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Los Becoming Like An Old People's Home


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Oh to be young and without pain again :o came to me with a bang yesterday how old I really am :D 49 years ago this week my dad signed me up in the army at the ripe old age of 14, not your sissy US military college but the British army khaki machine,in the Holiday resort of Aldershot a place that used to make Forts Bragg and Lejeune look like 5 starhotels, But I digress!! Getting old has given most of us Wrinklies the knowledge and the Balls to enjoy life to the full :D we get the best of everything!! my love for everything thai and lao is public knowledge, but us wrinklies with our turbocharged zimmerframes and our Viagra and Valium Butties are a force to be reckoned with :D so what if lots of my old mates have young wives best of luck to them!! As old timers disease sets in and the only thing you can raise at the sight of a beautiful women is a Smile, Spare a thought for all the males under 40 who have still got a lifetime of Toil in front of them before they can enjoy the wellearned lifestyle that they begrudge the wrinklies having :bah::D Nignoy

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To get back to the debate – as an independent and unbiased observer/umpire I find that the “old Crocs” with their walking sticks, crutches and high powered wheel chairs to be the winners of this entertaining debate.

That's because age, wisdom and experience beat youth, bravado, and inexperience all the time. :D

Young boy we don't need to meeet young ladies in the disco...this is artificial and premeditated!!!!!.

We find them on our natural environment...hospitals, farmacies, drug stores, orthopedic clinics,...


Love it :D

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Ok just a couple of thoughts, your not in a tourist area, life is much different in Issan, There are about 2000 farrang in Udon, don't know 5% of them. If your frinedly and kind here you will get that back. Walk around with a chip on shoulder, no Thai's won't be friendly to you. Ul nles of course they want money from you. Be decent person and they will treat you in a like manner.

49 Huh you got a long ways to go, I'm 60, last weekend I got on the bike and did 350 Klms just to get a Big Mac in Khan Kean just kidding, I hurt like hel_l with the back sometimes, but I go anyway. Just have to decide what you want pay the prices and do it. By the way one of the guys who ride with us is 67 and he is out on a ride everday.

I attend Thia classes four days a week, My life does not revolve around the bar and the bar puying, my choice nothing against it. Just not for me.

Truth is life is what you make it here, want to be an old godger, go ahead no one is going to stop you, be active no problem all up to you. I will crawl into that wheel chair when I have to, hope it has a 5 speed trans LOL

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I think the nickname for Pattaya is the Elephant Graveyard. Like old elephants, old men go there to end their days. The countryside does have older guys but I doubt that many stay there all the time. When I go up there I go nuts after being there for some time and I'm a countryboy myself. On the other hand, city life in Bangkok is probably too poisonous for any older people to live past 70. The seashore and mountians are better for air and health. For those who are young, where you do see yourself living when you are 60? I'd bet that many abroad see themselves living in Thailand and many here see themselves abroad.

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It seems quite common for old guys, who've been here in Thailand for 3 years, to tell younger guys, who've been here for 15 years, all about Thailand and how to live here.

Old guys are not always more experienced in every matter.

It must be hard for an old-timer to change environment when over 60?

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I think the nickname for Pattaya is the Elephant Graveyard. Like old elephants, old men go there to end their days. The countryside does have older guys but I doubt that many stay there all the time. When I go up there I go nuts after being there for some time and I'm a countryboy myself. On the other hand, city life in Bangkok is probably too poisonous for any older people to live past 70. The seashore and mountians are better for air and health. For those who are young, where you do see yourself living when you are 60? I'd bet that many abroad see themselves living in Thailand and many here see themselves abroad.

We all have our fantasies Aujuba. My fantasy is to be shot by a jealous husband when I'm 90. For others it is to have the company of a beautiful partner in their last years. Rambo's fantasy is to be a member of the U.S. Special Forces. I have a good life and I've earned it. I hope everyone who shares their thoughts in this forum has an equally good life, filled with good health and happiness, no matter where they live in the twilight of their years.

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It seems quite common for old guys, who've been here in Thailand for 3 years, to tell younger guys, who've been here for 15 years, all about Thailand and how to live here.

Old guys are not always more experienced in every matter.

It must be hard for an old-timer to change environment when over 60?

My point too, N. I've already made too many new starts in my life and I want the next one to be the last so I'm taking note of all the sensible posts here and putting LOS under the magnifying glass before I commit my modest means.

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Sadly there are too many individuals - no matter how much time they have spent wandering the earth - continue to do it the same (routine) way - and thus they never learn anything beyond the point they left their mothers laps! :D

Wisdom is earned - not borne out of time spent... :o !

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Sadly there are too many individuals - no matter how much time they have spent wandering the earth - continue to do it the same (routine) way - and thus they never learn anything beyond the point they left their mothers laps! :D

Wisdom is earned - not borne out of time spent... :o !

JR Texas to Shochu: Good one! Years most certainly do not equate with wisdom.

