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Best chain cleaning agent? Tire sealant?


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Any recommendations for cleaning agent to use, when cleaning chain, sprockets etc?


Back home I would usually get busy with an old toothbrush and a liquid based on n-heptan (and then dry it of and apply wd-40 or similar). But I havent been able to find any comparable cleaning agent here, any suggestions?


Would basic nailpolish remover/acetone do the same trick?


Also, Im looking to buy a can of foam tire sealant. Often ride when its dark, and dont want to big a hassle fixing a flat, if I cant see anything ? Never used sealant foam before though, any recommendations? 
saw this one on Lazada, but whether its better or worse than any other brand, no idea


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I use kerosene to clean chains. It's cheap, easily available, and leaves a slight protective coating. Remove the chain (with a smartlink or equivalent), tie dental floss to one end, then lower into an old plastic bottle with a few ounces of kerosene. close lid tightly (over the protruding floss), shake for a few seconds, let stand a couple of minutes, remove chain, rinse with water, hang to dry). if you're careful you can use the same few ounces for a few cleanings.

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