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OK. A simple question JR - In your own words, you find the concept of older men with younger women "not a nice thought".

So what is it that is compelling you to spend your time debating the subject? Especially since you have got so much going for you to occupy your time?

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Of course I'm assuming Rambo that you truly believe they do have great fun in that line of work. You know living with four to six girls in one dingy room, taking on any smelly drunk that comes through the door. Just to send all but the bear essential money home to Mama Papa.

I don't believe i have mentioned anything of the sort. Having read what i posted, your comprehension skills must be completely knackered to arrive at that assumption.

Mmm. "Not a nice thought"? However, that's your thought "Rambo" not their thought. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to assume that others think the same as you do. Generally, they don't.

Actually Alf, i have spoken with a number of mia farang, both ex and currently keeping up the act, and that is the gist i have obtained from those conversations. I mean lets be honest, if the prospect of servicing a woman in her 60's or 70's doesn't appeal to these elderly gentlemen or the younger guys out there, why would you possibly think that young ladies are thrilled by the prospect of servicing these elderly gents? They make the compromise for the cash, by and large.

A lot of these women also end up looking for their sexual satisfaction elsewhere. A thai friend of mine in Khon khaen, decent looking chap, is constantly nailing these women who are married to elderly farang. Apparently they're often easy lays. And i very much doubt that he's the only one. I know there will be some guys reading this who won't like what i'm saying, but i'm telling you straight up how it is. But how can you expect it to be any different? These women have got needs as well, and want to spend intimate time with guys they are attracted to.

For what you say 'John_Rambo' , is clear to me that you have to use spell checker after writtig the words security and obligation,

you sound like this little silver spoon guy who was born with all privileges, and as usual, has no idea what he is talking about....

we call them pendejos in my land

I have spelt those words perfectly correctly, and it is quite clear to me that my command of the English language is somewhat more comprehensive than yours. No idea what you're talking about, i'm afraid. You also know nothing about my background.

Great mate.....the first time that you will need "to splash the cash in bars to get the ladies' attention" it will become, fast, sooner than you want it.....

Hopefully by then, you'll have the cash to splash it....

And another poor assumption, this time about my financial status. I am not young anymore but neither am i old, and have made, and continue to make more than enough cash to splash it with great abandon if i wish. But i won't ever be splashing the cash in bars to get the ladies attention, i will settle down well before then, i'm not interested in paid affection.

If other guys are interested in that, then it's no problem with me, but let's not pretend it's anything other than what it is. Likewise with these old age gentlemen and their significantly younger wives. And yes i do feel sorry for those ladies who have to trade their youth away out of the need for security. In a better world they would be living their dream of hooking up with a decent guy, not too distant in age from themselves, who they were actually attracted to. Not having to mind some OAP. Then the elderly gents would have to hook up with all the single, lonely old ladies who they share something in common with. I'm well aware that this perfect world doesn't exist, but it doesn't stop me from feeling sorry for those people who have been less fortunate than myself in terms of the choices available to them in life. When i was in my twenties, if i'd had to get romantically involved with a woman old enough to be my grandmother, well....let's just say it's not a nice thought.

:o Suppose you visit Thailand purely for the beaches mate :D Nignoy
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My father said that he would come out here and get a young woman if my mother dies before him.

Not sure what to make of that. :o

How important is sex when you're 60,70, 80?

Maybe I should plan for a new model when I am 70. 60 year old woman, nah, I'm not even going to think about it.......

Edited by Neeranam
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My father said that he would come out here and get a young woman if my mother dies before him.

Not sure what to make of that. :o

How important is sex when you're 60,70, 80?

Maybe I should plan for a new model when I am 70. 60 year old woman, nah, I'm not even going to think about it.......

I think you should all relax and enjoy your selves while you can....dont waorry about money or immigration problems or even global warming as bird flu will arrive soon and half the world will be gone.then we will see some changes that for those who are left....oh it will be older people with low imune systems that will survive the bird flu.Lucky old buggers again...

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Why all the hostility on some people's part towards older men being with younger women. Could it be the Western prejudice against single older men! Many cultures in the West and feminists have this angry resentment against single older men. I know many reading this have experienced this. In fact this has been a topic of conversation among expats that I know. Granted these men were from the USA.

