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Trouble At Subway Tipp Plaza


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Bought a sub from Subway on Sukhumvit near Soi 4 yesterday and the guy in front of me was creating a fuss. The sign on the cash register read, "if you do not receive a receipt we will give you 100 baht immediately". Well he didn't get a receipt and he didn't get 100 baht and his friend pulled him out of the store convincing him not to make a fuss. When it came to my turn I also asked for 100 baht since I hadn't been given a receipt and the reply came back, "computer broken, no receipt". I stood there and demanded a receipt and the girl behind the counter reluctantly convinced the broken computer to produce one - but she clearly wasn't happy about doing so. Methinks all is not well at Subway these days!

Some of these staff must be earning a fortune compared to other Thai people.

They seem to have created an illegal business within a legitimate business.........I`ll bet they never resign and only leave when they get fired. :o

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It would be nice if you identified where "Tipp Plaza" is... haven't a clue...

It`s between Soi 10 and Soi 11 Beach Road Patters.

If you are walking down Beach Road it`s on the left next to 7/11 just before Mikes Shopping Mall :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Sounds like Subway need to invest in some secret shoppers.

If a Subway shop assistant is pocketing the difference between the price of a 199 baht sub and a 15 baht bottle of water a few times every hour then do the math. Over an eight hour shift that's 4000+ baht a day going in to someone's pocket other than the owner. Week in, week out it's the sort of theft that can close down a small business. I'm sure someone from Subway is now comparing takings and profit margins between stores, could be very interesting considering some of the experiences customers have had. You have to wonder what other scams are taking place if this one isn't being picked up, just a general comment, not aimed at any particular store owner or franchisee.

CharlesDavid, l think Subway should be giving you free subs for a year for bringing this to their attention.

It's a pity we can't flame because there are some people in this thread with very strange views of right and wrong who deserve it.

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I suspect Subway has had it's shop computer hardware provisioning fine-tuned with the help of efficiency experts over the years, but one change I would suggest would be to add a LCD display screen facing the customer (like at Tesco) so you can see what is being rung up, what the total amount is, and what your change should be. It's just too easy the way it is now to pull the "ring up a water" stunt.

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i stopped reading this thread after 4/5 pages..

i appologise if this has been said already..

the op was right to report the incident especially after he was attacked....

i am very suprised at some of the repsonse to comments about how he may now be in danger..

imho i believe this to be a real threat, by someone mentioning he is danger imho doesn't show immaturity..it shows an understanding of the way things are

imho you were well within your rights to report this, i just hope the matter ends here and there is no revenge sought

off topic(for the peeps that think he's at no risk)

i caught a paeodophile twice, the first time i lost my temper and he ran away, i then caught him again(at it again, weeks later)..

this time i called the police, i had to insist they arrest this man..to cut a long story short, the guy was released without charge(obviously paid them off) and i was warned by concerned thai's that i should take care as i was in dangerous territory(they were appauled, but they knew the way things work)

so if i was in danger for shopping a paedophile, and i'm young and can take care of myself, then i believe the op is also at risk...but imho standing up for some sandwhich isn't as important as standing up for abused children

stay safe

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Wow!!! 130 postings so far and yet no one commented about this. Everyone who accused the employee and suggested firing him were right. But, no one pointed about the other employees in this particular branch. There should be at least 4 or 5 other employees minimum working in this branch. Is it only this particular employee cheating or are the others aware and doing it themselves :o?

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If some of these Thai's would put as much effort into being industrious and working legitimately as they do scamming and cheating the country might be far better off than it is today.

As we often say, "Name one Thai Nobel Prize winner, name one advance in medicine, science or engineering achieved by a Thai, name one Thai world wide recognised company"


2.Saijo Denki(I believed many people thought it was Japanese brand but its 100% Thai brand )

3.I-mobile(Mobile phone by SAMART)


5.The Pizza Company


7.Dusit Hotels

8.Singha Beer

And then of course there is all the baby milk, fish sauce, oyster sauce, chilli sauce, etc, etc, etc..... that is sold every day all over the world.

