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Trouble At Subway Tipp Plaza


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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

Stupid post...... Not sure if subway invest directly or some poor sole has bought the franchise rights - besides the point. At the end of the day, someone has invested hard earned cash effort and taken risks in the hope the business will break even or make a profit. When's the last time you made and investment and were happy to let some one steal it ?. Let me know where you live, and I will be happy to see how committed you are to having your assets stolen.


1. Would not have been so obvious with the store staff. If you want to report it, should have been more tacktfull

2. Dont report it, fine, but at the end of the day your store will go belly up, and the shop will no longer be there. (so if you value your sandwiches that much, it IS in your interest to report it

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I am confused as I personally have never kept a reciept for food at any restaurant unless I was working, but this guy is so sad he checks his receipt for a sandwich? Either he is used to being ripped off - which is sad -but in this case he wasn't. I feel sorry for his missus everytime they go shopping, it must double their journey time as he has to check off every single item on his receipt. I am sorry but I think that is Icecubes is an EX TAX INSPECTOR. Cos this is fun town, where we have fun!

The level of intellect is astounding by some members

School must have kicked out then.

There’s a big wide world out there.

One day,, when you grow up and can where long trousers.

You will discover how important paper work is. fast food chains or pay checks

It all has its place, if you choose to discard it then at your own peril, do just that.

O wise one.

Have a nice day, thats after you and your mates finish your home work.

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From the sign displayed in the shop it seems quite obvious that the owner or manager was aware that some underhanded practice was in operation.

Well done to the OP for following up on this and not just ignoring the issue as it would seem that some members would have done.

When you have invested in business you have to depend upon staff to be honest and reliable and I would think that the person who has invested in this operation will be pleased to be able to pinpoint the member of staff who has defrauded the business and send him on his way.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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I am confused as I personally have never kept a reciept for food at any restaurant unless I was working, but this guy is so sad he checks his receipt for a sandwich? Either he is used to being ripped off - which is sad -but in this case he wasn't. I feel sorry for his missus everytime they go shopping, it must double their journey time as he has to check off every single item on his receipt. I am sorry but I think that is Icecubes is an EX TAX INSPECTOR. Cos this is fun town, where we have fun!

Nonsense. Just because you have enough money to throw around doesn't mean the rest of us are in same boat. I, too, like to get receipts and check them and enter them on Quicken. I know exactly where I am money-wise and I sleep well. How I hate not to know where the odd 1,000 baht has gone! And I have plenty of fun!!! :o And I certainly always check restaurant bills because restaurants get mixed up with what table is what.

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I am totally astounded by the posters saying that this was not a problem or that the OP should have minded his own business. Apparently the clerk is ripping off the owner and how anyone can condone this is way beyond me. Look, the world is full of petty cons/rip offs which cost the business owners money. Personally, I am glad the OP took the time to look into this and I hope the thief gets whatever the law demands.


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The only time I collect receipts is when travelling and claiming expenses. Reading posts like this however do get wondering who many of the receipts I've never checked have been chipped away at somehow. I doubt I'm going to go scrutinising every receipt from now on, but the awareness level has been raised.

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Thanks for your support Sunbeltasia and your pm raro as well as o everybody else who has supported me on this thread.

I have e-mailed subway and asked that they contact the franchise owner regarding this matter.

I have just checked the receipts I recieved again and even the second receipt (the one for 199 baht) is annotated "receipt has been reprinted" and is actually from an earlier sale at 6:30 pm. (I was in the shop at midnight).

I will keep both receipts and will happily hand them over along with a detailed report of the incident if and when the franchisee contacts me.

I take exception to be treated like this when all I am doing is actually trying to spend money in somebody's business.

I have no qualms about standing up to this jerk - his behaviour was nothing short of disgusting and he could have caused me a serious injury had his fist connected.

All this talk about Subway has made me hungry. I'm popping out for one now. :o

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What a very odd thread.

Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

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I am confused as I personally have never kept a reciept for food at any restaurant unless I was working, but this guy is so sad he checks his receipt for a sandwich? Either he is used to being ripped off - which is sad -but in this case he wasn't. I feel sorry for his missus everytime they go shopping, it must double their journey time as he has to check off every single item on his receipt. I am sorry but I think that is Icecubes is an EX TAX INSPECTOR. Cos this is fun town, where we have fun!

The reason I checked it was that there was a sign in the shop saying check your receipt free 6 inch sub of your choice if incorrect.

I wasn't ripped off for sure I paid my money and received my sandwich but have no qualms about reporting this jerk. He tried to assault me and should not be allowed to get away with it.

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What a very odd thread.

Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

The olny thing odd, is your Response , This guy was attacked. buy a member of starff at a fast

food out let.!!!!!!!!!

You are obviously very young like most on this thread, as you have no concept of the bigger picture. and the effects it has in the community you live in..

Grow up, and stand up.

