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Would You Be Here Now - If You Had Known Before What Now Was Going To Be Like?


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thailand is not too bad, at least not yet...

That basically is the fundamental problem: not yet...

dont get your drift mate,

as you are worring about something that has not happened yet. :o

if thats the way you think you will be worrying your whole life, as <deleted> happens anywhere and any time.

you might get cancer and die tomorrow.

are you worried about that as well?

just try going with the flow and enjoying yourself. :D

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I get bored out of my trollies sometimes from lack of any decent intellectual stimulation

That's ThaiVisa for ya! gotta take the rough with the smooth. :o

I don't regret coming to Thailand even with the current political situation, I hope it will improve otherwise i will have to consider my long term future here, but this is a great place for being able to detatch myself from the problems of the world and concentrate on the things that are important to me.

I look forward to going back to the UK, there are things that I miss, my family especially, roast dinners friends and even things like a howling gale, driving rain and 5 metre breakers crashing on the shore.

As much as I miss the UK I miss being away from Thailand too.

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I arrived in LOS 1 December 2006 with my fiancee, my baby son and our 2 cats.

I found ThaiVisa while in England and posted questions about whether to take our cats along. BTW thanks for SBK, Sheryl and Bambina (to name but a few) for helping me make, what turned out to be the RIGHT choice!

While in England I read the forum a lot and gathered some invaluable information :D

I was working in a dead end job, coming home & watching TV and every night before retiring to bed I looked in the mirror to see a tired looking face looking back at me...

Once we decided to 'go for it' we havent looked back; sure the cultural differences, the traffic, heat, language barrier etc are all a challenge but I do not for one minute regret the decision to move here - I love Thailand! warts 'n all!!

It is more difficult for my partner who stays at home looking after the baby :o

She is starting some part-time teaching in a couple of weeks - more really to meet like minded ex-pats, so hopefully she will settle as I have.

The home we live in here would only be a dream in the UK

The food here is out of this world, my taste buds came alive the first time I ate!

The people are so friendly who we have met and cannot do enough for us.

Our boy is a gorgeous blonde haired blue eyed bundle of fun and he is like a celebrity wherever we go!

I for one do not want to go back to dreary England - not yet anyway although I'm sure time will tell

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Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :o

Don't do it man, don't do it. I kid you not, 5 mins back here and you'll be scratching your eye balls out :D

Just spent 3 weeks back in the UK on vacation, and me and my Thai missus really enjoyed it.

Its best to keep a base back in your home country. And some savings too. How many other countries in the world give less interest on bank a/c's, based on nationality?

Yeps, we had similar feelings after our recent holiday in the west. The main thing that we enjoyed, other than the far better environment for our little son, was that we did not need to be careful what we talked about where, and who might have listened in.

Crikey! Are you saying that things have got so bad that agentes provocateurs are listening in to peoples conversations so as to make trouble? :D Sounds like Germany in the thirties and nothing like Thailand that I know (last there a little over a month back).

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Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :D

Don't do it man, don't do it. I kid you not, 5 mins back here and you'll be scratching your eye balls out :bah:

Just spent 3 weeks back in the UK on vacation, and me and my Thai missus really enjoyed it.

Its best to keep a base back in your home country. And some savings too. How many other countries in the world give less interest on bank a/c's, based on nationality?

Yeps, we had similar feelings after our recent holiday in the west. The main thing that we enjoyed, other than the far better environment for our little son, was that we did not need to be careful what we talked about where, and who might have listened in.

Crikey! Are you saying that things have got so bad that agentes provocateurs are listening in to peoples conversations so as to make trouble? :D Sounds like Germany in the thirties and nothing like Thailand that I know (last there a little over a month back).

im a bit concerned that kmart could possibly be a conspiracy theorist.

been watching to much X files maybe. :o:D :D

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thailand is not too bad, at least not yet...

