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Baby is due in September. The Doctor in the Clinic told the wife that the Hospital needs the Father to translate his Passport into Thai for the purpose of the Registration of Birth in Thailand. For the Thai Birth Certificate for the Child.

Funny thing is, the British Embassy lady when asked if this was neccessary told me that it wasn't. All I need is my Passport.

Does anyone here have any first hand experience in this sort of business? Could please advise?

Good Guy


Hello Goodguy

First of all Congratulation's!!!. I can answer your question from first hand experience no less. My daughter was born a little over a year ago. All that I needed at the Hospital was my passport. My name and other information was translated by the bilingual nurse and entered in thai on the Birth certificate.

I suppose the likelyhood of having bilingual staff would depend on the hospital you choose. I live in Chiang mai and our baby was born at Chiang mai ram 1 hospital.

I am presuming your significant other is a Thai citizen if so you will have to go to the local "Sam Nag TaBien" office to register the child with a house or land book.

You will likely require an english translation to register the birth with your embassy or consulate this is required to obtain a Passport ( I registered the birth and applied for her U.S. passport at the same time. I am from the U.S.A. but I am sure the U.K. has similar requirements.

I also went to the local Ampur and applied for her Thai passport. I recieved both of her passports in 2 or 3 weeks.

I hope this helps.


I concure with the above post. Passport was all thats needed.

Congrats also!!

BTW: get used to Thai motherhood - it's somewhat unique.... :o

saying that, i've got Jeremy now, a 17 month old baby going on scrumm half. bless his little cottons.


Yes, congrats. I agree with the other postings, all I needed was my passport when the stork came.

Be ready for the hordes of relatives to come out of the woodwork when the baby is born :o

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