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New non b and WP

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Hi to all. Can anyone shed light on this? Does a cancellation of a work permit from a previous school immideatly leads leaving the country? When an old work permit and non b should be cancelled off to start processing new non b, Krusapa and work permit (a new school )? Can old non b be turned into a new one without leaving a country (here in Bangkok )? Any useful advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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When you job ends your extension of stay based upon teaching issued by immigration ends as well. If on a 90 day entry from a non-b visa it would not end.

It is possible to change employers without having to leave the country. It requires your new employer applying for your new work permit and getting a approval letter for the application. Then with the approval letter and supporting documents from your new employer you could apply for a new extension of stay on or before the date on a termination letter from your current employer. The after the extension is done your current work permit would be cancelled and the new one issued.

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I know I am going off-topic here in terms of The OP's question. That said, Ubonjoe - for the sake of clarification, I think that your answer only applies if the applicant will continue to be living in the same province. A new job situated far enough away that the the applicant will have to move to a different province will require a trip out of the country.

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4 minutes ago, allane said:

I know I am going off-topic here in terms of The OP's question. That said, Ubonjoe - for the sake of clarification, I think that your answer only applies if the applicant will continue to be living in the same province. A new job situated far enough away that the the applicant will have to move to a different province will require a trip out of the country.

It would be possible to do it in another province. The logistics are a bit more complicated but it could be done.

It would mean having the extension cancelled at the immigration office that issued it a few days before the termination date and the cancellation being posted dated to the termination date and then the work permit being cancelled on the termination date. Then traveling to the immigration office where the new job was at to apply for the new extension prior to the cancellation date.

The work permit side of things could be easier since it could be possible for the new work permit to issued prior to the old one being canceled.


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Thank you very much indeed for your swift response. My new employer insists on cancelling my old WP now saying they need it to proceed papers for the Ministry of Education. Is it ok to get the former WP cancelled off ย now without getting paid any fine? My non b visa expires on 31 of July so does the former WP. I'm not that into these stuff that much and it's my first case of altering the employer. Many thanks.ย 

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10 minutes ago, greesha said:

Thank you very much indeed for your swift response. My new employer insists on cancelling my old WP now saying they need it to proceed papers for the Ministry of Education. Is it ok to get the former WP cancelled off ย now without getting paid any fine? My non b visa expires on 31 of July so does the former WP. I'm not that into these stuff that much and it's my first case of altering the employer. Many thanks.ย 

You would fined for an overstay if you do not leave the country prior to applying for a new extension of stay since you would need a termination letter to cancel your current extension.

If your current work permit is cancelled your current extension of stay (it is not a non-b visa) needs to be canceled.ย 

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