That basically is the fundamental problem: not yet...

dont get your drift mate,

as you are worring about something that has not happened yet. :o

if thats the way you think you will be worrying your whole life, as <deleted> happens anywhere and any time.

you might get cancer and die tomorrow.

are you worried about that as well?

just try going with the flow and enjoying yourself. :D

Sorry, but there is a fundamental difference between being on a carefree holiday, however long that is, and being here permanently, working within society and having responsibility for a family. Under these circumstances i don't have the luxury to just "enjoy the flow".

Just, for example, a simple worry is how to prevent, or counteract, the nationalistic brainwashing in schools here when my son will have to attend in a a very short time. Even just getting a good education is not easy here, and very expensive.

And before you say it, no, going to the west is not an option until the adoption is legal, which will take several years and a burocratic nightmare with a uncertain outcome. So, for the time being, and for the foreseeable future we are stuck here, whatever happens, without having the choice to enjoy the flow somewhere else.

As you can see - i am worried about very practical things and real events. That happens when you are grown up and have responsibilities to fulfill. No, leaving all, getting a surfboard and a spliff is not something that i consider at this stage of my life when i have people depending on me.

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Crikey! Are you saying that things have got so bad that agentes provocateurs are listening in to peoples conversations so as to make trouble? :o Sounds like Germany in the thirties and nothing like Thailand that I know (last there a little over a month back).

Given that several friends and acquintances of mine, mostly harmless university professors and NGO people, are under 24 hour surveillance, i would say that things got rather bad. That, if you are observing political and social events you have at every conversation you have there somebody you know is a cop or military edging close to you to overhear and record that conversation, i would say that things got rather bad.

Of course, you will not see any of this if your life is centered around beaches and bars.

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Just, for example, a simple worry is how to prevent, or counteract, the nationalistic brainwashing in schools here when my son will have to attend in a a very short time. Even just getting a good education is not easy here, and very expensive.

And before you say it, no, going to the west is not an option until the adoption is legal, which will take several years and a burocratic nightmare with a uncertain outcome. So, for the time being, and for the foreseeable future we are stuck here, whatever happens, without having the choice to enjoy the flow somewhere else.

As you can see - i am worried about very practical things and real events. That happens when you are grown up and have responsibilities to fulfill. No, leaving all, getting a surfboard and a spliff is not something that i consider at this stage of my life when i have people depending on me.

Don't worry about it. If your son is quite bright and diligent, he will be all right regardless of what school he goes to. I went to a Wat school from grade 1 to grade 6...and now I'm a grad student in America and doing quite all right. A good education is just a part of what could help your son succeed. There's still parent element (you) and the kid himself.

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Given that several friends and acquintances of mine, mostly harmless university professors and NGO people, are under 24 hour surveillance, i would say that things got rather bad. That, if you are observing political and social events you have at every conversation you have there somebody you know is a cop or military edging close to you to overhear and record that conversation, i would say that things got rather bad.

Of course, you will not see any of this if your life is centered around beaches and bars.

So you are saying, for ordinary folks which majority of us are, there's nothing to worry about then. :o

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Don't worry about it. If your son is quite bright and diligent, he will be all right regardless of what school he goes to. I went to a Wat school from grade 1 to grade 6...and now I'm a grad student in America and doing quite all right. A good education is just a part of what could help your son succeed. There's still parent element (you) and the kid himself.

I hope you are right.

Grade 1 to 6 is not much of a worry for me, but what comes afterwards. Problem is that for exceptionally bright kids there are options here, even if they are poor, but it's difficult for average normal kids. The education that is free in my place of birth, is very expensive here.

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So you are saying, for ordinary folks which majority of us are, there's nothing to worry about then. :o

Well, if you belong to the maybe 30% to 40% of the population here that has the education and money and social connections to succeed, are not interested in politics, than presently there is not much to worry about.

If you belong to the poor - the lack of feasable policy is something to worry about, and if you are interested in politics, you gotta be careful.

And as history shows, fascist systems rarely stop with the opponents. And what we have now is exactly that - an increasingly fascist system. So far still with a smile, but if peole such as Saprang or Tanin get more power - than this might change.

And there is still the complete lack of feasable plans for development.

