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Fighting For Our Rights In Thailand!

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I had a dream last night!I woke up one morning and i was the only foreigner in Thailand,wow,all the americans,australians  and europeans residents were gone,it was a sad dream and a bit scary too,my neighbors wife came to me and asked me what to do?she said"how can i raise the children,pay the bills"?The phone was ringing,it was the sister of my wife,she asked us to send her some money,because she needs to buy rice,and she will pay it back soon as she found a job in Burriram,10 minutes later another sister called and asked  me "now that all the foreigners gone will the government take care me"?I said"sure they will,they know what they doing and why they scared all the foreigners away,and dont worry they are also foreigner from neighboring countries who look for Thailady"Next morning I went to Pattaya to have some fun,wowwww how scary some restaurants were closed,the city looked real empty,and again my phone was ringing it was my friend Peter who usually came 3times a year to Pattaya,he called from Makati{Manila],he asked me why not go there,real fun place bars are open around the clock,and if u married with a phillie lady the immigration let u live in peace,i thought wow,i asked"isnt it to dangerous overthere if u go out in the night"?he said"if u act normal and go to normal places it isnt to bad"

6 months later i was still dreaming,my friend from Germany called me and said"Hey next months i come to Thailand ,the government changed their attitude,now u can buy land if ur married with a Thai,and u just have to go once a year to the immigration and tell them where u stay,and they also stopped the double pricing,and guys who are not 55years yet just have to show that they can survive in Thailand,by pension or lotterie win,or wherever the money comes from,"I thought wow what a change,in the evening another friend  who left also to the Phillies was sending me an email showing an advertising in a Cebu newspaper,it was from Thaigovernment saying"Please dear foreigner come back to Thailand the people in Isaan are needing houses and money for food,and now u can open a company very easy not much paperwork and u can own it for 100%,and we also stop blaming foreigner for anything what goes wrong in Thailand"

ouchhhh my beloved wife kicked me and i woke up and thought what a dream

Give the drink a bit of a miss awhile :o

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What an interesting thread :D:D:D However, When my wife and I visit the family in the LOS, I also get the feeling (like britainmal) that some Thais will go out of their way and make it hard for the Farang. But I suppose there is a certain element of people in all countries that resent other races coming in and settling in that country. Take Tibet for example, China will not leave, how about the disputed country of Kashmir (Paki's and India) also Indons and Papua.

So consequently if the Thai Government decide to relax the rules on immigration it would be like open slather on Thailand, especially the Germans, Americans, Scandavians and even the good ol' poms would be in there like a shot. :D Most enjoyable :o

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What an interesting thread  :D  :D  :D  However, When my wife and I visit the family in the LOS, I also get the feeling (like britainmal) that some Thais will go out of their way and make it hard for the Farang.  But I suppose there is a certain element of people in all countries that resent other races coming in and settling in that country.  Take Tibet for example, China will not leave, how about the disputed country of Kashmir (Paki's and India) also Indons and Papua.

So consequently if the Thai Government decide to relax the rules on immigration it would be like open slather on Thailand, especially the Germans, Americans, Scandavians and even the good ol' poms would be in there like a shot. :D Most enjoyable :o

Agreed...Obviously if another "solution" to the issue is presented - it will never please everyone. There is one in every crowd. As the saying goes - you can't please everyone all the time.

Dr. P - Well noted by another post - this does appear to be a slagging festival..

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What an interesting thread  :D  :D  :D  However, When my wife and I visit the family in the LOS, I also get the feeling (like britainmal) that some Thais will go out of their way and make it hard for the Farang.   But I suppose there is a certain element of people in all countries that resent other races coming in and settling in that country.  Take Tibet for example, China will not leave, how about the disputed country of Kashmir (Paki's and India) also Indons and Papua.

So consequently if the Thai Government decide to relax the rules on immigration it would be like open slather on Thailand, especially the Germans, Americans, Scandavians and even the good ol' poms would be in there like a shot. :D Most enjoyable :D

Agreed...Obviously if another "solution" to the issue is presented - it will never please everyone. There is one in every crowd. As the saying goes - you can't please everyone all the time.

Dr. P - Well noted by another post - this does appear to be a slagging festival..

I agree. Time to rest it. Cheers. :o

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