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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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2 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Incorrect German actually

Günther Oettinger says rebate is 'no longer appropriate'


But it is good that you no longer believe what EU officals say

Hehe it’s nice putting remainers straight in facts Soooo rewarding!

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52 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

The EU restricts us and just puts another layer of elites in charge, raking in a fortune in wages pensions and high expenses (which they won’t release the details of). Big gravy chain.


I would love it to be no more, we are in fact controlled by the Germans who we have had to fight in Two world wars! If the EU collapsed tomorrow I would be very happy!

Enough of your infantile nonsense. For the first time ever I am going to put someone on ignore. I listen to all opinions but you are beyond the pale. Please get help.

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1 minute ago, oilinki said:

And these builders did nothing at all to make Britain great again?


They didn't build the buildings British people like to visit? They didn't build the homes British people live in? They did absolutely nothing and just got paid for being idle in Britain?


Wow, I want that kind of job! Where can I sign in to immigrate myself to Britain, do nothing and get paid well.. or not so well?


Why does Britain offer these kind of deals for foreign workers who do absolutely nothing to improve the British society? Why does the British construction companies hire these people to do nothing? What is the business case there, I can't see?


Heck, I'd love to be one of these people, who do nothing and still both do work by British standards and as well do not work by British standards. 


All the benefits and no work whatsoever! The good life!

It's far more complex: yes, a skilled tradesman who sets up in the UK provides a great deal of benefit, whereas an unskilled worker may play the system and send money home.  What works ok in your country might not in the UK, which is already a low wage economy that has not performed well for many years, and is suffering the hangover from decades of economic mismanagement, and now the failure of the present economic system.  Typically, we simply can not look after our own poor people, although that may be down to Governmental policy.

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26 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

It’s disgusting our people starve whilst we feed the world.


And the EU just treat us like their big fault piggy bank.



EU is starting to treat UK just the way UK really seems to be. Faulty pig. And this has nothing to do whatever money you might think you have. 


UK's money is on financial markets. When that's taken away from UK, there is very little on the piggy bank of UK. 


Sorry, but you are screwed. 

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Just now, oilinki said:

EU is starting to treat UK just the way UK really seems to be. Faulty pig. And this has nothing to do whatever money you might think you have. 


UK's money is on financial markets. When that's taken away from UK, there is very little on the piggy bank of UK. 


Sorry, but you are screwed. 

No we’re not screwed were the second largest financial centre in the world !


Thats why we send so much money to the EU who send it to Turkey to help Ford relocate their van production from the UK.




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2 minutes ago, oilinki said:

EU is starting to treat UK just the way UK really seems to be. Faulty pig. And this has nothing to do whatever money you might think you have. 


UK's money is on financial markets. When that's taken away from UK, there is very little on the piggy bank of UK. 


Sorry, but you are screwed. 


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50 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Sometime we need a friend to hold our hands. 


Can I offer my hand so that we could make sense of all this madness. We could walk together towards brighter future. 


I'm a Finn. I have personal experience how to screw up my life due being the person who thinks who knows it all. Oh boy, Am I a proud person. Add a lot of vodka, to get the full understanding of real physical and mental hangover. We do stuff, we are not always proud off later on.


Sometimes things go utterly wrong. Brexit was one of those things. 


So what? Sometimes things go sour. It's the way things are supposed to do, as long as we try to and improve things our own ways. So what, this brexit didn't happen. 


It's not that the Brits didn't try. They did, but couldn't find a better result. 


So what. We'll try once again. We'll improve our society once again. Later on, as long as we are inside, not outside, of the society. 

Well said, friend! ????

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

It's far more complex: yes, a skilled tradesman who sets up in the UK provides a great deal of benefit, whereas an unskilled worker may play the system and send money home.  What works ok in your country might not in the UK, which is already a low wage economy that has not performed well for many years, and is suffering the hangover from decades of economic mismanagement, and now the failure of the present economic system.  Typically, we simply can not look after our own poor people, although that may be down to Governmental policy.

I'm one of those skilled workers of us European people. 


I have once travelled through UK. As a young man at the time, I also had a good time with one of your ladies. 


 What amazes me is that there are still people in the UK, who really, really, think that UK is something special. Let me tell you that there is absolutely nothing special about UK. You are just one country, on an island. Nothing more, nothing less. 


  Nothing special.




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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Enough of your infantile nonsense. For the first time ever I am going to put someone on ignore. I listen to all opinions but you are beyond the pale. Please get help.

Typical remainer closed ears to facts and you want to send 4% of GDP to the EU !!


I want to free my country ! 



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5 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

No we’re not screwed were the second largest financial centre in the world !


Thats why we send so much money to the EU who send it to Turkey to help Ford relocate their van production from the UK.




