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Does anyone know if MERCK'S CERVICAL CANCER VACCINE, GARDASIL is available in Thailand?

It's for women between the ages of 9 and 26.

If so I'll definetly get it for my daughter when she's older and If it's here now my wife is just at the upper limit of being able to receive it.


There is a thread on this in the Ladies Forum currently.

The vaccine is not available in Thailand yet but expected to be within this year. It is on fast track for Thai FDA approval.

It can be given above the age of 26. The reason for the upper age limit is simply in terms of who public health authorities recommend it for based on the population groups most likely to benefit relative to the vaccine's cost.

The vaccine is of benefit only of the woman has not yet contacted the HPV virus. The older a woman is (assuming she is sexually active) the greater the likelihood she may have already contacted HPV.

HPV exposure can be tested for, and any woman who tests negative will benefit from the vaccine if there is any future possibility of contacting the virus (i,.e. every woman unless celibate or with a completekly faithful partner for life).

No harm in getting the vaccine if one has been exposed to HPV already, it will just be a waste of money. So if testing is unacceptable for any reason (shyness or fear of stirring up marital recriminations) and cost not a problem, can just go ahead and get the vaccine. Costs about US $100 a shot and initially takes 3 injections, after that single shot booster I think about every 5-10 years.

Does anyone know if MERCK'S CERVICAL CANCER VACCINE, GARDASIL is available in Thailand?

It's for women between the ages of 9 and 26.

If so I'll definetly get it for my daughter when she's older and If it's here now my wife is just at the upper limit of being able to receive it.

The last I heard it was not but it is imminent (it may be by now) - this was from a Dr working for their rival ;-)

The GSK one - Cervarix they are hoping for later this year.

It is going head to head in a clinical trial with the Merck Gardasil one to see which has the best immunogenicity - This is most unusual but GSK must be confident as its a big prize they are playing for - 3-5 Billion USD a year in sales

Normally each would be happy with market share but???????

If I was you I would wait to see which was the best for your daughter but get your wife who is at the exteme end of the age group vaccinated.


Just spoke to a Dr who works in vaccine about the need for a booster

The answer is nobody can know yet as its so new and the immunogenicity has not been tested long enough.

Its possible it may but the general feeling is no?

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