Edited by ColPyat
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Crikey! Are you saying that things have got so bad that agentes provocateurs are listening in to peoples conversations so as to make trouble? :D Sounds like Germany in the thirties and nothing like Thailand that I know (last there a little over a month back).

Given that several friends and acquintances of mine, mostly harmless university professors and NGO people, are under 24 hour surveillance, i would say that things got rather bad. That, if you are observing political and social events you have at every conversation you have there somebody you know is a cop or military edging close to you to overhear and record that conversation, i would say that things got rather bad.

Of course, you will not see any of this if your life is centered around beaches and bars.

Oh Colonel ... you seem like a very nice guy but ease up on the dramatics ... you make things here sound like a cold war KGB movie... cloaks and daggers... defectors on foggy bridges at midnight. :o

From a non political laymans point of view I can categorically state that a Thai James Bond is not listening to any of my conversations or any of my many friends (Thai and farang) converstions here and it is safe to go out during the twilight hours ....

Granted if you are politically vocal in many societies around the world you will attract attention from authorities ... but to paint a picture of Thailand being under the ever watchful Saurons eye is not correct to the majority of the people living here (whether they are at the bar, the beach or anywhere in the Kingdom).

Maybe a big spliff might very well help you here Colonel :D

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From a non political laymans point of view I can categorically state that a Thai James Bond is not listening to any of my conversations or any of my many friends (Thai and farang) converstions here and it is safe to go out during the twilight hours ....

Don't take it the wrong way, please, but i don't think that anybody would be very interested in listening in to your conversations, judging from what you post here. From a political or social perspective... :o

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Don't take it the wrong way, please, but i don't think that anybody would be very interested in listening in to your conversations, judging from what you post here. From a political or social perspective... :D

Given the level of education and proficiency in English here (as you and some others have often pointed out), I'm sure you will be all right by talking about politics with your colleagues in English. :o:D

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From a non political laymans point of view I can categorically state that a Thai James Bond is not listening to any of my conversations or any of my many friends (Thai and farang) converstions here and it is safe to go out during the twilight hours ....

Don't take it the wrong way, please, but i don't think that anybody would be very interested in listening in to your conversations, judging from what you post here. From a political or social perspective... :o

Don't take it the wrong way, please, but paranoia can be treated :D

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Don't take it the wrong way, please, but i don't think that anybody would be very interested in listening in to your conversations, judging from what you post here. From a political or social perspective... :D

Given the level of education and proficiency in English here (as you and some others have often pointed out), I'm sure you will be all right by talking about politics with your colleagues in English. :o:D

You completely lost me here...

...unless you imply that i can only converse about those subjects in English, and don't know any Thais to discuss those subjects with?

Which, i can assure you, is not so, in my case.

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... you seem like a very nice guy but ease up on the dramatics ... you make things here sound like a cold war KGB movie... cloaks and daggers... defectors on foggy bridges at midnight. :D

From a non political laymans point of view I can categorically state that a Thai James Bond is not listening to any of my conversations or any of my many friends (Thai and farang) converstions here and it is safe to go out during the twilight hours ....

Granted if you are politically vocal in many societies around the world you will attract attention from authorities ... but to paint a picture of Thailand being under the ever watchful Saurons eye is not correct to the majority of the people living here (whether they are at the bar, the beach or anywhere in the Kingdom).

Maybe a big spliff might very well help you here Colonel :D


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... you seem like a very nice guy but ease up on the dramatics ... you make things here sound like a cold war KGB movie... cloaks and daggers... defectors on foggy bridges at midnight. :D

From a non political laymans point of view I can categorically state that a Thai James Bond is not listening to any of my conversations or any of my many friends (Thai and farang) converstions here and it is safe to go out during the twilight hours ....

Granted if you are politically vocal in many societies around the world you will attract attention from authorities ... but to paint a picture of Thailand being under the ever watchful Saurons eye is not correct to the majority of the people living here (whether they are at the bar, the beach or anywhere in the Kingdom).

