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Trump, Democratic congresswoman clash as tempers rise on immigration


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On 6/26/2018 at 10:14 AM, spidermike007 said:

 It is starting to look like the early days of Mussolini and Franco, when an authoritarian ruler begins to erase any hint of a democracy. That needs to be questioned. 


What needs to be questioned are generalities. Just how is Trump erasing democracy ?. Hope your not referring to due process for those illegally  crossing the Southern border. That continuous wall should have been built in the 80's : From the Pacific to the Gulf 

And I dont know who is worse this so called congresswomen or all the saps that vote for her.


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2 minutes ago, morrobay said:


What needs to be questioned are generalities. Just how is Trump erasing democracy ?. Hope your not referring to due process for those illegally  crossing the Southern border. 


Steve Schmidt recently resigned his post as a strategist with 30 years at the GOP.


He answers your question in this 10 minute video.



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40 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

I don’t know where your getting your statistics. You said that consumer confidence is very very low? On the contrary, it’s very high, and the economy is very strong. 


“Consumer confidence hits 16-year high in boost to economy


Both consumer and business confidence have surged in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in last November's presidential election.”







MARCH 28, 2017 / 8:09 PM / A YEAR AGO


Now that "news" is 15 months old.

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43 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

I don’t know where your getting your statistics. You said that consumer confidence is very very low? On the contrary, it’s very high, and the economy is very strong. 


“Consumer confidence hits 16-year high in boost to economy


Both consumer and business confidence have surged in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in last November's presidential election.”



You need to ‘zoom out’ a bit to get a broader view:


Consumer confidence has been on a steady rise since 2010 when Obama came into office.


You might reasonably claim Trump hasn’t trashed it (yet).


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So are you saying that means consumer confidence is low? 

I was merely pointing out that the post about low consumer confidence is incorrect. It did increase substantially after trump was elected but as to why is anyone’s guess I suppose. 

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2 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

So are you saying that means consumer confidence is low? 

No, I’m saying it’s headed in the same direction it has been since Obama came to office - 8 years of momentum in the right direction.


I’m also saying you need to ‘zoom out’ a little.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No, I’m saying it’s headed in the same direction it has been since Obama came to office - 8 years of momentum in the right direction.


I’m also saying you need to ‘zoom out’ a little.

Thanks, but isn't that the same chart I posted in post 31? 

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5 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Thanks, but isn't that the same chart I posted in post 31? 

It is, which is why I reposted it’s a photo, while pointing out you clearly don’t know how to spot a trend and perhaps don’t understand ‘momentum’.


Can we now get back to topic before present even more of your mathematical illiteracy.

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As I already said, I responding to a post that  claimed “very very low consumer confidence” consumer confidence is high and has been high. 


I don’t see any relevance to your comments. 

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12 hours ago, mogandave said:


Yes, Maxine Waters is a great American and we need a lot more of the opposition activity she is promoting.


The administration needs to be shut down!


The orange buffoon must go!!!


Impeach 45!!!


Maxine Waters is Trump's mirror image. She is not a great American she is a foul mouthed con woman whose only political role is to incite hate with inflammatory rhetoric and feather her own nest. Now who does that remind you of?


I assume you're working the enemy of my enemy is my friend angle, but she's about as low as you can go.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Maxine Waters is Trump's mirror image. She is not a great American she is a foul mouthed con woman whose only political role is to incite hate with inflammatory rhetoric and feather her own nest. Now who does that remind you of?


I assume you're working the enemy of my enemy is my friend angle, but she's about as low as you can go.

I feel it something of a stretch to equate anyone as Trumps mirror image, but I also feel she made a mistake trying to ‘out nasty’ Trump.


Out nastying Trump can’t be done, nasty is his home turf.


However, he folds when challenged with something he simply can’t understand.


Truth, honesty and common decency.


Faced with these he resorts to lies, dishonesty, personal attacks and indecency.


He can fool some of the people some of the time!


But it won’t last.

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This is what a former US ambassador to Canada think what is going on.