Older men may have alot to offer younger women. They tend to be more mature. Often are economicaly more stable. They know who they are and what they want. In this day and age older men are often virile and in reasonably good health. Everthing is not just about sex. Not all cultures just value younger people and not those who are older. Some cultures don't even mind men being more overweight.

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I'm being entertained by two lovely young ladies as i type. Us younger, virile studs don't need to splash the cash in bars to get the ladies' attention, they volunteer for their pleasure.

Who? Mother Thumb and her sister, Middle Finger?

Mary and one of the five finger sisters. The others will join in soon! :o

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Older men may have alot to offer younger women. They tend to be more mature. Often are economicaly more stable. They know who they are and what they want. In this day and age older men are often virile and in reasonably good health.

and if virility is declining they can afford to buy ample supplies of "Papa's little helpers" (the blue and yellow pills) without cutting down on the consumption of beer, wine or steaks.


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Why all the hostility on some people's part towards older men being with younger women. Could it be the Western prejudice against single older men! Many cultures in the West and feminists have this angry resentment against single older men. I know many reading this have experienced this. In fact this has been a topic of conversation among expats that I know. Granted these men were from the USA.

Older men may have alot to offer younger women. They tend to be more mature. Often are economicaly more stable. They know who they are and what they want. In this day and age older men are often virile and in reasonably good health. Everthing is not just about sex. Not all cultures just value younger people and not those who are older. Some cultures don't even mind men being more overweight.

Good post. There is a lot of angry feminist / liberal nonsense talked about "sex tourism" pertaining to older white males only. There is definitely an agenda here, especially in the US.

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Why all the hostility on some people's part towards older men being with younger women. Could it be the Western prejudice against single older men! Many cultures in the West and feminists have this angry resentment against single older men. I know many reading this have experienced this. In fact this has been a topic of conversation among expats that I know. Granted these men were from the USA.

Older men may have alot to offer younger women. They tend to be more mature. Often are economicaly more stable. They know who they are and what they want. In this day and age older men are often virile and in reasonably good health. Everthing is not just about sex. Not all cultures just value younger people and not those who are older. Some cultures don't even mind men being more overweight.

Good post. There is a lot of angry feminist / liberal nonsense talked about "sex tourism" pertaining to older white males only. There is definitely an agenda here, especially in the US.

Agreed. Good post. And as implied, perhaps, but not stated: maybe the older guy is less likely to stray or dump the woman, and more likely to appreciate what the younger woman brings to the marriage.

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Older men may have alot to offer younger women. They tend to be more mature. Often are economicaly more stable. They know who they are and what they want. In this day and age older men are often virile and in reasonably good health.

and if virility is declining they can afford to buy ample supplies of "Papa's little helpers" (the blue and yellow pills) without cutting down on the consumption of beer, wine or steaks.


that stuff is pretty much worthless as it cuts sensation down to a point where sex is no longer enjoyable

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Thanks for explanations Rambo, Don't agree but I used to think just below belt line to so I understand what your saying. You know as young man I had my first devoirce from my high school sweetheart. We went to counceling, the councler kept stressing sex, hel_l she wa attractive and great in bed. That was the point in my life that I realized I couldn't be having sex 7/24, other things mattered as well. Guess you just haven't gotten there yet.

Let me make this very clear, I have no respect for any man that would step into anothers marriage, Thai or farrang. If the mariage is bad then split and let each go and find thier own happiness.

It's interesting that you know exactly how you are going to think in 20 years, do still think in the same manner you did 20 years ago? If so you might be right.

You seem to be enoying yuor lifestyle now I think that is wonderful. Why in the world would you want to judge mine?

I have dated 50 year olds, those that I was attracted to and there were a lot of them. In actually they brought in many instances much to a realtionship then a 30 years old could. But the other thing they brought was thier past exposure to men. You ended up paying in one form or another for everything that any man had done to them on the past. Well you know what I found that to be very unattractive.

