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Here Is A Thought About Thaksin


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Is it possible that he is playing the money markets big time with his many millions, trying to manipulate the Baht in an effort to show economic weakness within the current regime. He has the most to gain by having the present economy fail or even just suffer. It would point to the success or perceived sucess of his past Thaksonomics and would reinforce all the negative stuff he is spouting to Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Just a thought!! but think about it. It would certainly allow him to return as a saviour to Thailand later down the line, just in time to build another badly needed (by then) airport.

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Why would you think that? Is this what like the current regime wants us to belive? It seems that every little thing that goes wrong in this country, it's Taksin's fault..."Oh no, my grandmother died!!! - Well, YOU should thank Taksin for it.", "The cat felt off the tree and broke her paw - That Taksin, what a bastard, pushing a cat from a tree...what a character!!!"... :o

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This man didn't get rich and certainly won't stay rich if he uses his money in that manner. I think he will go to great lengths to protect his personal fortune. I am rather certain he wouldn't squander it.

The current gov't seems to take great pride in finding every fault in the country to have its root cause with Thaksin. I am surprised they haven't come out with something like corruption never existed until he came to power.

They are attributing way too much power to this exile. The less attention they pay to him and the quicker they get on with the business of running the country well, the better off everyone will be.

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This man didn't get rich and certainly won't stay rich if he uses his money in that manner. I think he will go to great lengths to protect his personal fortune. I am rather certain he wouldn't squander it.

The current gov't seems to take great pride in finding every fault in the country to have its root cause with Thaksin. I am surprised they haven't come out with something like corruption never existed until he came to power.

They are attributing way too much power to this exile. The less attention they pay to him and the quicker they get on with the business of running the country well, the better off everyone will be.

Wanting to run a country well it's a good think, but do they want to? Do they care?

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This man didn't get rich and certainly won't stay rich if he uses his money in that manner. I think he will go to great lengths to protect his personal fortune. I am rather certain he wouldn't squander it.

True, but China, Japan and Singapore have big slush funds. And what has he really been doing in these countries? If he was retiring from politics and Europe is too cold right now (unlike China and Japan), why not go to the Bahamas and write his memoirs? Something is up. Just got to figure it out.

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In one way ,yeas,different way no.I am sure when the taksin government,with all his business connections.That they influenced the baht a lot to bolster their and thailand businesses.Now indeed that he is gone and that the influence went with that.Surtenly there is an impact from that,if you do not see this ,you are short sighted.Yhe current government seems to let the baht just flow,thet do not have an alternitive or power to cope with that.

the thai baht will go to the dollar in the era of 1997,28 bht the dollar,if you ask me.Only when new smartthinkers come it will be more steady,if not there will be no holding,untill the stockmarket will crash with another scandal,like 1997.........

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True, but China, Japan and Singapore have big slush funds. And what has he really been doing in these countries? If he was retiring from politics and Europe is too cold right now (unlike China and Japan), why not go to the Bahamas and write his memoirs? Something is up. Just got to figure it out.

For Japan and Singapore, apart from "visiting old friends and relaxing" as usual, I suspect he was getting (buying) some form of permanent visa to these countries, after his diplomatic passport was revoked.

By the way, where is he now?

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First off, tijne, the baht was trading in the Bt45-50/US$ range in late 1997-early 98, and I remember getting Bt93/sterling.

And, Pete, Thaksin does not need to buy a passport. He's schmoozing with old pals in Asia. We need somebody to put all the bits of info together to figure out what he is up to.

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Why would you think that? Is this what like the current regime wants us to belive? It seems that every little thing that goes wrong in this country, it's Taksin's fault..."Oh no, my grandmother died!!! - Well, YOU should thank Taksin for it.", "The cat felt off the tree and broke her paw - That Taksin, what a bastard, pushing a cat from a tree...what a character!!!"... :o

So true, i'm so sick of it. I wonder how long the scape-goating will last? I mean i expected it for the first couple of months... but come on it's time to move on.

I can't even pick up a newspaper anymore, as it seems like every article in there is pointing the finger at Taksin for something.

- Bombings

- Cracks in runways

- Any Corruption

- Crap exchange rate

- Not enough public toliets at the airport

- Southern Unrest

It seems the current administration (an all the newspapers that seem to be in their pocket) would have you believe that Taskin has now devoted 20 hours a day 7 days a week and all his billions solely to f**king Thailand?

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Prakanong, as a thai living in singapore, do you sense if there is any sort of official backing for the deposed prime minister? how is the ongoing spat viewed from their perspective?

Hi - I am not Thai but English

I sense no official backing - you would never know about it of course as its so secretive down here but I doubt it.

Its all about money down here - they are tighter than the proverbial Scot (No offence to

Scots as my Scottish friends are some of the most generous free spending people I know)

However the view among the colleagues I have spoken to is its a bit of a joke - they really shake their heads and laugh at what is happening in Thailand currently.

Even my Thai colleagues were embarrassed over the fuss over Thaksins visit - they threw their toys out of the pram with Sillypore but not with Indonesia, China or the UK - wonder why?

Then the bit about not using their mobile phones as Singapore was listening??????????????????

My taxi driver at the time of the fuss said, "Thailand - run by children"

That is exactly how many Asians - not just Singaporeans - see Thailand and last nights hissy fit when they spit the dummy over a penalty just makes them even more of a laughing stock.

I love Thailand and hate to see it but it seems to be a country going backwards when all other Asian nations are marching forwards

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Is it possible that he is playing the money markets big time with his many millions, trying to manipulate the Baht in an effort to show economic weakness within the current regime. He has the most to gain by having the present economy fail or even just suffer. It would point to the success or perceived sucess of his past Thaksonomics and would reinforce all the negative stuff he is spouting to Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Just a thought!! but think about it. It would certainly allow him to return as a saviour to Thailand later down the line, just in time to build another badly needed (by then) airport.

Never mind the baht- what about the fake bombs in Boston? What did Boston ever do to Taksin? Oh I know, Time Warner is taking the rap- but hey- Time Warner owns CNN and--- Takky has CNN in his pocket so--- connect the dots...

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