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As Rambo Is Back


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  • 6 months later...
I had to refresh the page for the link to work - it is ok but buffering takes some time so I wouldnt recommend it for dialup users.

As for the trailer, it looks like just the thing if you feel there's not enough rocket launchers, screaming women and splattering blood in your life.

Meadish, stop repeating yourself. sCo_confused3.gif

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  • 5 months later...

Everyone I speak to seems to have already seen this on dvd but I went to see it on the big screen yesterday and came out of the cinema so full of tesosterone that I could have punched out my Grandmother.

Some nice Northern Thai scenery in the film. Not really one for war films but this was better than the previous couple of Rambo's.

The plot is flimsy but who needs it.

A group of god botherers bored with hanging around Bake and Bite all day decide to go into Burma and get kidnapped by some nasty Burmese types.

Rambo who is now a sort of Joe Cummings on steroids, hangs around on a boat in the rain inbetween trips to california wow.

He goes and rescues the missionaries and kills half the Burmese army in the process.

He then goes home to his daddy.

Best line in the film "come on then you ladyboy c...'s" :o

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I'll be curious to see if it's available in Tachilek when I get there next week.

Would the survivors of the Burmese Army have confiscated them all in a fit of bad losership I wonder?

Edited by sceadugenga
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A group of god botherers bored with hanging around Bake and Bite all day decide to go into Burma and get kidnapped by some nasty Burmese types.

Rambo who is now a sort of Joe Cummings on steroids, hangs around on a boat in the rain inbetween trips to california wow.

He goes and rescues the missionaries and kills half the Burmese army in the process.

He then goes home to his daddy.

Best line in the film "come on then you ladyboy c...'s" :D

This is the best review I've read so far!

Joe Cummings on steroids! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I saw a good copy, thought it was a good movie ...but rather short at 75 mins.

Reckon there would not be much left of the movie after the Thai censors got hold of it.

I have never seen so much blood in such a short space of time.....but then thats RAMBO

Reason for edit: Smelling Pisstakes

Edited by ThaiPauly
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One of the worst films I have seen in a long while.

It's a Stallone film...would you expect anything else.

The man has never made a quality movie...all trash. :o

Well, the original Rocky had some cheap charm.

But, golly! Gee whiz!! Wow!! Cut my eye, man; bleed me baby, "Sty" (rhymes with sty in your eye and pigpen) in town!!!! Let's go watch him eat at The Duke's!!! Whooee !! Maybe he'll share one of his steroids !! He probably brings an extra buzz for his 61 year-old fading physique since even The Duke's probably doesn't have enough bones to feed that ball-shrunken (a problem with steroids) beast of the bioscope (an old South African term that is handily alliterative!)!!

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Met most of the middle echelon staff at CM Orchid last year when they were filming- great bunch of people!

Others on this forum, who shall remain unnamed hung out with the heavy hitters at the Duke's...

Glad it showed our little slice of the planet.

Don't want to sound like some kind of art house cinema verite geek.....but these kinda movies are just a money-making venture.

They have zippo redeeming message, values, etc.

Ya want that kinda thrill, let's just go out to X Centre in Mae Rim and blast the sh_t out of each other with full auto paintguns..... :o

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:angry:Hmmmm :o

No...I'm not angry...

Stallone just has never made a good quaility movie...including Rocky.

Cheap, low budget trash...and I'm not even speaking about his acting skills.


Sometimes. But quality...NOT!

Like a Chuck Norris film.

Same, same...

How many P.O.W.'s did he rescue?????


"Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer, but Chuck Norris has never cried.."

Tony Jai would kick his butt twice over...and he's from Isaan

hehe :D

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I am no big fan of Stallone, but the first Rocky was good for its time and probably is considered a classic. The Rambo movies were fun for an action/adventure kick.

As far as art house movies and redeeming values go, I also enjoyed No Country for Old Men that just won a slew of Oscars, but I don't see it as any more meaningful than First Blood (the first Rambo film). It was just more action/adventure, but with a shitty ending where the hero loses. I like art movies. I like foreign movies. I like Hollywood movies. I like almost any movie that is entertaining in any way.

I don't see how anyone can compare Stallone to Chuck Norris either. Stallone is capable of showing some emotion and he is somewhat likeable, while Norris is like a stiff wooden Indian guarding a cigar store.

I didn't expect to like the latest Rambo movie, but bought it to see the local scenery and see if I recognized any of the extras. I turned it on about midnight, expecting to watch a few minutes and then fall asleep, but I actually ended up wide awake cheering Rambo on as he slaughtered the Burmese bad guys who stole his white woman and almost turned her into a sex slave.

One thing that I found interesting is that you could tell Rambo had the hots for her, but because of his age, she didn't even consider giving him a whirl in the sack. She only had eyes for the pacifist Nancy-boy that kept getting them all into trouble.

I was hoping that Rambo would give him a trouncing too, but he saved his miserable life instead.

Maybe the guy learned a valuable (redeeming) lesson about going into war zones without enough fire power, but I doubt it. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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