9 Billion euros sent by the EU to Turkey and some that included UK taxpayers money

Budget watchdog criticizes EU funding to Turkey


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1 minute ago, oilinki said:

I'm one of those skilled workers of us European people. 


I have once travelled through UK. As a young man at the time, I also had a good time with one of your ladies. 


 What amazes me is that there are still people in the UK, who really, really, think that UK is something special. Let me tell you that there is absolutely nothing special about UK. You are just one country, on an island. Nothing more, nothing less. 


  Nothing special.




It’s more special by wealth than 23 of the EU 27!

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18 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Nor were they renewing before we decided to leave they need to pry out cash from our dying old people whilst we can’t afford to look after them we can pay for EU vanity projects.

Russian voice was yelled loud before you decided to make the vote to leave the EU.

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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Here we go again. Another arrogant remark from a remoaner.

Not at all. He has a point. Of course it doesn't apply to the Tory right wing bastards, but a majority of Brexiters exhibit their lack of educational attainment.

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34 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

 the UK rebate needs to be renewed in every EU budget period by negotiation between member states, and it is not being renewed in this coming period because of Britain’s planned departure.


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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Not at all. He has a point. Of course it doesn't apply to the Tory right wing bastards, but a majority of Brexiters exhibit their lack of educational attainment.

You shouldn’t use the B word it is very unfortunate someone with your obvious poise and education would?

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13 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

 Typically, we simply can not look after our own poor people, although that may be down to Governmental policy.

This is the real issue. 

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2 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


Hi Patriot, your methods are different from most Leavers. Most of them are polite. I guess they assume that politics is about politeness.


You cannot be polite with Grouse: he is consistently the most abusive poster here, he has a very high opinion of his intelligence which has never been evidenced by his posts. 


By the way, I'm not a leaver or remainer. I'm just someone who supports democracy. The terms of the referendum were know by everyone.

Actually I almost voted remain but changed my mind in the ballot booth.


If I had voted remain I would have been voting leave now in any case! 


As the way Ireland in particular have treated us.

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33 minutes ago, vogie said:

Why is it tosh?


Are you ok with posters posting lies like this with the pure intention to flame. Maybe you don't have to answer because you are probably ok with it, as long as it's berating Brits it is ok, but woe betide anyone saying the same thing about Germany et al. But fear not it seems to be a remainer trait to allow other nations to insult us, infact some posters seem to be encouraging it.


The said post.

"It really doesn't matter how many times you say it. It doesn't matter as you'd say on next post 'We want to control our borders (to keep those filthy Europeans away)'. Reading between lines is not at all that difficult in this case. 


You wanted to get rid of us Europeans. You wanted to feel superior towards us Europeans. You got what you wanted. Your own very British islet with purebred Birts. Congratulations!


Now I want to brush my teeth. 


I do not think our Finnish friend is anti Brit. I think he is exasperated with the foolish comments. I certainly do not agree that he HATES us.


I suspect a little tired and emotional, Finnish style. Nothing wrong with that.


He does quite correctly mention British exceptionalism which has little foundation these days.


I suspect that he, as do I, detest British Xenophobia 


So, in all, my comment stands

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

For my late couple of years in the UK, before I left the UK, I drove a taxi in a relatively small provincial city. I was caring for my mother, who had dementia, and it was the only occupation which gave me the freedom and flexibility of  working hours that task required. What you describe in your post is exactly, to the last detail, what a very significant number of Eastern European drivers did. The taxi (private hire) companies would engage an agency to bring them over - literally by the busload. The same agency would arrange for licences ( badges) from the local authorities - somehow circumventing the various criteria demanded of the local drivers, and the taxi companies would hire them cars - often three drivers sharing a car so it was on the road 24/7, trundling around slavishly following their GPS. In weeks the number of taxi's on the road in my city doubled, and incomes halved. There was no discernable benefit to anyone, other than the agents and taxi company proprietors. Certainly no Tax or NI was paid.


I suspect that similar things happened in other trades. Working people's incomes were severely depressed. It is hardly surprising that the free movement of labour was less than well regarded.

Yes same here in London they have virtually no income work 16 hours to get benefits and live like kings on free rent making children.

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44 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

 the UK rebate needs to be renewed in every EU budget period by negotiation between member states, and it is not being renewed in this coming period because of Britain’s planned departure.


ok, ta,

If that is correct - kinda stupid of uk not to have that in treaty text




euro is treaty stuff - can hardly be enforced



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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

I do not think our Finnish friend is anti Brit. I think he is exasperated with the foolish comments. I certainly do not agree that he HATES us.


I suspect a little tired and emotional, Finnish style. Nothing wrong with that.


He does quite correctly mention British exceptionalism which has little foundation these days.


I suspect that he, as do I, detest British Xenophobia 


So, in all, my comment stands

It seems he does hate us, but  have edited the B word yet from your post?

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