Bloomberg BNN video


In essence, Trump believes that the G6 are contractors. Trump can push them around, squeeze them, not pay (heed to) them, and choose others.  (1) The problem is that G6 leaders (and many others including China) are not contractors and one cannot choose new ones. Trump and his ilk construe the G6 as having a "socialist" agenda. Government for the people, by the people, ... Coming from the mouth of Trump who got a 1 million dollar loan in his 20's from his dad, it is the epitome of all ironies that he should tell others that they cannot. They are not asking for 1 million dollar either. Was his dad a socialist? Why did he accept the handout? Is he a socialist? We know he is a liar. Surely, people should see this irony, unless of course, as stated, they have a perseverance bias. I know it is hard for many of us to admit that we bet on the wrong pony, but this guy is an entitled bully bordering on being a despot. For instance, I read that he strongly suggested that people not RE-elect Mark Samford, a Rep. from North-Carolina, after Samford criticized Trump for being too boastful and intolerant. How many people have been fired under Trump so far? When Harley Davidson declared that they would move to Thailand, this is what he has to say:



If they move, watch. It will be the beginning of the end. [...] They will be taxed like never before.


Maybe Trump should heed his own advise and pay back the money he did not pay his creditors.This guy cannot take criticism. He cannot see the trees or the forest. He fits the perfect description of a guy who is an egomaniac. He is never wrong and wants his way and the whole highway for himself. Have you seen The Dictator (Charlie Chaplin). Have you read about Hitler? Let's deport these people and put these kids into these camps. Let's build a wall. WOW! Communist despots did that. Fascist leaders did and do that. Do you honestly believe that the rest of the world is going to let him (and his administration) have the whole highway for himself (and the American people)? Should they? Why do some believe they can push, but no one can push back? If he can shut the borders people can shut their restaurants. Other countries can shut their borders too.


Now, it is true that many Democrats are not that much better, but surely Americans can elect better people than this. Americans are going to hurt and it will be because Trump (and his administration) pushed the rest of the world first. 


(1) Note that even though other Western nations are also unreliable in that regard, the USA has a much longer and damning record.


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This is what is coming to all the deranged Trump haters like Maxine Walters, who still cannot accept Trump won, and see everything he does as evil.

Comparing Trump to Hitler and Mussolini is not only offensive, it is just plain stupid.




Maybe afer that the liberals wil realise that ina Democracy, the losers have to accept that they lost and the policies of the opponents (like or not) are going to be introduced.  


Who am I trying to kid?  These TDS sufferers will never accept the verdict of the American People - they will hate forever - and forever remain irrelevent.


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I think Marco Rubio sums it all up best, when people like Maxine Walters make such horrific statements:


Trump haters still haven’t realized how much they help him with their condescension of those who either voted for him or don’t share their hatred of him. And how much they help him with their irrational hostility towards those who work for him.


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4 hours ago, atyclb said:


please link to recognized non biased expert that administered the test to trump


While it might be true that --occasionally-- there are biases in analyses, sadly, you will not and cannot make this claim here because the test that is used is a standard test. It is used, has been used, and will be used by millions of teachers on millions of kids in North America, at least and it is used by the military. We cannot find more objective.



The Flesch-Kincaid scale was developed in 1975 for the U.S. Navy to assess the relative difficulty of training manuals. A database of Trump’s words, compiled by the incomparable factba.se, ran the comparative analysis yesterday, in response to the president’s claim that he is “a genius.”



The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.






So are you going to admit that this is non-biased assessment?


Trump said he is a genius. He probably continues to state this. but, let me guess. He is going to find an excuse.Let me guess. He is just using this level to communicate at the literacy level of his voters? He is just dumbing down his communication to be better understood. How do you feel about that?


Note that Trump was and is not a little out. He was and is outrageously wrong. Egomaniacs often over-estimate their abilities. Trump says a lot of things. Many people feel he is wrong in deporting and separating kids from their parents. He says that he can win a trade war too. Could it be that he is wrong there too? He has also stated that he can pardon himself if he wants too. He was wrong there too. Google it. He cannot do no wrong and cannot say anything wrong, but he seems to do and say the wrong things. He is not a genius. He is far from being one. Is that a problem? 


