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Hi Pampal

I saw you g/f was afraid of a ghost. I know of a Thai guy that may be able to set your g/f's mind at rest. I would have been highly sceptical of such things had I not had similar problems over the last 3 months with a ghost in HK. My Thai G/F got a guy in Isaan to metaphysically come into the house and give the ghost the flick. She then brought over some kind of special hindu like statue when she visited. It was really weird, with things climbing over me at night and grabbing me while i lay in bed and the room getting really cold so that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Anyway, he came in and it took off. (A 35 year old woman from all accounts that had followed me home from the waterfall nearby.) Since he popped in, describing the house in HK in incredible detail, including me, the ghost has gone and all is well. It might all be rubbish but my life is a lot less stressed now, not that I was ever particularly frightened, and I'll get you his details if you want them. He seems to have some pretty amazing abilities re fortune telling etc.

Yes, I know a lot of people will think me completely daft. :o

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Hi Pampal

I saw you g/f was afraid of a ghost. I know of a Thai guy that may be able to set your g/f's mind at rest. I would have been highly sceptical of such things had I not had similar problems over the last 3 months with a ghost in HK. My Thai G/F got a guy in Isaan to metaphysically come into the house and give the ghost the flick. She then brought over some kind of special hindu like statue when she visited. It was really weird, with things climbing over me at night and grabbing me while i lay in bed and the room getting really cold so that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Anyway, he came in and it took off. (A 35 year old woman from all accounts that had followed me home from the waterfall nearby.) Since he popped in, describing the house in HK in incredible detail, including me, the ghost has gone and all is well. It might all be rubbish but my life is a lot less stressed now, not that I was ever particularly frightened, and I'll get you his details if you want them. He seems to have some pretty amazing abilities re fortune telling etc.

Yes, I know a lot of people will think me completely daft. :o

Well, not completely daft...yet. :D

I used to have problems with ghosts too but I solved them very quickly & easily...I stopped believing in them. Worked perfectly. Haven't had a problem since.

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"Who your gonna call... " :D

> used to have problems with ghosts too but I solved them very quickly & easily...

> I stopped believing in them.

Changing your Lao Khao brand has also been known to work occasionally. :o

Edited by chanchao
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Ask your Thai friends all the names they have for ghosts. Pee ban, Pee this, Pee that, Pee....They are terrified of ghosts. No prob looking at gore on page one of the dailies but ask a Thai girl to stay alone in a house...Pee!! No way. Check it out with the monks, too. They know. Alot of spirits drifting lost over Thailand.

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> asked for this didn't I. I can't believe I did it.

Oh not at all.. After all ghosts are a VERY real consideration in Thailand. If not for yourself then for sure for any Thai person living with you.

Interesting, my G/F took it all in her stride. I'm supposed to have an old guy who looks after the house and is harmless, but this one came from the waterfall and wanted me out of the house. The detail that he described in the house - down to me sitting in my boxers watching TV, not to mention a dig at my extra curricular activities and descriptions of these damned Disney murials everywhere in the house, was amazing. He reckoned she jumped of the balcony as he came in and that she wanted to kill me but couldn't because of stuff in the house. I'd been down to the Buddist / Taoist shops here and bought and burnt paper money, paper clothes, done various procedures, bought a little temple etc. and this was protecting me. Mind you, I never felt particularly threatened, just exhausted because I could sense when she was going to bug me. As well as the hindu statue, I also have a strange piece of carved wood that she said represented a child's hand. She told me the guy had gone into his house and searched around for this statue and that it was his last one - I guess to a new batch comes in. She specifically came over to HK to fix this problem. Apparently some Farang had bought him a 50,000 baht snake as a thank you present for good advice. I'm just telling you the G/F told me but all very strange.

As for the folks, we get things happening all the time in Thailand that I am blissfully unaware of until my G/F informs me.

1 My G/F's new sister-in-law got a visit because she wasn't introduced formally to the house spirit which put the wind up her.

2 All the women in the family smelt Loas whiskey whilst we were waiting for a ferry, but the guys, including me, couldn't smell a thing. Within an hour we received a phone call to say the local drunk had just died suddenly. The reckoned he was coming to say goodbye and thank you for all the money he had over the years. :o

3 The village had a full on ceremony because one of the local kids had set fire to the grass around the village spirit house and various villagers had dreampt that he would die. Festival held and problem solved.

4 Outside Khon Kaen a spirit house was moved from the road to a temple and 9 people were killed in 2 accidents within a hundred yards of that spot within a couple of days last summer. Apparently a Tiger (Tyger) spirit had been unleashed. Needless to say that was fixed up really fast.

Just stories from the folks but it's so woven into the day to living living in Isaan village life that it starts to make you wonder. Most of my macho mates told me to move really fast:whistling: and no one is interested in sleep overs any more.

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