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Disease Control Dept. beefs up campaign against dengue fever


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Disease Control Dept. beefs up campaign against dengue fever




BANGKOK, 21 June 2018 (NNT) - Thailand's Department of Disease Control and its networks have stepped up their campaign against dengue fever to reduce and prevent fatalities from mosquito-borne diseases. 

The campaign targets populated and frequently visited places, such as housing estates, schools, hospitals, factories, hotels and temples. People are being urged to keep their houses clean to eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitos. 

More than 19,000 people have been infected with dengue virus since early this year, 21 of them have died. Youngsters aged 10-14 are the most vulnerable group of patients. The Disease Control Department estimates that the number of dengue patients will exceed 80,000 this year. 

Those displaying symptoms of dengue fever, including a severe headache, continued fever and joint pain, are advised against using self prescribed drugs and must see a doctor immediately.

-- nnt 2018-06-21


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