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Trump revokes ex-CIA chief's security clearance, slamming critic


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41 minutes ago, Becker said:

Not that it matters to the man-child cultists:




"'You have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children': Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid rebukes Trump in stunning opinion column"





He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but I'll take the opinion of the actual SEAL's on the ground rather than activist retiree pundits. 





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55 minutes ago, Becker said:

Not that it matters to the man-child cultists:




"'You have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children': Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid rebukes Trump in stunning opinion column"




Adm McRaven can only be described as a true American hero.  He's done more for his country than the likes of Hannity, Trump, Jones, Limbaugh, Carlson, Ingraham, etc....combined.  The guy doesn't have a political bone in his body.  But just for being honest and courageous, he will be attacked from the crazy right for saying what is essentially the truth.  And those of us real Americans agree with him.  More from his statement on Trump....


[ Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs.  A good leader tries to embody the best qualities of his or her organization. A good leader sets the example for others to follow. A good leader always puts the welfare of others before himself or herself.

Your leadership, however, has shown little of these qualities. Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.]

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7 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


So you're saying that Robert J. O'neill, Conservative and one of the Navy SEALS that killed Osama Bin Laden, is not a "real american"... But you are, in all of your liberal TVF Posting glory. 


And I guess you're saying that I'm not a real American either. 


I bet you didnt even know who McRaven was before he decided to become a pundit and dunk on trump, but now hes your hero and a patriot ?



The claims that O'Neill killed bin Laden came on October 5, 2014, in anticipation of a Fox News special called The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden,[14] which was expected to reveal his identity and details of the mission Operation Neptune Spear... 

O'Neill's statements resulted in criticism by fellow Navy SEALs. Rear Admiral Brian Losey and Force Master Chief Michael Magaraci issued a public statement, stating that "a critical tenant [sic] of our ethos is 'I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.'"[17]


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46 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

I'll take the opinion of the actual SEAL's on the ground rather than activist retiree pundits.


What makes him an activist?  He has a grand total of TWO tweets on Twitter.  If that makes you an activist, what does 38,600 tweets make Trump?


Why does it matter that he's a retiree?


What makes him a pundit?  Does he have a talk show?


You better order more mud, because you are clearly running out of names to throw.

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Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog)

8/17/18, 8:44 AM

These people with unique and important perspectives on the Trump campaign's relationship to Russia, what would revoking their security clearance do to their ability to prepare testimony and to testify? pic.twitter.com/j1ZBF9PlUv

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9 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog)

8/17/18, 8:44 AM

These people with unique and important perspectives on the Trump campaign's relationship to Russia, what would revoking their security clearance do to their ability to prepare testimony and to testify? pic.twitter.com/j1ZBF9PlUv


So he's attacking potential witnesses.  That makes more sense.

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21 hours ago, farcanell said:

Hitler was elected.... and was ultimately granted dictatorial powers. It was a process.


trump was elected.... and appears to be seeking to gain a position whereby he can act out with impunity.... it is a process


one liked nazis... one is enlightened and favors neo nazis ???

false equivalency and really silly

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

Trump himself has admitted publicly that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation and is pulling the security clearances of those he considers associated with the Russia investigation.

As an American citizen of any stripe- I would hope that all would recognize that the FBI; CIA and other intelligence and investigative agency has a sworn duty to determine if anyone in the campaign of Donald Trump including himself colluded with the Russians to get elected.


There is also some preliminary and at present uncollaborated evidence that Trump may have been laundering Russian money through his business prior to even running for President;  that the dossier may be truthful and that Trump and/or his minions maybe compromised by the Russians and that there is a threat to American National security/


It maybe that Trump is  not involved and he will be cleared but his actions seem to be one of a guilty person trying to hide his activity and eliminate anyone or everything that could potentially incriminate him as a potential criminal or at the worst a traitor to America.


As a citizen who wants to know the full truth- the investigation must continue until all facts are known and actions then taken.


   I cannot understand why anyone who cares about their country would not want to find the truth. Do some people love Donald Trump so much that they would sell out their own country to keep him as President?

So finding the "truth" in your opinion means the DOJ and FBI refusing to turn over documents for over a year and when they do they purposely redact things under the excuse of national security, then it is found there was no such issue.....


do you "care" about your country and the corruption within the DOJ and FBI (at the least) that has obviously been going on? Again. if you actually think the hiding and purposeful disregarding of information requests and redacting to protect their actions is no big deal, and hatred for the potus is your driving force, there is no objective reasoning.



hmmmm, nothing to see here, no secrets, no subversion....move on so we can delay until "we" get control of the house....


at least be honest about the lack of transparency and why it is happening, unless you agree with it. then I guess there is hope

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16 hours ago, Credo said:

Wow, you have no idea how many people have security clearance, but you know there are 'way too many' people that have security clearance? 


There are currently about 1.3 million people with security clearance.   Nearly all of those are active employees of the various agencies or the military.   


This is a personal vendetta against anyone Trump doesn't like.   None of the people being mentioned have violated any law nor divulged any classified information.   There sin is they have been involved in the investigation into the various Russia investigations.   


So, they have had their security clearance revoked for doing their job.   


This is nothing more than a personal enemies list, not unlike the one that got Nixon to resign.   

hmmmm, i wonder what other admin kept an enemies list....let me see if I can remember......

I'm with her...?


don't get too twisted off


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If you refresh your memory and watch Apocalyspe Now again, you'll remember, Kurtz was "out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any himanly acceptable conduct." "His ideas, and methods became, unsound. And he has very obviously gone insane".


Kurtz also had an "army that worshiped him like a God, and followed every order, no matter how ridiculous". 


In the end, Kurtz's command needed to be terminated. 

Edited by utalkin2me
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