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Is Thailand Losing Track On # Internet Users ?


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I realize there is an 'Internet' forum but I thought this is so important that 'General topics' would generate more views since it is in the interest and importance what education, growth and future business of Thailand is concerned.

Thailand* is far back now in comparison with the penetration-# of internet users in Vietnam** and even way back with Malaysia*** (%-population wise).

* Thailand = 12,5%

** Vietnam = 17,1 %

*** Malaysia = 38,9 %

Why is this and what's your opinion ?

I'm stunned however that India has just 3,5 % whilst China reaches 10%...

This is a serious website with recent fugures and statistics:


Internet users by World region: (something to think about...)

Internet penetration by World region:


Edited by LaoPo
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Don't know exactly but looking at the stats:

Hong Kong 68%

Japan 67%

South Korea 66%

Singapore 66%

From what I understand their infrastructure for providing internet resources is very high on a world standard. I know that South Korea for example is of a higher standard than Australia as far as broadband is concerned.

I think maybe difficulty of getting a phone line in some areas of Thailand or the fact that their ADSL services are no where near as good as some of the Countries above might have something to do with it.

Not only that, I've noticed myself that in some internet cafes even with the latest gear, they lose the service from time to time. Maybe their infrastructure is just not good enough yet.

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