I read a book by Anthony Robbins (Awaken the Giant Within), and in it he gave a definition of insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and not learning from your mistakes."

It is like a fly trying to get out of a room and bouncing against a closed glass pane over and over and over and over and over again........even though it could easily get out if it just moved over a few inches to the open window. That is the way most of us are. Time to think out of the box!

And about the actual subject: Yes, LOS is becoming like an old folks home. Why? Because the visa rules and regulations and economic conditions are making it so.

In the future, pensions will dry up so younger generations will likely not be able to retire in LOS in large numbers (also they are not saving enough to retire). At that point it will really be an old folks home.

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Sadly there are too many individuals - no matter how much time they have spent wandering the earth - continue to do it the same (routine) way - and thus they never learn anything beyond the point they left their mothers laps! :D

Wisdom is earned - not borne out of time spent... :o !

Yes 'shochu', you have an undeniable point in there.

I have met many old fart that gratify the say "been there, done it all", but are the same jerks that they were when young.

If you remember school (I hope so becuase too many member of this forum only know the front doors), you can find that those who where idiots by them, continue being in their teenagerhood, adulthood and later on.......

But next to them there are nice and intelligent blokes, who learn to grow with the time and to be better with the lesson that life give to them. So the same rate of nice guys and odd guys continue through the times.

To find a young fellow wiser than me, it does not surprise me (in fact my children are), and to find an old fart stupid and unwise does not surprise either (I have seen so many in Pattaya).

The moral for me is that I do not discriminate age when see and listen stupidity, arrogant ignorance, ego, and disregard for othes miseries. We are all, disregarding our ages, entitled to these weaknesses.

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The moral for me is that I do not discriminate age when see and listen stupidity, arrogant ignorance, ego, and disregard for othes miseries. We are all, disregarding our ages, entitled to these weaknesses.

Well said sir!

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To find a young fellow wiser than me, it does not surprise me (in fact my children are), and to find an old fart stupid and unwise does not surprise either (I have seen so many in Pattaya).

I hope you mean "smarter, more intelligent, Quicker" your own children are hardly "wiser" than You, you have to be really stupid not to pick up a few things about living, relationships overcoming hardship, adapting to changes aso. in a long life, and i wholeheartetly disagree that wisdom is not accumulated with time spend if you have an average funktioning brain, ie. most of us.

That then makes the remark, "wisdom is earned, not bourne out of time spend" nothing but a hollow quickie :o that at best relates to an allmost dissapering little number with unfortunate birth defects.

In many countrys not at least Asian, old people is looked upon with respect and their advise is highly appriciated and sought.

It is for good reason that 22 year olds are never elected Presidents, and rarely is given positions of real power.

Old school :D rule.

Kind regards :D

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Apropos a collective noun for you oldies, might I suggest " a zimmer of pensioners ".

I suspect Rambo's lurid revelations of bedroom athletics are as false as his avatar is ironic. In fact I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that he may have even been a " girl " in a previous life such is the almost feminine quality of his posting style.

Cherchez la femme? :o

Edited by the gent
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To all young whippersnappers - remember that one day, with good health and good luck, you will be an old fart. Some of you in your 20's and 30's are already old farts!

My life is nearly over,

My pilot light is out,

What used to be my sex appeal,

Is now my water spout!

well said, the ones in their 20s early 30s i feel sorry for, we have had the 60s,70s music and all that went with it! ,they have had that negro tallking ( c) rap <deleted> ! all dancing about like they are having an epeleptic fit ,, showing my age and proud of it ! Edited by Wellyoudidask
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I've noticed in Khon Kaen anyway that there are a lot more dottery old codgers around than a few years ago.

What's the reason for this?

Are heating bills going up in the Uk or something?

Can they no longer afford their half pint and drams?

Could they all be finding their 'tee ruks' through online agencies?

Are they coming to get their dentures replaced?

Anyone noticed in the other parts of the country?

Erm...have you been back to the UK recently??? Maybe you will see why the older generation, and indeed those that can afford to, are getting out, and going either to places that their pensions can afford, or places where they can work..

You must remember that it was the older generation that made Britain great, they lived through and fought in the war, and established a stable economy and a good way of life for us younger ones to be born in to...Now all you see, is mass immigration by people who have no interest in society building, they dont integrate, get given houses and benefits, and play the race card every time they cant get their own way...what a smack in the face for all the retired people living on bad pensions after 45 years of country building.....Let the wrinklies enjoy their new lease of life, they have earned to right to it, and are no trouble to anybody :o

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Most of the older farangs I've seen in KKC are repulsive-looking...pretty obvious what they are there for. Quite an eyesore to everyone.

I was an eyesore at home too! :o

I was an eyesore at 20 , so please dont generalise! Edited by Wellyoudidask
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Most of the older farangs I've seen in KKC are repulsive-looking...pretty obvious what they are there for. Quite an eyesore to everyone.
come dan the dogs <deleted> love, were all averaged between 35 and 50 !