You need to get out more

Edited by johnh101
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Red Bull is Thai? I thought it was Austrian.

Krathing Daeng was the Thai original. That Austrian guy bought the rights to market it in Europe. Now he owns two F1 teams...but yes, the roots are Thai and the original is still on sale at your local convenient store.

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This is not a tax scam believe me. I wish it was. This is just another example of a cash business getting ripped off by the staff. Quite normal. It is not as easy to spot as you might think. Subway has many systems in place to stop theft but not ringing up a sanwich and pocketing the cash is one you can't beat unless you are there 24/7.

The staff member in question is being fired at this time.

I appreciate the feedback from all and hope that this does not happen again.

Thank you,

Franchisee Subway Pattaya Beach Tipp Plaza

Soidog, wouldn't it be better to charge him rather than just letting him go. At least if there are any reprisals by this staff member you may have some protection.

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Wow!!! 130 postings so far and yet no one commented about this. Everyone who accused the employee and suggested firing him were right. But, no one pointed about the other employees in this particular branch. There should be at least 4 or 5 other employees minimum working in this branch. Is it only this particular employee cheating or are the others aware and doing it themselves :D?

Wow 131 posts and something new!!!!!! don't think so, check out post 7.


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If some of these Thai's would put as much effort into being industrious and working legitimately as they do scamming and cheating the country might be far better off than it is today.

As we often say, "Name one Thai Nobel Prize winner, name one advance in medicine, science or engineering achieved by a Thai, name one Thai world wide recognised company"


2.Saijo Denki(I believed many people thought it was Japanese brand but its 100% Thai brand )

3.I-mobile(Mobile phone by SAMART)


5.The Pizza Company


7.Dusit Hotels

8.Singha Beer

And then of course there is all the baby milk, fish sauce, oyster sauce, chilli sauce, etc, etc, etc..... that is sold every day all over the world.

You need to get out more

All those are world wide recognised - hardly - you need to get out more into the real busines world and out of Pattay barland.

As for Saijo Denki - there is a local Thai owned company for but it licenses the name from the Japanese company. ref http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-70871626.html - so the Thai owns the thai bit but not the Japanese company - hardly what you are saying.

I will give you Red Bull and at a push Singha though ;-)) Red Bull is 49% Austrian though.

The Pizza Company - you mean the local one opened when Pizza Hut took away the franchise? Where else are they apart from Thailand?

you could have tried their parent company though, "The Minor Group" who do hold the thai franchises for some world wide known names but does that make them world wide known compaies?

The fact is apart from Red Bull (and maybe Singha) most people in the world would hardly recognise a Thai company who had not visited Thailand a number of times - in fact the average Pattaya visitor would not even know what the Dusit was ;-) - never mind PTT - (have they re-structured their masive debt yet?)

You might have tried the CP Group as well though???

The fact is Thailand does not really have known companies like say others in the region such as India, China, Singapore.

Edited by Prakanong
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The Pizza Company - you mean the local one opened when Pizza Hut took away the franchise? Where else are they apart from Thailand?

you could have tried their parent company though, "The Minor Group" who do hold the thai franchises for some world wide known names but does that make them world wide known compaies?

The minor group is actually owned by Bill Heinecke, an American who became a Thai national http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_E._Heinecke

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The Pizza Company - you mean the local one opened when Pizza Hut took away the franchise? Where else are they apart from Thailand?

you could have tried their parent company though, "The Minor Group" who do hold the thai franchises for some world wide known names but does that make them world wide known compaies?

The minor group is actually owned by Bill Heinecke, an American who became a Thai national http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_E._Heinecke

Yeah I know who owns it but is Pizza Company anywhere outside Thailand?

He has the Burger King franchise as well as others too

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Responding to the initial incident. Doesn't subway have some inventory control procedures?. If staff are selling subs and ringing up a water instead , surely the boss will notice a deficit of bread & fillings & a surplus of water during the weekly or daily stocktake?.

I could see one or two switches a day flying under the radar but nothing systematic.