Thank you very big.

Strange stuff on this thread.

any real people here.

or just muppets.

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What a very odd thread.

Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

The olny thing odd, is your Response , This guy was attacked. buy a member of starff at a fast

food out let.!!!!!!!!!

You are obviously very young like most on this thread, as you have no concept of the bigger picture. and the effects it has in the community you live in..

Grow up, and stand up.

Thank you very big.

Strange stuff on this thread.

any real people here.

or just muppets.

I say keep tightening up the visa requirements untill we have culled out these remaining idiots. Good on ya OP.

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What a very odd thread.

Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

Its a very sad state of affaires when one has to turn one's back on wrong doing. When I came to live here permanently I was told by another farang to keep my mouth zipped or I would find my dog poisoned and my car vandalized. Well, I just can't not do something about what is wrong and if something were to happen to me it'll just have to happen. Will you all come visit me at Pattaya Bangkok Hospital?

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I say keep tightening up the visa requirements untill we have culled out these remaining idiots. Good on ya OP.

Subway=Visa regulations.

Is there something you wish to say.

its about as clear as mud at present.


Edited by icecubes
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At the end of the day the local Govt are not much cop at regulating the fair city of Patters.

Thus It's up to the good citizens to help regulate the place they call home.

If you turn your back and walk away from such anti-social/criminal behaviour, you get the type of town to live in which you deserve.

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Some of the dumbest people I know you have degrees - work in McDonalds, KFC, Subway etc etc



Pizza Hut :o

Your dead right.

What do you say to a Sociology Graduate.??????

Big Mac and Large fries please. :D

Sorry i had to do it.

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Kudos to the OP for following the maxim "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."

Kudos to our other sponsor, Sunbelt, for following up, and showing themselves concerned and supportive members of the TV community and community-at-large.

And lastly: If I had a free 6-inch Sub at stake, I'd check my receipt too! :o

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Normally, the responsibility for managing staff does not fall on the patrons.

Normally. But it's like this condo - the so-called manager doesn't manage any of the staff and the Mangagement Committee doesn't manage the manager, so it's up to the residents to complain or see the place get dirtier and dirtier - until, of course, it's nearly Annual General Meeting time and then there is a sudden burst of activity because, for whatever reason, all 9 members want to get back on the Committee. For 18 months out of 24 staff are managed by concerned co-owners - just as patrons have to see staff do right thing for the patrons of Subway Tipp Plaza.

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Normally, the responsibility for managing staff does not fall on the patrons.

No but when the member of staff is a thug who attacks the patron then the managing staff need to hear about it :o

The determination of whether or not an employee of a business is a thug, normally is not the responsibility of the patrons. I have to be an idiot to keep responding to this post. All businesses must be managed.

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Normally, the responsibility for managing staff does not fall on the patrons.

No but when the member of staff is a thug who attacks the patron then the managing staff need to hear about it :o

The determination of whether or not an employee of a business is a thug, normally is not the responsibility of the patrons. I have to be an idiot to keep responding to this post. All businesses must be managed.

If you take the time and trouble to read this thread you will see that the employee in this case tried to hit the patron (customer) thus becoming a thug.....have you got it yet?

.........and yes when the manager/owner is informed he will be able to manage this part of his business by hopefully sacking this thug. Yes of course all businesses have to be managed ........I know I run two myself.

..........and as far as calling yourself an idiot well that`s up to you.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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The manly thing to do hear is mind your own business and ignore it. personaly if was me, i would chuckle to myself and laugh about the guy at subway who is scamming the boss. Note - scamming the boss, not you. Fair play to him. Its his scam and his business, not yours.

Anything other would make you a grass.

As for the owner, well thats his lookout, not yours.

You paid 199B for a 199B sub. Whats your problem?

Having said that - there si another way of looking at it. It may be that you just wanted your free sub. You have no moral issues with the guy, you are not a grass, you do indeed feel it is ok what he is doing, BUT you want your free sub. Which you should have.

Its a tricky one to call. 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

The guy was well out of order for trying to punch you.

Just my 2 bahts worth.

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The manly thing to do hear is mind your own business and ignore it. personaly if was me, i would chuckle to myself and laugh about the guy at subway who is scamming the boss. Note - scamming the boss, not you. Fair play to him. Its his scam and his business, not yours.

Anything other would make you a grass.

As for the owner, well thats his lookout, not yours.

You paid 199B for a 199B sub. Whats your problem?

Having said that - there si another way of looking at it. It may be that you just wanted your free sub. You have no moral issues with the guy, you are not a grass, you do indeed feel it is ok what he is doing, BUT you want your free sub. Which you should have.

Its a tricky one to call. 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

The guy was well out of order for trying to punch you.

Just my 2 bahts worth.

All very well to mind your own business but who do you think is going too pay for this theft in the long run. The custormer. If the profits are drained due to theft the business owner puts up the prices to compensate.

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