The evidence seems incontrovertible that we have an egomaniacal Grade 4 kid running the USA. Are you okay with that?


Isn't that VERY dangerous?




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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You need to ‘zoom out’ a bit to get a broader view:


Consumer confidence has been on a steady rise since 2010 when Obama came into office.


You might reasonably claim Trump hasn’t trashed it (yet).


You do realize that it is Bush, not Obama, that caused the 2008 crash. Who was in power after 2008? Not saying that he was materially much better than the other mouth pieces for the multinationals and the elite that puts him there (too), but to not see that Obama brought the economy back as best as he could after years of poor policies that were put in place by the Rep./Bush. Btw,  deregulation started a long time before and many president on both sides had this policy. it really shows that the USA is not a democracy any more, but an oligarchy (oiligarchy too). So, Trump is just riding on what Obama and the the Dem. have done.


What is Trump's literacy level?

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57 minutes ago, JestSetter said:

You do realize that it is Bush, not Obama, that caused the 2008 crash. Who was in power after 2008? Not saying that he was materially much better than the other mouth pieces for the multinationals and the elite that puts him there (too), but to not see that Obama brought the economy back as best as he could after years of poor policies that were put in place by the Rep./Bush. Btw,  deregulation started a long time before and many president on both sides had this policy. it really shows that the USA is not a democracy any more, but an oligarchy (oiligarchy too). So, Trump is just riding on what Obama and the the Dem. have done.


What is Trump's literacy level?

I read your commenst and immediately thought of this cartoon below:


Here is some history for you.  Clinton changed the banking system and housing loan rules that started the whole thing.  There was a lot done wrong beforhand, and not a lot of good done afterwards, but it was Clinton that sowed the seeds of the Great Recession of 2007. Because he (not George W. Bush) signed two financial deregulation bills, and Clinton legalized interstate banking in 1994 and commercial/investment banking combinations in 1999.  Clinton is however culpable because on top of all that his Secretary of housing and urban development, Andrew Cuomo, (Liberal Governor of New York) accelerated easy-housing policies and inflated the housing bubble, setting the stage for its collapse. The meltdown was the consequence of a combination of the easy money and low interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve, and the easy housing engineered by a variety of government agencies and policies. This all led to a home-buying frenzy and an explosion of subprime and other non-prime mortgages, which banks and GSEs bundled into dubious securities and peddled to investors worldwide. Hovering in the background was the knowledge that the federal government would bail out troubled “too-big-to-fail” financial corporations, including Fannie and Freddie.


History is a bit**** aint it.  Try learning some by reading - not from CNN ?



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15 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I read your commenst and immediately thought of this cartoon below:


Here is some history for you.  Clinton changed the banking system and housing loan rules that started the whole thing.  There was a lot done wrong beforhand, and not a lot of good done afterwards, but it was Clinton that sowed the seeds of the Great Recession of 2007. Because he (not George W. Bush) signed two financial deregulation bills, and Clinton legalized interstate banking in 1994 and commercial/investment banking combinations in 1999.  Clinton is however culpable because on top of all that his Secretary of housing and urban development, Andrew Cuomo, (Liberal Governor of New York) accelerated easy-housing policies and inflated the housing bubble, setting the stage for its collapse. The meltdown was the consequence of a combination of the easy money and low interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve, and the easy housing engineered by a variety of government agencies and policies. This all led to a home-buying frenzy and an explosion of subprime and other non-prime mortgages, which banks and GSEs bundled into dubious securities and peddled to investors worldwide. Hovering in the background was the knowledge that the federal government would bail out troubled “too-big-to-fail” financial corporations, including Fannie and Freddie.


History is a bit**** aint it.  Try learning some by reading - not from CNN ?




You might be a nice guy who is frustrated by the system or who did well thanks to the system. If the former, I am on your side (sort of).


I did find your approach a bit counter-productive. Your objective could not have been to change my mind because you treated me like an idiot. If you have not noticed, I can read and write. And I can read and write better than your president! Admit that. Come on! I have proven it. 