Isn't that's where those dreadful Chelsea geriatric shed dwellers hang out regaling each other with their tales of derrin' do in the good ole' days when football was the province of moronic cretins?

When you engage your brain cell drinking and trying to stand up, what do you do with the other one? :o

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Motto "We Don't get no satisfaction" :o






















Senior citizens all, but just about all of these guys could fill a stadium.

The most famous "Wrinklies" :D

christ i know all them ! ( not personaly ) but you know what i mean,. i am honoured indeed ...
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i'd just like to say if any of you olduns have been in thailand too long & decide to get your hair dyed,please get it done proffesionally as ive seen some disasters.i saw a guy with an attractive shade of almost purple the other day. :o
I had orange ! do you have a problem with that ?
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Most of the older farangs I've seen in KKC are repulsive-looking...pretty obvious what they are there for. Quite an eyesore to everyone.
come dan the dogs <deleted> love, were all averaged between 35 and 50 !

Isn't that's where those dreadful Chelsea geriatric shed dwellers hang out regaling each other with their tales of derrin' do in the good ole' days when football was the province of moronic cretins?

When you engage your brain cell drinking and trying to stand up, what do you do with the other one? :o

Iwill bring that up in the next committe meting, thankyou for pointing that out, how could we have been like that without realising ,..would you like to sit in ? Edited by Wellyoudidask
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Most of the older farangs I've seen in KKC are repulsive-looking...pretty obvious what they are there for. Quite an eyesore to everyone.
come dan the dogs <deleted> love, were all averaged between 35 and 50 !

Great that you got the point 'Wellyoudidask'. cheers.

I can understand where 'papaya9' comes from. A guy who is ugly, probably rough and very old, may not look good to the eyes. And if in addition he is with with a young, tender and beautiful lady on his arms, still looks more...odd. Lets borrow 'papaya9''s word and call them...repulsive.

Look, been an ungly old fart myself, I can understand this, as I hate myself crossing on front of a mirror when I am walking with a young beautiful lady...the picture is so odd, that the lady's beauty is highlighted yet more, as it is my ugliness.....

Yeah, it does not look..say, and ideal picture..

But beside this, I am also witness of other odd picture, which in my view is presented with more frequency, and that really strikes me since the first day I was in Thailand. It is to see soo many young farangs with such a repulsive looking, and in such a concentration. Thailand probably has the worse of the worse of young farangs from developed countries...

I have never seen so many in one place only. I can image the convicts that 200 years ago England sent to Australia, walking out of the ship after after a 8 months trip, and I think that probably they smelled better, looked better and more presentable to the eyes than some farangs today in here.

So, to answer 'papaya9's note. I really don't believe that it is objetive to qualify repulsive farangs as olders only....it applies equally to you, young fellows. Have a look around.

Edited by torito
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I suspect Rambo's lurid revelations of bedroom athletics are as false as his avatar is ironic. In fact I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that he may have even been a " girl " in a previous life such is the almost feminine quality of his posting style.

Cherchez la femme? :o

DAMMIT! initially i had the same thought. but then i blamed it on my empty Sherry bottle.

"Cherchez la femme?" ça y est!

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To get back to the debate – as an independent and unbiased observer/umpire I find that the “old Crocs” with their walking sticks, crutches and high powered wheel chairs to be the winners of this entertaining debate.

What is the debate exactly?

The Original Post stated that there were a lot more old people in Thailand than say 15 years ago. Only joking about false teeth and stuff.

It's good the oldies can have a laugh. However I bet they'd rather swap ages with the younger ones. No ones likes being old, do they? I certainly wish I could knock a few years off.

Young Thai women with older guys are after money. Call it security and experience if you want. None of the older guys I know with young ladies met them in the disco. Nearly always on the internet or in a tourist spot. It's a business arrangement and good luck to them all.

My situation is that I retired at 40 and moved here to Thailand. I spent 20 prime years working my ass off and making great investments. I stockpiled a boatload of cash and had a great time in those 20 years. I would never ever take that back to come here at 30 and scrape to get by. I feel for anybody in that situation. Thailand is a place where I kick back and have zero cash concerns and live in my beloved Sukhumvit

As for the old folks in Khon Kaen and other places, I love em. They have their pensions and can take advantage of the dirt low cost of living there and elsewhere and can kick back. To the younger scraper and scrounger, he is the guy to be concerned about. Places like that are nowhere to try and build a financially stable future. Those younger people can look at the old guys with envy cause those old dudes are set for life. The young guy is skating on thin ice and will crash through at some point. What then? His wife and family go back to her village while the guy goes? well, who knows where. He is destitute. Hopefully he hasnt burnt bridges back home and he can go there and work in a fast food dump

To summarize: I think the OP's post is a cry for help, Let us all hope that he gets some. He looks at the old folks and wonders about his own future. I don't worry about Rambo, he's a good dude having a good time and no doubt making a great living in the good Old USA

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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