My marriage is based on trust and love, not the number times we have sex. My wife is my best friend and I hers. If your lucky you may find that someday. There is no one I would rather spend my time and share activities with then her. To see us apart is rare, neither one insists on that, just the way it is. So could it be that you are only seeing one aspect these realtionships. Or do you think just beacause I'm older then you that I would settle for anyhting less. hel_l man I can get laid by cuties any ###### time I want to, just takes a bit of money and I have it. Not what I wanted not what I settled for.

I guess we definetly travel in different circles you see I know a lot of older farrangs that have real marriages here.

I guess everyone is different. You see I am happy with my marriage, does that make me wrong? My wife is happy in her mariage doees that make her wrong? There are a lot more then you seem to be aware of.

Would it be wrong for me to judge your lifestyle? Yes it would.

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I am not very old myself, 49 but there is nothing wrong with a young woman choosing an older man, unless everybody have forgotten the tabloids back home the same thing happens there aswell quite often, how many multimillionaeres dont you see with young wifes, it is not only in Thailand.

Money is power, women is attracted to power and security, a man with money, world wisdom, experience, the capability to behave like a gentleman and make his partner feel like a queen, is far more attrative to young women than a teenibobber jumping around on a disco floor behaving like an insensitive ass because he has not yet learnt how not to.

Men on the other hand tend to get aroused by good young strong breeding material, this is all Darwin and quite sensible, a poster here wrote that he felt sorry for the young women who had to waste their young years on an old man, I am sure you dont have to be, the choise to live in a schak of coorugated iron with a young man not able to support his family, or with an older man providing financial security for her and possible children is not a difficult one to make, and women do that all over the world not only in Thailand.

The old bull and his son was standing on top of a hill, the son spotting a flok of young cows says to the father, look father lets run down and f... one.

The old bull answers , no son lets walk down and f... them all. :D

Kind regards. :o

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Let me make this very clear, I have no respect for any man that would step into anothers marriage, Thai or farrang. If the mariage is bad then split and let each go and find thier own happiness.

But you see, the ladies wont often push for this because they are often not in the relationship for their happiness. It is not their immediate priority.

I guess we definetly travel in different circles you see I know a lot of older farrangs that have real marriages here.

And i am aware of a number of older farangs who think they have real marriages here, but in fact don't. Of course, this is not an issue just for older farangs to think about, it happens to farangs of all ages, but the incidence increases with the advance in years of these guys. I would say that the number of old age farangs with significantly younger partners, who have the sort of relationship where the lady is genuinely in the relationship for them and not just the cash they bring along with them, is in a small minority.

I guess everyone is different. You see I am happy with my marriage, does that make me wrong? My wife is happy in her mariage doees that make her wrong? There are a lot more then you seem to be aware of.

I'm glad to hear that both you and your wife are happy, Ray.

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And i am aware of a number of older farangs who think they have real marriages here, but in fact don't.

I am aware of a number of older farangs who have great marriages...and also I am aware of a number of young farangs who have bad marriages (where do they come the high rates of divorce nowadays?).

Now I am getting the second problem you have in your speech Rambo.....you believe that the world you know and you live, is the same of everybody else....for what you have said, your world is quite narrow and ordinary.

I do not want to keep bashing you, becuase I gain no pleasure and I have no frustration or phobias to discharge on you....so I suggest you to be nice towards others who are not like yourself....they dont have to be..

Keep living young viril stud, you have much to learn..

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I know where you're coming from JR, I used to think like you. When I was in my twenties I thought women in their thirties were old. I realised when I got past 40 that I'd have to adjust my mentality or finish up hating myself and everyone else for just growing old. ...

So, wouldn't the young women think similarly of their older husbands ? ?

Anyway, I tend to agree with Rambo. If old men & young women/men can feel mutually loved in something of a father-child/grand-child relationship, well, that's better than no love, perhaps, but only perhaps.

Do the older men never think how the young woman/man must feel when it comes to sexual relations, both with regard to what is done with the older person, and what is not done with a partner they might have chosen under more equal conditions ?

How do such men feel about improving social, economic and educational conditions in Thailand to a point that everybody has a choice about how they earn their money and dignity ?

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There are PLENTY of Western women who are quite happy to have older lovers if he is famous or rolling in money. Why should Thai women be any different? :o

I don't think those people are, in fact, lovers. Do you ?

