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Monk Who Predicted Thai Cave Rescue Hailed for ‘Intervention’


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I had a friend who could nearly always con the Thai girls working in the bars, he would joke that he could read palms, then tell them that they were once married with children and the husband ran away with another girl, the amount of times they would be aghast and say "how you can know................"

Simple things as they say.

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:



As a Buddhist, not giving thought for fellow practitioners and teachers is not giving much thought to Buddhism.  When we wai monks we express gratitude for Buddha, gratitude for his teachings, respect for the teachers and respect for the fellow practitioners of the Dharma. 


Agreed. Let me redefine - when I wrote 'I don't give too much thought about monks', that didn't mean I don't respect them or anything. It does not mean I disregard them or fellow practitioners, nor does it mean I view them with disrespect or disdain or anything. The ones (monks and fellow practitioners) who pratice the faith properly get all my respect and everything that goes with it. It is their choice and I respect that but I give them (and Buddhism) thoughts in my own way. As for me, I express my gratitude for Buddha's teachings in my own way. Each of us has our own way of practising our chosen faith/religion. Some choose to go with the flow, others choose a slightly different interpretation. Remember, it is a religion, not a law, so we are free to interpret it in a way that gives us peace. Wai-ing monks, in my opinion, is just a symbol. Not wai-ing them does not mean disrespect - I just don't think it is necessary to 'show' it. On the other hand, wai-ing a monk mindlessly (as nothing more of an automatic gesture) is more insulting than not wai-ing. Anyway, no humans are qualified to judge another human on what is right or wrong in this regard. Hence, I always believe in 'to each his/her own' and to 'agree to disagree'.

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58 minutes ago, Tony Hanscomb said:

Anyone can guess and many people were saying they will be found within a few days. It's a no brainer, why even give this any press? Does the man actually any real work or has he spent his life as a easy life celeb.


Yes, he had real work, he was involved in human rights issues in Myanmar, now he is a political refugee living in Thailand.

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On 7/4/2018 at 4:27 PM, petermik said:

Headlines and long story on MCOT news last night...he,s more of a hero than the rescuers it would seem.....blaady ridiculous I say :blink:

Credit where credit is due I just knew the Thais would get their noses in front even if they did need to resort to the crystal ball

Next thing he can do to make himself useful would be to advise the rescue team on the best method of extraction

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7 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Devil's advocate? :whistling:

Devil's of anything certainly not...  Thai's advocate, not this time ...joking nothing more.

But for all of you  people of little faith, know it,  that remains valid :farangs cannot prove that is not the monk that stopped the rain  :cheesy:  

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18 hours ago, outsider said:

Remember, it is a religion, not a law, so we are free to interpret it in a way that gives us peace.

Fair comment BUT, unfortunately, too many do 'interpret' to suit their own nefarious ends! Not uncommon among various religious groups.

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12 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

Devil's of anything certainly not...  Thai's advocate, not this time ...joking nothing more.

But for all of you  people of little faith, know it,  that remains valid :farangs cannot prove that is not the monk that stopped the rain  :cheesy:  

Sorry, perhaps I should have asked "Are you stirring the pot?" :smile:

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A monk predicted a Tsunami for mid 2011. Still waiting for that. I want a pet dragon, but none of the imaginary friends will provide that. Religous people actually do not believe in miracles, they only predict and pray for things that might happen anyway.

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