But you won't. You do what is expected when confronted with someone who will challenge your thesis and criticize your "god": you start by giving (yourself) the impression that the person you are talking to is an idiot. The elite and the military do the same when confronted with an enemy (fake or not).  And you ignore any data/evidence that does not support you (and your thesis). The elite and the military do that to, especially when there is a war to fight (fake or not). We call that propaganda. Orwell wrote about that. The problem is that you are so sure of yourself that being proven wrong would be devastating. I am sure there are a few people who disagree with you and you are trying to convince yourself (and them, even) that you are right. I believe you fit the perseverance bias theory perfectly. I feel sorry for you. You are not alone. It is not your fault. Many are afflicted by this. I was once.


What is incontrovertibly true is that Trump has not done anything about Wall street and the deregulation that you are --rightfully-- bemoaning. I am not sure why you are pointing out that Clinton started it when I alluded that he was also responsible. And before Clinton? We could also talk about Nixon. No?  Ah! No! He is a good guy! And him being pardon by Ford? How convenient! And after Clinton? No one can do anything wrong? It is all black and white. Well! I am so sorry! Grey ... matters. But they do not want you to see the grey and they are very clever. They can hire with a lot of their money the best of the best minds to manipulate you to believe that you were right. It is called brainwashing. Perseverance bias does the rest.


You are supporting my thesis --in some ways-- that, namely, the whole system is rigged, has been rigged for decades and no one (especially Trump) will be able to fix it. The US military and the US elite control the mouth-pieces that they elect. (That is not a typo.) You are hopeful that Trump can change things. I wish it could be true. He is trying to bring the US multinationals back to the US, but he is trying to do so by reducing the taxes they did not pay for decades under multiple presidents. What? What about those banks that got salvaged. They do not have to pay back anything? Have they fixed the too-big-to-fail issue? Nope. The unemployment rate is below 5%, but he is trying to increase employment. Of course, much of this is fake. Many are under-employed, working two jobs to try to keep up with the Jones (of Hollywood). 5% is usually what we call in economics, structural unemployment. Not everyone can or is employed for various reasons. That is normal. Companies would rather have robots built stuff. The share holders do not care how they get rich because they are so selfishly absorbed by the lure of money, fame, and success. At the same time, they get angry at their boss cutting their wages! But the true villains and crooks are the big banks and the Feds. I am sure they all helped each other with that easy money. 


So, please, do not come back with a history lesson on why the reps are better. Both parties are crooked and are corrupt by the oligarchs, the multinationals, the banks, the military complex, and big media.


But, tell me ALSO (and please do answer my other questions), did you do well (financially) thanks to Bush? Or you did not and most of the grief you experienced was during Clinton's time?


Don't forget to answer those inconvenient questions I asked. That's the fair thing to do. If you cannot agree with one statement I made, please do not bother writing and answering back. 


And FYI, reducing me to a person that just reads CNN is one more assumption. You know what they say about people who ass u me. That's right! They make an ass of you and me!





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2 hours ago, JestSetter said:


While it might be true that --occasionally-- there are biases in analyses, sadly, you will not and cannot make this claim here because the test that is used is a standard test. It is used, has been used, and will be used by millions of teachers on millions of kids in North America, at least and it is used by the military. We cannot find more objective.








So are you going to admit that this is non-biased assessment?


Trump said he is a genius. He probably continues to state this. but, let me guess. He is going to find an excuse.Let me guess. He is just using this level to communicate at the literacy level of his voters? He is just dumbing down his communication to be better understood. How do you feel about that?


Note that Trump was and is not a little out. He was and is outrageously wrong. Egomaniacs often over-estimate their abilities. Trump says a lot of things. Many people feel he is wrong in deporting and separating kids from their parents. He says that he can win a trade war too. Could it be that he is wrong there too? He has also stated that he can pardon himself if he wants too. He was wrong there too. Google it. He cannot do no wrong and cannot say anything wrong, but he seems to do and say the wrong things. He is not a genius. He is far from being one. Is that a problem? 


The evidence seems incontrovertible that we have an egomaniacal Grade 4 kid running the USA. Are you okay with that?


Isn't that VERY dangerous?





why doesnt barack obama, a harvard law school graduate not have result that gets above 12th grade, final high school year ???