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Responding to the initial incident. Doesn't subway have some inventory control procedures?. If staff are selling subs and ringing up a water instead , surely the boss will notice a deficit of bread & fillings & a surplus of water during the weekly or daily stocktake?.

I could see one or two switches a day flying under the radar but nothing systematic.

Disposing of surpless bottles of water wouldn't be a problem. Nor would bringing in or baking extra bread roles. Two incidents two weeks apart both with the same scam suggests that the theft is widespread.

My goess is that if thr franchisee checks hois sales records he will notice an awful lot of water sales. And who would go into Subway to buy only a bottle of water at 15 baht when in this case at least there is a 7-11 shop right next door selling the same branded water for 7 baht.

Sur some cusytomers will order water with there sandwiches but very few if any would go there for just a water.

I hope by bringing this scam to light the OP has helped the owner to stamp out this sort of pilfering. It is theft pure and simple and should not be tolerated by anyone.

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Yeah I know who owns it but is Pizza Company anywhere outside Thailand?

I had a meal there last night. What a dismal dining experience that was. I'll be sticking with the Pizza Hut from now on....and as in most large restaurants around town, the staff were very unfriendly.

If anyone frequents the Fuji Restaurants as I do, be very careful with the steak. Last night it was boot leather, and I just couldn't get it across to the staff that the meat was no good.

Edited by tropo
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Yeah I know who owns it but is Pizza Company anywhere outside Thailand?

I had a meal there last night. What a dismal dining experience that was. I'll be sticking with the Pizza Hut from now on....and as in most large restaurants around town, the staff were very unfriendly.

If anyone frequents the Fuji Restaurants as I do, be very careful with the steak. Last night it was boot leather, and I just couldn't get it across to the staff that the meat was no good.

I do not think I have tried the Pizza Company and have stuck with Pizza Hut if i have a pizza which is rarely.

When did the Minor Group lost the Pizza Hut franchise then just about copy it with The Pizza Company - there was a fuss at the time was there not?

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Yeah I know who owns it but is Pizza Company anywhere outside Thailand?

I had a meal there last night. What a dismal dining experience that was. I'll be sticking with the Pizza Hut from now on....and as in most large restaurants around town, the staff were very unfriendly.

If anyone frequents the Fuji Restaurants as I do, be very careful with the steak. Last night it was boot leather, and I just couldn't get it across to the staff that the meat was no good.

I do not think I have tried the Pizza Company and have stuck with Pizza Hut if i have a pizza which is rarely.

When did the Minor Group lost the Pizza Hut franchise then just about copy it with The Pizza Company - there was a fuss at the time was there not?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_E._Heinecke - there's a link to the Pizza Hut/Company story at the bottom of the page...

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I'd say "it ain't right" but if you can afford to eat a 200 B sandwich on a regular basis he may feel entitled to a piece of the action. I had a guy here try to rip off my wife (who is Thai) for 10 B on a check she knew it right away told the waiter and he got angry, she spoke to the owner who told her "he's just old". Personally I let my wife deal with the things that fall under "Thai style" I stay out of it right or wrong these people don't want me swimming in their soup if you know what I mean.

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Yeah I know who owns it but is Pizza Company anywhere outside Thailand?

I had a meal there last night. What a dismal dining experience that was. I'll be sticking with the Pizza Hut from now on....and as in most large restaurants around town, the staff were very unfriendly.

If anyone frequents the Fuji Restaurants as I do, be very careful with the steak. Last night it was boot leather, and I just couldn't get it across to the staff that the meat was no good.

I do not think I have tried the Pizza Company and have stuck with Pizza Hut if i have a pizza which is rarely.

When did the Minor Group lost the Pizza Hut franchise then just about copy it with The Pizza Company - there was a fuss at the time was there not?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_E._Heinecke - there's a link to the Pizza Hut/Company story at the bottom of the page...

cheers for the link

Just read it an it explains his wifes brass nameplate I saw at Trader Vic's at the riverside Marriot last sunday

Edited by Prakanong
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