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Thursday Joke

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This bloke walks into a public toilet where he finds two cubicles, one is already occupied. So he enters the other one, closes the door, drops his tweeds and sits down. A voice then comes from the cubicle next to him;

"G'day mate, how ya going?"

Thinking this a bit strange but not wanting to be rude the guy replies;

"Yeh, not too bad thanks"

After a short pause, he hears the voice again;

"So, what are you up to mate?"

Again answering reluctantly, but unsure what to say, replies;

"Umm, just having a quick poo mate. How about yourself?"

He then hears the voice for the 3rd time.....

"Sorry mate, I'll have to call you back, I've got some <deleted> next to me answering all my questions"

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