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27 minutes ago, atyclb said:


why doesnt barack obama, a harvard law school graduate not have result that gets above 12th grade, final high school year ???

That's a fair and a good question, but I asked some questions that you did not answer. In fairness --if it matters at all-- you should honour my wish. I did find an unbiased analysis. Right? So, you were wrong. 


So when you will honour and acknowledge me and my questions, I will answer yours and you. We call that fair play or healthy communication.


I know the answer, btw,



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2 hours ago, JestSetter said:

That's a fair and a good question, but I asked some questions that you did not answer. In fairness --if it matters at all-- you should honour my wish. I did find an unbiased analysis. Right? So, you were wrong. 


So when you will honour and acknowledge me and my questions, I will answer yours and you. We call that fair play or healthy communication.


I know the answer, btw,




exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



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4 minutes ago, atyclb said:


exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



The vast majority of New Yorkers voted against him, similar speech patterns or not. The ones that know him the best know a CON MAN when they see one. 

I went to school with New Yorkers. Yeah, they tend to have an edge, but I never met a New Yorker or anyone really quite as VULGAR, VINDICTIVE, and PETTY as our president. 

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
58 minutes ago, atyclb said:


exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



The vast majority of New Yorkers voted against him, similar speech patterns or not. The ones that know him the best know a CON MAN when they see one. 

I went to school with New Yorkers. Yeah, they tend to have an edge, but I never met a New Yorker or anyone really quite as VULGAR, VINDICTIVE, and PETTY as our president. 

Edited 45 minutes ago by Jingthing


i was replying to someone elses specific request that i address his questions


as a new yorker i personally have never viewed him as a con man.  new york is a clinton favoring state so it seems fit they would not vote for trump.


for your non butt hurt sake i hope trump does not get a nobel prize.

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:


exhausted in the water at beach all day so not that analytical this week.


it seems trump uses an easier vocabulary thus would be understood by a wider range of people. i grew up in nyc and his style is not uncommon there. you can even hear it amongst very smart doctors and lawyers although they add scientific legal jargon to the mix.  if you judge them based on the Flesch-Kincaid scale without the scientific-legal terms they'd likely be in the trump range also.


james comey in an interview did say trump is above average intelligence and comey is not a friend or ally of his.


trumps stating he is a genius is taken with a grain of salt. it would seem he did take his dads millions and parlaid them into billion(s) but i cant say this is genius.



So, you are admitting that he uses Grade 4 level of communication. Note that you pressed me to find an unbiased source. In other words, you were sceptical. Now that you have an unbiased source, you are trying desperately to excuse the fact.That would be the only explanation --if it were true. Sadly, that is a weak supposition or an excuse to save your god. A lot of people would find his communication style hard to understand at times. Grammatical and spelling errors are also to make himself part of the crowd? Perseverance bias at work again. Are you not a little bit of an egocentric or an egomaniac yourself? Thanks for not answering those inconvenient questions. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The vast majority of New Yorkers voted against him, similar speech patterns or not. The ones that know him the best know a CON MAN when they see one. 

I went to school with New Yorkers. Yeah, they tend to have an edge, but I never met a New Yorker or anyone really quite as VULGAR, VINDICTIVE, and PETTY as our president. 

To be fair, I have never seen someone roasted like he was in that famous dinner he was roasted and laughed at. But, I have a feeling this guy cannot have too many supporters as he fires everyone who disagrees with him. Like you say, he must be a vulgar entitled brat and, like all egomaniacs, he cannot stand criticism. To be fair, they --he-- can use a negative and turn into a positive (become a president). They are very resilient.

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3 minutes ago, JestSetter said:

To be fair, I have never seen someone roasted like he was in that famous dinner he was roasted and laughed at. But, I have a feeling this guy cannot have too many supporters as he fires everyone who disagrees with him. Like you say, he must be a vulgar entitled brat and, like all egomaniacs, he cannot stand criticism. To be fair, they --he-- can use a negative and turn into a positive (become a president). They are very resilient.


Who was the last sitting president that could stand criticism? Jimmy Carter, maybe?

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