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Thinking of forming a Writers' Group - anyone interested?


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I am thinking of forming a regular Writers' Group meeting, perhaps weekly or fortnightly, that would possibly take place at a quiet coffee shop in a central location.


I know there have been groups formed before, and that there is one that meets on Fridays at the Writer's Club in the old city, but I propose organising something a little (only a little) more formal. 


Years ago I was a happy participant at a weekly group that met at a library in my home town in the UK. The successful format that ran for many years was something like this: 


A 'Writer-in-Residence' led the group. At that time we were lucky to have an excellent author, Ajay Close, in that role. 


One evening a week, the group gathered with the aim of hearing the new work of group members. After the reading, the floor (or table) was open to anyone who wanted to offer (usually gentle) constructive criticism. All writers, from complete beginners to accomplished experts, were welcome to attend and to read (or only to listen and provide feedback); there was never any obligation to read, but the group attracted regular participants who brought along short stories, plays, chunks of work-in-progress book projects, pieces of poetry - or anything else they were writing.


I valued this highly, and it inspired me to turn up almost every week with a new chapter of my work-in-progress novel. The critique was important to me, as was the motivation to keep writing.


If we formed such a group, I would offer myself as its writer-in-residence/organiser. In an earlier lifetime I wrote hundreds of travel and business articles for titles in Asia and Europe; I have had two books (one fiction, one non-fiction) published by a quality publisher in the UK; I self-published two crime novels for Kindle download, both of which have received good reviews and generated downloads in the low thousands); I co-wrote a four-part TV documentary series for PBS in America, and have worked with a television company in the UK for many years, giving me a great deal of experience in writing TV 'treatments'; and my script for a four-part crime drama set in the UK is currently doing the rounds of UK broadcasters. 


The simple question is: how many people who live year-round in Chiang Mai would be interested in participating in such a group? There would be no cost for attending, though a 'subscription' - say 100 Baht per attendee - might be an idea to generate funds that could be used to pay a guest speaker from time to time. If such a subscription was adopted, it would be taken care of by a nominated treasurer person. The fund would never become the property of anyone (such as myself) who is involved in organising the group. 


Further details could be put together later, but only if there are sufficient expressions of interest. As the reach of the forum is limited, please pass this on to anyone in or near Chiang Mai whom you think might be intrigued by the idea of such a group. 


Over to you. 

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6 hours ago, noise said:

There used to be one listed on the Expat Club's web site.   And have you checked the MeetUp web site for Chiangmai?    You may find your group already formed.

I referred to one I do know about, but which isn't what I have in mind (and doesn't appear to be attracting much attention from writers); others have been tried and given up (I think). I might well be trying to float the idea in the wrong place. 

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Before you go inventing the wheel, check out Writers Without Borders.  They have been running for 11 years now and meet weekly at a restaurant off Nimmenhaemin - see details below.  I used to be a member when they started but found organising the CM Photographic Group took most of my available time.  I snipped this picture from an email meeting announcement earlier this year.  Hope it helps.



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I'm publishing my writing, as opposed to writing for pleasure.  (At this point, fine-tuning a Write to Market historical novel with Amazon isn't the same thing as writing for grad school about James Joyce. That was pleasurable.)  I'm not sure how to be diplomatic about this, but I would come to a group where the majority of people were also publishing their work. The breeziness (& sometimes the smugness) my writerly friends who have no interest in publishing /earning their living as writers makes me feel like I live in an Edvard Munch painting.  Keep in touch. Thank you.

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