And if the young men/women in question genuinely had other choices, do you think they'd be in such relationships ? I find it difficult to imagine anyone would.

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But you see, the ladies wont often push for this because they are often not in the relationship for their happiness. It is not their immediate priority.

Thanks Rambo for the good wishes but you seem to be missing my point here, so the wife disrespects her husband in marriage. Do you really need to help them isn't there plenty of single unattached females that you could spend your time with?

Is it possible you might have an attraction because it is they are easy, you have nothing to pay emotionally of financially.

By the way I don't believe your totaly mistaken I know lots of guys older and younger that get used. Of course the guys are doing thier own using as well in most instances. But if infact we are talking about a real marriage it's more about sharing then using.

The funny thing about this is it could be argued from now to dooms day and both side could come up with very legitimate examples, doesn't in the end depend on the two people involved?

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I know where you're coming from JR, I used to think like you. When I was in my twenties I thought women in their thirties were old. I realised when I got past 40 that I'd have to adjust my mentality or finish up hating myself and everyone else for just growing old. ...

So, wouldn't the young women think similarly of their older husbands ? ?

Anyway, I tend to agree with Rambo. If old men & young women/men can feel mutually loved in something of a father-child/grand-child relationship, well, that's better than no love, perhaps, but only perhaps.

Do the older men never think how the young woman/man must feel when it comes to sexual relations, both with regard to what is done with the older person, and what is not done with a partner they might have chosen under more equal conditions ?

How do such men feel about improving social, economic and educational conditions in Thailand to a point that everybody has a choice about how they earn their money and dignity ?

Sexual relations! They get that from their Thai boyfriends dearie. And the older the 'Husband' is

the quicker he will be popping off leaving the house etc to her.....

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I've noticed in Khon Kaen anyway that there are a lot more dottery old codgers around than a few years ago.

What's the reason for this?

Are heating bills going up in the Uk or something?

Can they no longer afford their half pint and drams?

Could they all be finding their 'tee ruks' through online agencies?

Are they coming to get their dentures replaced?

Anyone noticed in the other parts of the country?

What an obnoxious thread.

You live in Thailand and have no idea of the respect that should be afforded to older people.

Reason maybe that they have earned it. Have you?

Too right fella. Stupid Git!

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Us younger, virile studs don't need to splash the cash in bars to get the ladies' attention, they volunteer for their pleasure.


Having been lucky enougth to have been here as a reasonably young man I can agree with you Rambo, when I first came out here I too had girls comming with me for no money just enjoyment, the problem was NOTHING in life is free, just keep taking the same (free) girls for long enougth and you will be aware of this too,

The price is not always financial, it may come in the way of constant phone calls, unwanted knocking at the door at 3am, aggression when seen out with another girl, there is always a price.

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I don't think those people are, in fact, lovers. Do you ?

And if the young men/women in question genuinely had other choices, do you think they'd be in such relationships ? I find it difficult to imagine anyone would.

Please WaiWai and Rambo for that matter, could you be helpfull and define love in Sweden contra Etiopia, and America contra Saudiarabia, Denmark contra Thailand, England contra Angola aso. aso. Because you talk about love like it is the same all over the world, you talk like cultural diffrences dont have any baring on the perception of love.

While you contemplate the above you could also make a list of countries where the bride dont actually choose her husband but where he is choosen for her, somtimes 10 years or more before she is old enough to actually leave her family and join the family of her new husband.

Would you dare to presume that the 100 of millions in this world that live in marriages like that dont have a love defined by their culture and circumstances.

Your posts show that your conceptions of love is very narrowminded. Maby you have seen to many Hollywood movies and soap operas.

In our part of the world love in the beginning is often getting your feet swept away under you, and stars bursting in your brain every time you look at your sweetheart, regrettably that dont last in 60-70 % of marriages that sooner or later end up in divorce.

In many other parts of the world love comes later in the marriage based on the mutual trust that slowly have developed and the devotion and affection the partners have showed each other and where age is a much smaller factor in the equation.

