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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Very true, we were mislead,many would say conned into voting to join a common trading union in 1975. Aferwhich as you well know, the establishment has since deceitfully transformed into the present day political so called E.u. However the thinking people,have woken up to the reality of this monstrosity. And we will never accept it.

ive lived in the UK for 50 years and can honestly say the UK being in a common trading union or EU has never affected any of my jobs income,standard of living,or human rights and i cannot think of anyone who has been affected,i probably speak for 99% of the population,the other 1% being a few grumpy old fisherman who must be in their 80s and 90s now,ya typical leave voters,retired folks living in the past with no money worries.

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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Proven? Explain 


Even the PM says no brexit is an option


Brexit is looking more and more foolish; Brexiters are a busted flush

Unfortunately the 'no brexit' option is on a timer. Time people woke up to the potential outcome from the other 2 scenarios. The current 'plan' could end up in an FTA that is very similar to being in the EU but without any say, so what is to be gained.

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In the event of a CETA type agreement, or probably any other agreement, the UK would swap one court for another.


One of the provisions of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union, known as CETA, was a mechanism to handle disputes between governments and investors. The International Court System (ICS), a new EU-Canadian permanent court, was created to help resolve such disputes.


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16 minutes ago, bomber said:

add BMW,nissan,toyota,JL and the best part of 14000 Airbus jobs to the list and theres another 80k,never mind there will be plenty of work tattie picking in Lincolnshire

This can mean only one thing. With all the extra businesses, EU will desperately need more workers. 


Fortunately we can import cheap immigrants from UK to do the hard work. The way Brexit is going, they'll settle with minimum salaries and possibility to eat Fish and chips. 

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38 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Two alternatives now I'd say:


1. Hard brexit

2. Stay as we are.


That could be the showdown.

Dom Rabb is now claiming the EU are bullys,ha ha what an idiot,its a miracle the EU even sit a table with our govt,i wouldnt give away anything to the UK,their choice they were bragging and laffing how much the EU depended on trade with the them and would bend over backwards to our demands,ha ha they are now rolling around in laughter at us as our pound tumbles and 100,000 plus jobs head their way,Italy next ha ha no chance whatsoever.

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28 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Proven? Explain 


Even the PM says no brexit is an option


Brexit is looking more and more foolish; Brexiters are a busted flush

yes, she does


How come TM has changed from Brexit means Brexit to you can choose: my deal/no deal/no Brexit?


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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:

That must be why the majority, voted to leave this so called Union.

1% being a larger number than 52%.


in 50 years i was never once told by anyone in my family at my work or in the pub or walking down the street that we should leave the EU,a few raised eyebrows about the banana's and lbs and ounces issue's but other than that nothing,most were creaming themselves because they could bring back more cigs and booze when they travelled to the EU plus no hold ups at borders,so most actually loved it,the vote was won for leave because of a nationalistic theory that British people or more so English are better and we know how to do things better because of 2 world wars and 1966,this is mentality of a failed nation that the UK is these days,benefit scroungers and folks living in the past,i wouldnt have any faith in a brit running a bath never mind a country of 80 million,oh and just to top things of we will soon have the honour of JC as our leader....it doesnt get any worse.

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18 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

 A few problems with your statement:


1. Youth unemployment is massive in some EU countries, unlike the UK. I posted the figures a few week ago.

2. British people will continue to be able to work and live anywhere in the world after Brexit, just as they were before the EU. Having worked in over 25 countries I'm sure of that.

3. The EU cannot expand significantly, unless it creeps into the Middle East or North Africa.

4. The largest and most rapid economic expansion is occurring outside of the EU (this has been an argument for Leave for a few years now).





On point 4 ... and many EU countries are doing considerably good business with China and others in the Far East ... it appears that being in the EU doesn't prevent you from selling to China, as long as you produce something they want.


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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

We don’t give a dam what your P.M wants. It’s completely irrelevant.

The important FACT is that the British people went to the polls,and made our decision. Furthermore we were told our decision would be respected.

Unfortunately the unelected Bureacrats in Brussels along with some unelected civil servants in London,decided our decision would not be implemented. But get this through your head, even if treacherous May is successful in thwarting the will of the people. This will not go away. In fact when the Bureacrats return to implimenting their future ideas for the E.U.

the call for leaving the E.U. will only increase.

Speak for yourself your we doesn't include me and millions of others - if you want to make yourself poorer why not chuck your own money down the drain not that of others. 

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


On point 4 ... and many EU countries are doing considerably good business with China and others in the Far East ... it appears that being in the EU doesn't prevent you from selling to China, as long as you produce something they want.


Like German manufacturing machinery and dentist chairs (40% of Chinese dentist chairs (tooth hurty) come from the Krauts. 

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13 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

This is not true. The WTO does not require a hard border. I have posted numerous politicians and commentators to that effect. There are already at least 2 soft EU borders.


May is a remainer, as we all know. Some say she was suckered into the backstop after a sleepless night flight to Brussels; after that trip her cabinet were apparently told that it was just political feelgood noise, not binding. These two points have been reported several times in the quality mainstream press.


I believe there is a 3rd possible explanation: that May wants to stay in the CU, and is using the NI border to achieve that goal. But now it's backfiring on her.

backfiring? we'll see

so far survived government/cabinet

will likely survive E U highlevel

UK parliament? remains to be seen


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3 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

27% of the population voted to leave. Should have been a constitutional referendum , two thirds of registered voters vote for change or we keep the status quo.

I find this a VERY  baba bobo comment.'


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10 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Speak for yourself your we doesn't include me and millions of others - if you want to make yourself poorer why not chuck your own money down the drain not that of others. 

no sweat,

he is welcome to chuck his satang down my drain

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2 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

There is no "no brexit" option. May has started using this phrase in an attempt to bounce some of her PMs into supporting Chequers (or whatever she's calling her new plan). In my opinion it will backfire on her. But we'll have to wait and see. Certainly the initial Tory and Parliamentary response has not been favourable for her.


Of course, every agreement needs an arbitration mechanism, and everybody accepts that. The problem with the ECJ is that it has grown like topsy and has a much larger remit than trade disputes. Otherwise Leavers wouldn't have objected so strongly to it.


You are completely wrong about "no brexit", I'm afraid May actually told the truth on that one. The Tory MP Alistair Burt sent a twitter comment to a member of the ERG group warning him that Remainer MPs in parliament will back away from their agreement to go along with Brexit if faced with a "no deal" scenario. He is right. If they decide to work together then a second referendum will be voted through. The danger for the ERG is that if they try to force "no deal" through parliament they will end up with "no brexit". My prediction is that if a deal is not agreed with the EU (May's or some other) there will be a second vote.

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


The second vote will be interesting for you. :cheesy: Brexiteers snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Another post with no substance, conjecture is all that remainers have. 


Did you eventually come up with the links that was asked of you yesterday?

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


The second vote will be interesting for you. :cheesy: Brexiteers snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

It's actually quite hilarious how afraid the brexiteers are about the people's vote. ????

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