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Sublingual Nitroglycerin


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I was just told by my local pharmacy (in Chanthaburi) that sublingual nitroglycerin is not available in Thailand and the only way I could get it would be to travel back to the USA and buy it there.  This can't be possible!  Anyone have any information on this?  If I can't get it here, I will have to end my short lived retirement in Thailand very soon. I have stable excertional angina and need it for my daily exercise routine of brisk walking. And I also might need it for an emergency some day.


Thanks for any replies to this question.




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Available as Nitromint but very hard to source. Try at Fascino and by that name.




It is possible it is now off market, I'm not sure.


There is also dermal form (patch) called Nitroderm TTS and that may be easier to find but you would need advice from cardiologist on how to use it in place of sublingual

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30 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Available as Nitromint but very hard to source. Try at Fascino and by that name.




It is possible it is now off market, I'm not sure.


There is also dermal form (patch) called Nitroderm TTS and that may be easier to find but you would need advice from cardiologist on how to use it in place of sublingual

Thanks, as always, Sheryl.  This is very disappointing!  It is very hard to believe that sublingual nitro is not readily available here in Thailand. I brought a good supply with me last year when I relocated here to Thailand, but will soon be out of supply. I take one tablet everyday before I use my treadmill for exercise. I rarely need it for anything else, thank goodness. But I always carry a small bottle just in case I over exert myself.


Thanks again for the information. I have already fired off an email to the company  mentioned in the forum link you suggested. I will try Facsino, but in the past they have never replied to any of my e-mails. They have no stores in my little town. I'll have to go to Chanthaburi.







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Sorry, I missed the Chantaburi part of this.


try pharmacies located near the main government hospital (Phrapokklao).


As you need thsi at predicatble times using the patch may be an option. the usual dosage is to wear it for 8-16 hours then remove but I think it can be used for shorter peiriods. You would need to apply further in advance than oy udo with sublingual tabs. Would still be best to get a cardiologist's guidance o nthat and equivalence to what yo uhave been using.


I don't know why, but doctors in Thailand very eldom use ntg.

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21 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Sorry, I missed the Chantaburi part of this.


try pharmacies located near the main government hospital (Phrapokklao).


As you need thsi at predicatble times using the patch may be an option. the usual dosage is to wear it for 8-16 hours then remove but I think it can be used for shorter peiriods. You would need to apply further in advance than oy udo with sublingual tabs. Would still be best to get a cardiologist's guidance o nthat and equivalence to what yo uhave been using.


I don't know why, but doctors in Thailand very eldom use ntg.

Thanks, again Sheryl.


I am familiar with that hospital and I do make frequent trips to Chanthaburi as my immigration office is located not far from the hospital.  There is also a large pharmacy in Chanthaburi that I use on occasion as they seem to have stuff my local pharmacy doesn't stock. However, when I was there a few weeks ago, I asked them about nitro tabs and they showed me something that I think was a long acting form of nitro, but they had nothing sublingual. 


I my case, I doubt if the patches would be practical, both from a use and/or expense application.  Each day I jump on my treadmill and walk for about an hour at a moderate pace.  About 10 to 15 minutes in I start to feel some mild angina and I pop a nitro. It allows me to go ahead and finish the last 45 minutes or so, pain free. Additionally, the nitro tabs are very inexpensive and easy to carry and self administer when necessary.


I'm shocked that cardio docs don't see the usefulness of sublingual nitro tabs. When someone with heart disease has a sudden onset of angina or chest pain, a patch isn't going to be of much use.  You need the speed and efficacy of a sublingual tablet.


I've been in Thailand for a little over a year. I'm diabetic on insulin and have had no problem obtaining my two types of insulin here. I also take a lot of prescription medications and those have all been available. But this may be the deal breaker for me continuing my marriage and retirement here.


Thanks, again for your kind and helpful suggestions, Sheryl.






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  • 4 months later...

There are sublingual nitro tabs readily available. I have been prescribed them at Queen Sirikit in Sattahip, and have bought them OTC at larger pharmacies on the occasion of overstaying my medicine supplies when visiting away from home The generic name is isosorbide, dinitrate, brand named as Imdur or Isorem. They are good for stable angina, used fifteen minutes before the trigger activity. They are not indicated for relief of an acute attack, as they are relatively slow acting.
I agree that it seems strange the regular sublingual nitro tabs are not available in Thailand. I have not ordered any yet, but have seen them on a couple of mail order pharmacy sites. 
Docs here seem interested in prophylaxis, but not self treatment for a sudden possible MI. 

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