You confuse the often bad relation ships seen here in Pattaya/ Thailand made for all the wrong reasons, neanderthal men wanting a submissive maide and w...., and girls out to make a quick buck, with an age question, but true love knows no boundaries, you young wippersnappers :D

Kind regards :D

PS. And Rambo, if an old good looking gentleman rools up in his mercedes and walks in where you sit, i bet you you will be alone with your keyboard in a flash, wondering if all the fitnesscenter money havent been a waste of time, you se it is better to have light in the bulb, than 1000 watts in the upper arm only. :o

Edited by larvidchr
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But you see, the ladies wont often push for this because they are often not in the relationship for their happiness. It is not their immediate priority.

Thanks Rambo for the good wishes but you seem to be missing my point here, so the wife disrespects her husband in marriage. Do you really need to help them isn't there plenty of single unattached females that you could spend your time with?

Is it possible you might have an attraction because it is they are easy, you have nothing to pay emotionally of financially.

By the way I don't believe your totaly mistaken I know lots of guys older and younger that get used. Of course the guys are doing thier own using as well in most instances. But if infact we are talking about a real marriage it's more about sharing then using.

The funny thing about this is it could be argued from now to dooms day and both side could come up with very legitimate examples, doesn't in the end depend on the two people involved?

Smartest thing said on this thread. Rambo wants to pigeon-hole everyone into a nice, neat little space. Real life doesn't work like that and it would be boring if it did.

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I don't think those people are, in fact, lovers. Do you ?

And if the young men/women in question genuinely had other choices, do you think they'd be in such relationships ? I find it difficult to imagine anyone would.

Your posts show that your conceptions of love is very narrowminded. Maby you have seen to many Hollywood movies and soap operas. In our part of the world love in the beginning is often getting your feet swept away under you, and stars bursting in your brain every time you look at your sweetheart, regrettably that dont last in 60-70 % of marriages that sooner or later end up in divorce.

C'mon guys release this young Rambo...I think he got the point that he cannot bash people just becuase he hates the memories of a relationship he had with an old woman when he was youngest. Everything he comments is based in the same feeling.

Coming back to the point, and talking about love, it is not possible to compare love at 20s, at 40s and at 60s. For those old folk who have had the privilegde of feel love again (or whatever everybody may call it), here a translation (unfortunatelly loose a lot) of a poem-song of the great Violeta Parra....To be 17 again

To be 17 again after having lived a century

is like comprehending symbols without being a savant,

to suddenly be fragile again, like a second in time,

to feel profoundly again, like a child before God.

That is what I feel in this fruitful moment.

Love entangles itself like ivy on a wall,

and it spreads like moss on a stone.

My steps go back in time as yours move forward.

The rainbow of our alliance has penetrated in my nest,

with all its colour it has passed through my veins,

and even the strong chain that ties us to destiny

is like a diamond that lights my serene soul.

What emotions can inspire, knowledge cannot.

nor can the clearest justice, nor the broadest thoughts.

Everything is changed by that moment whose complacent magician

carries us softly away from animosity and violence.

Only love with its science can make us innocent again.

Love is like a whirlwind of original purity

even ferocious animals whisper its sweet sound,

it stops pilgrims in their journey, it liberates prisoners.

Love, with its sparkling magic, turn old people into children again

and its spell makes evil people pure and sincere once more.

The window flew wide open as if by enchantment.

Love entered with its mantle like a warm morning,

disguised by the beauty of the moon, it made jasmine bloom,

flying like Seraphim placing jewels throughout the sky

this cherub brought me back to being 17 again.

Edited by torito
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These two happen to be bisexual and are close friends. Having got to know them, i am currently often invited to join them. Many a fun time recently.

Yes, you have already said. You on the computer answering this thread on TV whilst they are doing their thing. So to whom are they attracted?

The "Rambo" thing doesn't fool us oldies. It says exactly the opposite. You are obviously a voyeur of lesbians and young women with older men. It doesn't take much to read between the lines - an observer not a doer. Jealous of the old guys who are still up for it?

They are attracted to each other and to me, which is good because i like them as well :o

As for the Rambo username, i like the movies and i used to be in the US Special Forces. If you knew me you'd probably understand why it's a rather apt choice.

Jealous of old guys? LOL. I'll get to be one soon enough anyhow, but i'm hardly counting down the days with feverish anticipation.

Your bullshit meter just hit 10. Special Forces my ass.

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