaviour acceptable. :o Put it this way, guys - how would you feel if the girl propositioned in that way was your daughter? I'm really hoping you wouldn't be justifying it, then...

I've never seen many farang girls with that problem, but then of course, most guys who chase after farang girls have more tact and manners than to ask "how much?"

i (farang girl) am in bangkok now staying near nana plaza and some middle eastern looking guys propositioned me last night on the street- i guess they just get into the habit of assuming every girl is for sale, and i suppose in the dark i can be mistaken for a thai girl (thin, dark hair)... pretty pathetic view of women they've got there, i wouldn't let it offend me... just shows how ignorant some men are and how they can lose the plot after some time in the sex scene here. mai pen rai. i do agree also that the number of thai women propositioning western men is often ridiculous too... it's not really fair to the "good" girls, but at times, in the tourist areas, it is hard to believe there are any!

If you are a man walking in Patong or anywhere on Phuket for that matter, there are girls on scooters or motosai if you prefer, who approach you and ask you where you go hansum man?

I have been approached by many women on motosai asking me to go with them to a hotel, or if they can come to my hotel.

This alleged Italian was wrong in what he did, but is anybody complaining about the women on motosai who chase men and ask for paid sex?

the difference is that she is assumed to be a prostitute which many women may not like and if alone may even feel intimidated. some would no doubt think it funny. being propositioned for sex by a woman she is just assuming you nare a man :o

if you turn it around and women kept on coming up to and asking how much for sex then..oh never mind.

this farang bloke (she says italian, but who knows) stopped next to her and asked her 'how much for a short time?'

what a prick.

I'm not Italian....

this farang bloke (she says italian, but who knows) stopped next to her and asked her 'how much for a short time?'

what a prick.

I'm not Italian....

so did it all go down as she says? :o


Should have embarrassed the lad, but I know thats not the thai way. Any rate its to be expected from low class lads.

If she were on the game I'm certain she would have made it known to the italian lad, less chance to make a fool of oneself which obviously he did.

it's very sad that cheap air fares have made it possible for detritus like this to travel the world spreading unease amongst the friendly people of LOS, and other places, with being around foreigners.

OT just cause i am penniless and look for cheap flights does that mean i am detritus??? only rich people are classy, good, polite, etc?????????

so how do u filter out rich detritus???

just saw an article about sudaneserefugee women that escaped to israel: they all said that in sudan and chad (refugee camps there) any woman walking alone no matter what her age was automatically raped, BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. no other reason . not because she is thai or farang or white or wearing or not wearing a chador. BECAUSE she is a woman. men are men.

in israel in the '80's every other man would grab me. why? cause i was american and american apparently had a second word added: SEX.

in thailand, thai men tried for me (not cause i am so sexy but probably thinking atm thoughts, since they were much younger and i do not look like britney spears so whay else would they try?). even when anon was with me.

men hit on me at work (disgusting older israeli guys, young arab guys).

men hit on women. we just had three different major headline news cases involving women and major male political figures in israeli gov't and sexual harrassment. and thai men dont sexually harrass thai women at work etc??? so they dont offer money. they offer job promotion etc.

its not foreigner, thai or whatever. its the way many men perceive women. etc etc tec...

did i get off topic????????


I've never seen many farang girls with that problem, but then of course, most guys who chase after farang girls have more tact and manners than to ask "how much?"

i (farang girl) am in bangkok now staying near nana plaza and some middle eastern looking guys propositioned me last night on the street- i guess they just get into the habit of assuming every girl is for sale, and i suppose in the dark i can be mistaken for a thai girl (thin, dark hair)... pretty pathetic view of women they've got there, i wouldn't let it offend me... just shows how ignorant some men are and how they can lose the plot after some time in the sex scene here. mai pen rai. i do agree also that the number of thai women propositioning western men is often ridiculous too... it's not really fair to the "good" girls, but at times, in the tourist areas, it is hard to believe there are any!

I have read many of your posts and you sound realy cool girlx, can we meet up for a drink some time? i'm a an Englishman, 33 years old and live in Bangkok.



I've never seen many farang girls with that problem, but then of course, most guys who chase after farang girls have more tact and manners than to ask "how much?"

i (farang girl) am in bangkok now staying near nana plaza and some middle eastern looking guys propositioned me last night on the street- i guess they just get into the habit of assuming every girl is for sale, and i suppose in the dark i can be mistaken for a thai girl (thin, dark hair)... pretty pathetic view of women they've got there, i wouldn't let it offend me... just shows how ignorant some men are and how they can lose the plot after some time in the sex scene here. mai pen rai. i do agree also that the number of thai women propositioning western men is often ridiculous too... it's not really fair to the "good" girls, but at times, in the tourist areas, it is hard to believe there are any!

I have read many of your posts and you sound realy cool girlx, can we meet up for a drink some time? i'm a an Englishman, 33 years old and live in Bangkok.



:o That's really good, Acqui.

I've never seen many farang girls with that problem, but then of course, most guys who chase after farang girls have more tact and manners than to ask "how much?"

i (farang girl) am in bangkok now staying near nana plaza and some middle eastern looking guys propositioned me last night on the street- i guess they just get into the habit of assuming every girl is for sale, and i suppose in the dark i can be mistaken for a thai girl (thin, dark hair)... pretty pathetic view of women they've got there, i wouldn't let it offend me... just shows how ignorant some men are and how they can lose the plot after some time in the sex scene here. mai pen rai. i do agree also that the number of thai women propositioning western men is often ridiculous too... it's not really fair to the "good" girls, but at times, in the tourist areas, it is hard to believe there are any!

I have read many of your posts and you sound realy cool girlx, can we meet up for a drink some time? i'm a an Englishman, 33 years old and live in Bangkok.



You forgot to ask "how much".

its not foreigner, thai or whatever. its the way many men perceive women. etc etc tec...


Ssst Bina...relax please.

I am sorry but it's not 'many men'.....it's some men, I assure you.

The majority of men, worldwide, are nice, decent and hardworking and pay respect to the Ladies of the world.

It's the bad guys that get all the attention just because they behave bad. The respectable ones one never hear about.....

But, I can understand your anger as well as the OP's...'Donna' !

Keep smiling. :o



apologies to any italians who may be reading this. the assumption that the 'gentleman' was italian was made by the girl.

my whole point was that i think its unfair of men or women (of whatever nationality) to assume that all thai women are for sale.

i might also add my contempt for one other assumption that is way off target. that assumption is made by many supposedly educated thai WOMEN i have met in phuket who immediately assume that ALL isaan girls are easy and are all for sale. i cannot get over this!

where does this come from? well, i understand that a great deal of the working girls here in phuket may come from isaan, but does that mean that ALL of them are for sale? most of my good friends come from isaan, and i can categorically tell you that most of these girls are 'good' girls who would be shocked and appalled at being offered money for sex!

i dont think i have drifted off topic here. its still along the same lines of my opening post which is talking about slotting thai girls into one 'for sale' category.

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