Maybe a big spliff might very well help you here Colonel :D


You have to hand it to the colonel, he loves melodrama!

Alongside half the security forces of Thailand I have been dogging his steps for several months but he's still not sure if I'm a man or woman!

But colonel, please learn to write 'factions' not 'fractions' when you refer to political groups. I had an angry email from Somsak Thepsuthin about this, but I'm not sure he's trailing you.

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Crikey! Are you saying that things have got so bad that agentes provocateurs are listening in to peoples conversations so as to make trouble? :o Sounds like Germany in the thirties and nothing like Thailand that I know (last there a little over a month back).

Given that several friends and acquintances of mine, mostly harmless university professors and NGO people, are under 24 hour surveillance, i would say that things got rather bad. That, if you are observing political and social events you have at every conversation you have there somebody you know is a cop or military edging close to you to overhear and record that conversation, i would say that things got rather bad.

Of course, you will not see any of this if your life is centered around beaches and bars.

Hey Polycat, don't you find it a pain in the butt having to climb down that bleedin' long ladder to get off your high horse to go for a waz?

I think your Thai friends are having a giraffe. Either that or you've been reading too many of those airport novels.

"Psssst! The moon over Gorski Square is very bright this time of year."

"Yes comrade, and the toecake is particularly strawberry tonight."

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don't you find it a pain in the butt having to climb down that bleedin' long ladder to get off your high horse to go for a waz?

I think your Thai friends are having a giraffe. Either that or you've been reading too many of those airport novels.

"Psssst! The moon over Gorski Square is very bright this time of year."

"Yes comrade, and the toecake is particularly strawberry tonight."

Red rover, red rover... the toast is burnt... I repeat, the toast is burnt! :o


Counter-surveillance is the whole key.... :D

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You have to hand it to the colonel, he loves melodrama!

Alongside half the security forces of Thailand I have been dogging his steps for several months but he's still not sure if I'm a man or woman!

But colonel, please learn to write 'factions' not 'fractions' when you refer to political groups. I had an angry email from Somsak Thepsuthin about this, but I'm not sure he's trailing you.

Personally, i really don't care what sex you are, and yes, i have noticed that you have an unhealthy interest in stalking me (very sorry, i am already married, no interest in a mia noi of whatever sex, but if you are young, female and endowed with big boobs i might be persuaded into a gig, but please don't talk too much, and don't expect any athletics or marathon performance from my side. You have been warned - i am a lousy lay, just in case you want to persue this), and yes, i noticed that you have this appearantly irresistable desire to post completely untopical posts whenever i do post something. And yes, i noticed as well that you have this strange neurosis of having to correct my spelling mistakes.

Apart from that, do you have anything whatsoever to contribute that is related to this topic?

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Hey Polycat, don't you find it a pain in the butt having to climb down that bleedin' long ladder to get off your high horse to go for a waz?

I think your Thai friends are having a giraffe. Either that or you've been reading too many of those airport novels.

"Psssst! The moon over Gorski Square is very bright this time of year."

"Yes comrade, and the toecake is particularly strawberry tonight."

The only thing i find a pain in the butt are a certain kind of internet creeps that have to take every opportunity for posting asinine flames to hide their lack of intellect, knowledge and experience.

Thanks for asking though.

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Hey Polycat, don't you find it a pain in the butt having to climb down that bleedin' long ladder to get off your high horse to go for a waz?

I think your Thai friends are having a giraffe. Either that or you've been reading too many of those airport novels.

"Psssst! The moon over Gorski Square is very bright this time of year."

"Yes comrade, and the toecake is particularly strawberry tonight."

The only thing i find a pain in the butt are a certain kind of internet creeps that have to take every opportunity for posting asinine flames to hide their lack of intellect, knowledge and experience.

Thanks for asking though.

hey colpyat, ( whats that name mean by the way :D )

dont worry about these big bad boys, as there having a top laugh at your expense. :D

its all ok mate, as you have to cop a rasberry every now and then. :D

off you go mate and have a nice drink. :D

cheers :o

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