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Don't sign anything at the police station - trust your lawyer, says lawyer


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10 hours ago, parallaxtech said:

It's really a serious question, though, who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?  I am in Samui.  If you are nicked, do you have a trusted name on speed dial? 

i used to carry the number of my landlord who was a lawyer


i figured he would help out if i were nicked as he would suddenly be out rent

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when there is even the slightest whiff of trouble with thai police. run. 


i actually had a thai girl tell me i was an idiot for running out of a bar after being in a skirmish. i was on my way out and security ran right past me. standard move in the usa.


idk if thais are just totally not street smart or if she was right? 

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4. Get a lawyer to help out.

5. Don't believe people who say they are acting in your interests. Believe your lawyer.

with all the stories of crooked lawyers in Thailand ?! you better be very careful with trusting Thai lawyers !!!

Most lawyers have no ethics in Thailand they contact the other party and make a deal !!!

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18 hours ago, Media1 said:

Especially these police lol. Concrete advice from a wide man. To add don't even read or translate without your lawyer. And forget your GF

Which leads to an interesting question. If you signed a document that you can't read and just signed because you were under duress at the police station (ordered to), would that document be admissible in court? In Pattaya, they have foreign interpreters on hand, but unfortunately, they finish duty at about 10 pm... and I doubt any of them can read Thai. There are always tourist police on hand too.


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Just now, off road pat said:

4. Get a lawyer to help out.

5. Don't believe people who say they are acting in your interests. Believe your lawyer.

with all the stories of crooked lawyers in Thailand ?! you better be very careful with trusting Thai lawyers !!!

Most lawyers have no ethics in Thailand they contact the other party and make a deal !!!

Unless you already have a good lawyer on hand there's nothing much you can do. Most people don't know good lawyers at the time they need one, because it's not the first thing on people's minds when they come to retire in Thailand. The lawyer that royally screwed me was recommended by the team leader of the tourist police... recommendations are about as useless as most lawyers.

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17 hours ago, stud858 said:

You little rippa. Can you share more details on this very juicy story? 

I hired them to file for my divorce. Both had been so clueless hat they filed for divorce in the Civil instead of the Family Court. I lost a lot of time and money. But let me tell you, if you want to go after Thai  lawyers you need the help of reliable 

Thai people you can trust because you are on your own. It took about 2 years and it wasn't for free. So there are some juicy details. I hope you are now satisfied.

Edited by hanuman2543
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23 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

I have extensiv first hand knowledge withThai lawyers.  I filed complaints with the Lawyer's Council of Thailand about two of them. One got his licence suspended for a year and one had to pay me compensation and I got it. So I call him a Thai apologist until he elaborates.

Maybe I should have done that, but I was facing criminal prosecution due to the gross negligence of a lawyer I hired and had too much other stuff to focus on at the time. It cost me about 200k. 100k plus for the first lawyer, and another 100k to get me out of the sh*t the first lawyer put me in. It was all resolved in the end, but it was over a year of aggravation beyond what most people on here would believe. Given the whole story, people on here would think I'm writing fiction. A lot of people on this forum don't deserve the truth and the effort it takes to report it. They call bs on anything beyond the scope of their own limited experiences.


I did actually consider making an official complaint to the Lawyer's Council but was worried about the possibility of retribution outside the confines of the justice system.

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21 hours ago, stud858 said:

From a friends experience it seems judges think they can choose what to do rather than judge the written law. But that makes sense to me now. 

That's the benefits of not having juries. Judges develop a God-complex. Of course, even if they did have juries, they wouldn't be of much help to outsiders (non-Thai).

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

Maybe I should have done that, but I was facing criminal prosecution due to the gross negligence of a lawyer I hired and had too much other stuff to focus on at the time. It cost me about 200k. 100k plus for the first lawyer, and another 100k to get me out of the sh*t the first lawyer put me in. It was all resolved in the end, but it was over a year of aggravation beyond what most people on here would believe. Given the whole story, people on here would think I'm writing fiction. A lot of people on this forum don't deserve the truth and the effort it takes to report it. They call bs on anything beyond the scope of their own limited experiences.


I did actually consider making an official complaint to the Lawyer's Council but was worried about the possibility of retribution outside the confines of the justice system.

You are right. Many people commenting here have no clue what is really happening here in the courts but they are really quick in passing a judgement. I could write a book about it too. The second time I filed for divorce even the judge didn't knew that the civil court was the wrong court until my ex wifes lawyer showed him a lawbook. That was on the 4th court date. You should have seen the faces of the judge and my lawyer. Loss of face all around. You can't make that shit up. That is really TiT.

Edited by hanuman2543
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Some horrifying stories on here. Sounds like a catch 22, if you can't trust the police and the documents you're told to sign, and you also can't trust the lawyers, what actually is the most advisable way to proceed if arrested? 

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On 8/9/2018 at 8:48 PM, tryasimight said:

What if what you sign is admission of guilt of a murder?  I'll take the lawyer option or the weekend inside thanks. 

I will not sign anything I cannot understand. 

I reckon it would be hard tl

confess to a murder Unless your already a suspect. 


If it was a small

case such as drink driving. Small

 bit of drugs and your offered bail from police station or go to court on a Monday. Then it’s a hard choice 


now days they  normally provide a translator who also has to sign the statement


from my experience they don’t ask you much and from what I can read in thai most of it matches


if there is a problem with the wording of the statement a lawyer should allow you to alter it due to some words not translating exactly from your language to Thai


once you have made bail you can always go back and change your statement with your lawyer 

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