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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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47 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Anyway I think we all agree NO deal is disaster, the Deal is worse than what we already have ergo we remain. Job done let's get back to normal discourse such as where to get HP sauce in Pattaya and the like and how much does a Kwai cost (around 13.5k baht I think). See that wasn't difficult should have listened to Grouse all along. He deserves a 50 year old Macallan single malt for his sterling efforts to keep sterling ......errmmmm sterling and sound as a pound. 

he, grouse, is drinking blended


Edited by melvinmelvin
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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

It was mostly the USA that built up Europe after WW2.

And since that time, again it’s been the USA who have financed the defence of Europe. 

Compared to Finland who at one time fought with NAZI Germany against the Allies. And who have since the end of WW2 relied on NATO to defend them, without Finland paying towards the costs. Free riders.

I find this a very very unfair comment and it certainly shows you know close to zilch re Finland's modern history.


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3 hours ago, bomber said:

i never voted as at the time i could see points from both sides,what hit me within days/weeks of the vote is just what an absolute disaster the whole thing was.

Another 2% of people like yourself could of swung it the other way....just saying.


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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

Most probably the lack of man and women power plus a doubling up on material resources and the cost of starting and Army of xxx,xxx people and all the infrastructure that goes with it.


NATO HQ is in Brussels and to run 2 organisations with much the same targets and ideas will be expensive, There are only 5 countries contributing 2% of GDP into NATO now and to start a new EU military from scratch means that the 27 EU countries will have to stump up even more of their GDP.


Just assuming the plan gets off the ground, what will the new Army do all day that isn't already being done by NATO.


Putin must be laughing his socks off.

I doubt this will ever get off the ground. As I see it, it's Merkels way of sticking two fingers up at Trump who has criticized some countries (including hers) of not putting enough into NATO. Merkel is making veiled threats of pulling out of NATO and creating an European army.



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1 minute ago, JAG said:

It is a fact that Finland fought as allies with the Germans against the Soviet Union.


It is a fact that Finland played no part in the defence of Europe throughout the period which the Soviet Union was an active threat to Europe.


That makes it an accurate comment, even if you don't like it.

your sentence 1 - ok

your sentence 2 - so so


no it does not, the free rider comment is totally off and

has no base in reality politics

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43 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

I'm a remainer but I don't see a hard no-deal to be as bad as everyone makes out. Sure we may have some pain for the short-term but people more cleverer than myself will find a way to muddle through and just think of the endless opportunities of being able to trade with who we like.



Can you explain to me which countries in the world the UK is stopped from doing business with by the EU? The answer is none. Germany and Italy do a great deal of business in China because they produce goods that China wants. Being in the EU is not an impediment. We have a deal currently with 27 EU countries together with another 65 countries that the EU negotiated, including Japan just recently. Leaving on no deal means that the give all those deals up and start from scratch. I don’t think that the UK will starve if there is a no deal Brexit but it will do great damage to the economy. The terms that we currently have with the WTO will change because we are a smaller country, and any deals we make will come with costs. The Northern Irish farmers union last week said a deal with the US would destroy their industry. It’s not like the day after the referendum, not that bad. We have never left the EU, that’s why. 

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13 minutes ago, JAG said:

Come now, you can hardly fail to be aware that your fellow (and much more vociferous) Finnish commentator on this thread makes a point of larding his posts with often inaccurate and rather offensive comments about the UK, and those of us who happen to believe it will be well out of the EU 

sorry, not trying to be difficult

am just totally lost - dont understand what you are on about at all


fellow Finnish commentator ? what is that ?

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7 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

How, might I ask, has the EU?

Do you really not understand that?


There has been no requirement for "protection". The EU has (or at least had) more or less got rid of nationalist tendencies. There has been peace as a direct result of pooling sovereignty and working closely with one another. One could write a book. Amazed that you have not understood that with all your historical knowledge


There are many articles like this...




or this




and this..



Edited by Grouse
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7 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Id say we definitely don't all agree 'No deal is a disaster', it might not be optimum, but I'd say it's a damn sight better than the crap presented to the cabinet on Friday. When negotiating with stooges like Robbins and May at the helm and with an organisation that is unwilling to give an inch, even on issues that are supposedly problematic for both sides - such as the border between NI/RoI, what can we expect? 

You could say it''s all good banter of course, and for someone such as yourself, or I, - sat 1000s of miles away in LOS to breezily summarise with as inane, yet autocratic a statement as -'current (draft, I might add) deal is bonkers so ergo we'll remain' would be amusing - if it wasn't the thought process of far too many people in the UK at the moment, and still that nightmarish possibility, lurking in the background of all this. 


I guess you'd say we should pretend the 17.5m majority who voted oppositely don't exist, what an embarrassment eh!, we should simply ride rough-shod over the exercising of their democratic right, their a bunch of plebs anyhow, so screw it, right? Maybe we should dismantle parliament while we're at it, to stop anything like this from ever happening again? 

OH you are losing it at a canter,loving it.

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7 hours ago, mommysboy said:

'A nice perspective from David Davis.'


An oxymoron if ever there was!

Reasonable, if misguided, cove.


His comments about the City were a bit off. It's a huge laundry machine and further relaxation of the regs would be unwise 

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