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Crazy Farang Wants To Bring His G/f Over And Marry

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I have a friend (UK resident) who has a Thai girlfriend. They've been in contact for sometime and he's managed to go see her in Thailand once. What he wants to know is would they let her come over here to see him and *shock* possibly marry in the near future? I tell ya, it shocked me when he said this.

I hear it's easier if they marry over here, rather than in Thailand, right?

The thing is, she has already tried to come to the UK before they met, on a student visa and a tourist visa and was turned down on both occassions. What are the chances of them letting her over now?

He wants to know about the proof of relationship bit (he's got photos, e-mails and letters). He's a bit nervous about producing some of the letters though, they're a bit personal, so he's wondering just how closely they're gonna look at this stuff. Oh and is there any specific amount of time they have to have been together for, before they can apply for a fiance visa or such?

Oh one more thing, he still lives with his mom (bless) and should they marry, would it be ok if they lived with his mom? Hopefully not forever, lol! :o

Thanks for your input and advice.

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Marrying in Thailand is easy if neither have been married before.

Your friend will know if he has and would be wise to check if the girl has as the Offices in Thailand need proof.

Marriages in Thailand are recognised in UK if registered there . Involves some form translating and some paid for signatures but simple.

That is the easy bit.

Visa to live in UK not so easy.

The 'wife' would have to apply and prove beyond all doubt that her intentions are honourable. There are many posts here about that. Search a few out.

Would definitely recommend your friend THINKING with his head seriously before marrying anyone, especially from another culture, country.

Spending A LOT of time together in Thailand would be a great idea first.

All things are possible if the intentions are correct. Some take longer than others too:-)


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- How long have they known each other?

- How long has he spent in Thailand with her?

- How much money does he make? (It needs to be enough to support them both without recourse to public funds. i.e. If he's a student, on benefits, low income, etc. - forget it).

- Where will they live? (Mother's house is actually OK if it's big enough. - i.e. how many other people are living there? How many rooms? etc.)

If all of that is OK, and you have paperwork to back it all up, then you can THINK of applying for a fiance/spousal visa. (Note: I think it's 19,500 baht - so it's not cheap, and I might be wrong - it's a long time since I paid for one).

Other than that, what does the girlfriend do?

Completely different between someone from the "entertainment" sector applying, and someone from a family with money. (but the fact she's been rejected twice before suggests the former rather than the latter).

If any of that is not OK, work on making it better...

The embassy is looking for different things for a tourist visa or student visa application, than for a spousal/fiance application. i.e. There is less of a requirement for her to show sufficient funds so long as he makes enough money.

The fact that she's already got two failed applications is not good, but is not the end of the world, depending on why they were rejected. i.e. If she lied in one of the earlier applications, it can get very sticky.

(If she'd been deported in the past - forget it altogether - he should move here to live with her...).

But seriously - how long has he known her? Is he certain he knows what he's doing? (Remember he's taking someone from the other side of the world to the UK. A person who's never seen snow, ice, or weeks of nothing but grey skies. They both should be very sure they know what they're doing.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is anybody familiar with the latest US laws about an Affadavit of Support?

I heard that for 10 years you have to sign off that you will support the woman and any dependents she brings, including any debts she (they) incur. Even if she becomes the mistress of the guy that owns the nearby Thai restaurant or runs off with the groundskeeper at your complex you are liable for a decade (40 quarterly work periods) for any and all debts. PLUS, you make this deal with Uncle Sam meaning that there is no wiggling out. Still, no matter how many times I say no to my friends that want me to bring back a woman and her daughter they cannot take a hint, or a no.

I believe that the Govt. has provided us with the proper discouragement so we don't end up a horror story so typical to people that end up with Russian, or SE Asian bar gals or the daughters of Bargirls (WORSE!). My sincere thanks to Uncle Sam this time. Read up on forms I-134, and I-864. Plus, they WILL to a thorough background, physical check on them, and you had better be earning good money.

Please share you experinces/stories.

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