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Seeking advice from recently retired French TV members

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Please note that this is of interest only for FRENCH TV members...


I will officially retire next year and from the information I have already gathered, it seems that one has to start preparing one's application for retirement about one year in advance.


Considering the incredible complexity of the retirement procedure, I understand why one year is needed.


It doesn't help that the French administration, in this case "l'assurance retraite" is still stuck in the Middle Age, having yet to discover the existence of the telephone, to say nothing about the email!


In other words, when you are 10,000 km away, it is impossible to communicate with and ask questions to this administration.


Hence this thread.


Maybe among the many TV members are French citizens who recently (1 or 2 years ago) retired and who could answer at least some of my questions, having themselves gone through the process.


My questions are only practical (where, how, what) and have nothing to do with my personal situation regarding my pension rights, for which I already have all the information.


Thank you for posting if you think you can be of some assistance, then I will answer with my questions.


As far as I know some of the caisses do indeed have phones and email, and a web portal. So it does rather depend on which caisse you come under.

Maybe the French consulate knows about it? Or someone at l'Alliance Francaise? Or these people: https://www.cfe.fr

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