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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:

1314. Any Scot I have ever met claims victory, which is fair enough, as the British were routed and scattered all over the place.

Hmm we won in the long term though now Scotland is ours and relies on our aid to fund its public services?



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Just now, mommysboy said:

Some misunderstanding- it's not the press investigating but the police.

Really I didn’t understand it’s the Police that investigate not the newspaper O really wow need to read up on British law.


How come even though remain had far more money have they managed to winge about leave having some funds?

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4 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Really I didn’t understand it’s the Police that investigate not the newspaper O really wow need to read up on British law.


How come even though remain had far more money have they managed to winge about leave having some funds?

It's actually the national crime agency.  Being reported all over- see Telegraph.


From Independent:

Arron Banks and other leading pro-Brexit campaigners are being investigated by the National Crime Agency (NCA) over suspicions they committed "multiple" criminal offences during the EU referendum.

The Brexiteers were referred to police by the Electoral Commission, which said it had grounds to believe they had committed numerous criminal acts relating to millions of pounds of funding for the Leave.EU campaign.

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24 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Reckon the only Leave campaign Banks will be involved with in the future will be about leaving prison!  Off to chokey!

Doubt he will go to choked any time soon or he will be a political prisoner!



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Election watchdog officials urged to resign over ‘Brexit bias’ after nearly half of its board made pro-Remain statements

The Electoral Commission - an independent body set up to ensure the integrity of UK elections, including referendums - demands that its members 'act at all times' to uphold the body's impartiality


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40 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Seems the Guardian newspapers reporters don't have an issue with Soros funding 



No your quiet correct I hadn’t looked at the dates, but they have tried to get Banks for ages. Interestingly David Lanny a racist communist MP raised a question in parliament before the electrol commission published their findings.


He was calling for a new referendum.

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12 hours ago, tebee said:

They are often UK flagged but not owned.


Read that article it is very informative. Also this one http://lifeplatform.eu/fishy-business-fish-pos-eu/


  Since the creation of the CFP in 1983 these core principles have been systematically ignored by Brussels and several member states, but most egregiously of all by successive UK governments. Small, coastal boats under 10 metres, which make up 77% of the English fleet, currently have the right to catch 3% of the total English catch of quota-controlled fish such as cod, haddock, plaice, sole, herring and mackerel.


Claims by Ukip and others that the British fishing industry has suffered a calamitous decline “because of the CFP” are misleading. The big British fishing companies and the big boats are doing fine, they are now the most prosperous in Europe, with record revenues in 2017 and operating profits averaging 25%.



What a load of BS. There are no large British trawlers. Yet in living memory Hull was the largest fishing port in the world, followed by Grimsby.

We had to sacrifice our deep water fishing fleet in order to join the EEC.

Here are two photo’s of Hull fish docks, one I think from the 30’s the other shows the one remaining British trawler, that is now a museum piece.

Regarding coastal British fishing grounds,unfortunately they are being decimated by our neighbour, especially the Spanish fishing fleet. Oh where or where is Drake.



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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Take a trip up to Boston. Maybe just maybe, you will hear English spoken, and then only by social workers and volunteers, who are doing everything possible to make the immigrants feel welcome. While ignoring the plight of their fellow citizens.

Allthough to be fair, most of the eastern Europeans are keen to work, encouraged by British bosses, who are only too keen to exploit the situation. I guess they must, all be remainers.

No I bet when the first tranche of Eastern Europeans came they assimilated well Romanian Poles Hungarian and most shared conservative views, working hard, but undermining wages. Now we seem to have 'New Europeans' and Roma.


Two Romanians I know who have business were ardent leavers during Brexit due to immigration, you couldn't make it up but they were. Many Polish attend our EDL marches as well.


i don't blame people coming I blame the elite liberal ruling class who have facilitated it in the name of liberal live and kindness.

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4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

It's a criminal investigation!

It would appear politically motivated criminal investigation, but he is completely innocent until proven guilty?


Their mainalkegation appears to be he moved money from a Jersey bank in a Company name not his, seems to be their only argument but he owned the Company so the money is his.

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2 minutes ago, aright said:

If the EU does not drastically change, it is doomed to decline and fall like the USSR


Most Anglo-Saxon predictions of the EU’s demise are mocked as little more than wishful thinking from pathologically eurosceptic commentators that don’t understand its history, its peace-promoting purpose, and its manifest destiny.

But back in the 1960s, much the same thing was said of those who thought the Soviet Union was inevitably doomed to oblivion. At the height of its apparent power, it was indeed impossible to imagine the Soviet Union unravelling at the speed it did.



You know I'm pro European (well most of it lol) but anti EU thesres no contradiction in that.


There are structural issues with the EU hard to explain how they can deal with them.


I think if we get out it weakens their trade deals as they can't utilise our market.


The Euro can't possible survive in its current form unless the richer nations subserdise the poorer. If it crashes the further away our trade is the better.


they are burning through money at a massive pace and building up forward  unpublished debt such as the 39 billion we owe.


bad place to be in





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53 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Irrelevant, as 100% of the electorate,had already made up their minds,which way to vote, over the previous 30+ yrs

Yes and Remain and the massive amounts of money they had, the suport of the civil service Carney's crew Obama, Branson Blair didn't influence enough as we still left.


just bad losers!

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

What a load of BS. There are no large British trawlers. Yet in living memory Hull was the largest fishing port in the world, followed by Grimsby.

We had to sacrifice our deep water fishing fleet in order to join the EEC.

Here are two photo’s of Hull fish docks, one I think from the 30’s the other shows the one remaining British trawler, that is now a museum piece.

Regarding coastal British fishing grounds,unfortunately they are being decimated by our neighbour, especially the Spanish fishing fleet. Oh where or where is Drake.



Best not show the remainers this they will claim you are a Russian chat bot! Project fear fear of our country doing well!

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