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Hippo- what do you think Thais do in a small town in the US when they see each other? Do they most typically avoid each other? Of course not, they look, evaluate whether Thai or some other East Asian, and then ask the person, generally in Thai, if they're Thai. If so, they typically chat and get together to eat, even if one is a former bar girl from Isaan and the other teaches Thai at the university.

You're just too cool. Sorry if the fellow farangs taint your experience.

The other kind that make my blood boil is the type that is ashamed to admit he's an American or who feels the need to apologize for America and Americans to help him fit in with other expats. Sad.

who cares what thais do in small town america? the question is cultural cringe.if hippo is embarrased by some farang here thats his business.most who live here will feel the same at certain times ( i certainly am),just that we all cringe at different things.as for americans apologising for america(i presume you mean your govt foreign policy)well that just shows youre not all stupid :D

Of course it his business, but he actually said he is he doesn't mix with ANY westerners.

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!

Just wonder why he is a member of ThaiVisa if he is so ashamed of us :D

Of course being from Bolton, and therefore extremely cultured, I never do anything cringeworthy :o

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Hippo- what do you think Thais do in a small town in the US when they see each other? Do they most typically avoid each other? Of course not, they look, evaluate whether Thai or some other East Asian, and then ask the person, generally in Thai, if they're Thai. If so, they typically chat and get together to eat, even if one is a former bar girl from Isaan and the other teaches Thai at the university.

You're just too cool. Sorry if the fellow farangs taint your experience.

The other kind that make my blood boil is the type that is ashamed to admit he's an American or who feels the need to apologize for America and Americans to help him fit in with other expats. Sad.

who cares what thais do in small town america? the question is cultural cringe.if hippo is embarrased by some farang here thats his business.most who live here will feel the same at certain times ( i certainly am),just that we all cringe at different things.as for americans apologising for america(i presume you mean your govt foreign policy)well that just shows youre not all stupid :D

Of course it his business, but he actually said he is he doesn't mix with ANY westerners.

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!

Just wonder why he is a member of ThaiVisa if he is so ashamed of us :D

Of course being from Bolton, and therefore extremely cultured, I never do anything cringeworthy :o

i am also extremely cutured ,being kearsley born,but do accept hippos comments. maybe he just uses the forum for information and a little venting of frustration(as many of us do) and i do agree with him ,it is not about being antisocial,its about being carefulwith who you trust. there are many dodgy farang here, i for one was blackmailed by a swiss guy a few years ago,and it was nothing dodgy ,just belongings which he had away,documents etc. but he made my life very difficult as i couldnt prove anything or find out where he was staying. i trust nobody.

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mr_hippo Posted Today, 2007-02-09 10:15:23

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them.

We are not talking about long=term relationships here. Mr. Hippo crosses the street to avoid saying hello to other foreigners.

Seems a little :o to me. :D

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I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!

:o I can see your point to a certain extent, as the idea of mixing with a bunch of tourist louts isn't for me, but avoiding foreigners altogether is bordering on sad or perhaps an insecurity thing.

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I got into the habit when visiting Euroland (since 2001) at being introduced of skipping the America part and just telling people I'm from Boston. It cut down on the increasingly common stilted conversation when people try to figure out my view on the policies of my country, and they usually accurately understand my views on my most embarrassing (to put it mildly) countryman.

Of course with Thais I have to say America, since a blank stare is all I get with Boston (not a real big splash of a town, unless you like psychotic baseball fans like me), even though HM the king was born there.

Ah! Just tell them you're Australian. They won't mind.... and the Thais won't know.. :o

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Hippo's seem to be particularly hostile animals; responsible for many attacks on unwary bathers. I watched a prog on NGC about them last night. :D


Mr Hippo here doesn't appear particularly aggresive though ... in fact quite the opposite ... he seems rather shy ... :o more like the legendary sasquatch :D ... a solitary beast only venturing to subcivilisation to forage on berries and nuts and lecture the odd class or two .... :D

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Hippo's seem to be particularly hostile animals; responsible for many attacks on unwary bathers. I watched a prog on NGC about them last night. :bah:


Mr Hippo here doesn't appear particularly aggresive though ... in fact quite the opposite ... he seems rather shy ... :o more like the legendary sasquatch :D ... a solitary beast only venturing to subcivilisation to forage on berries and nuts and lecture the odd class or two .... :D

Yes. Rather secretive eating and mating habits, and relatively little is known about the social lives of this aquatic bovine creature. Except they are known as "the river's silent killer." *titter* :D

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You mention the words High Class and yet you go on to describe someone who can only be asssociated with a low class attitude and is not worth a satang of anyones money.

So you think only 'lower class' people can be anti-social? Pretty narrow minded even for you, even though you do go on to contradict yourself as usual.

I am a working class hero and I am sometimes accused of being an inverted snob by so called self appointed highclass ( classless is more in line with their thinking. ) people who think they are truly better than others.

You're not, you're FOS and you're just the sort of self agrandising phoney farang that makes me cringe.

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

hello mr hippo,

look mate,

ive got to tell you that im not very happy with you. :D

i demand to know why MR G, Kmart , my top mate dave got a mention and i bloody did'nt. :D

its not very fair of you, and i expect to get a good lashing in your next post as myself is the top alpha male of this forum. :D

thanks mr hippo and a big thumbs up to the trouble and striffe. :o

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

hello mr hippo,

look mate,

ive got to tell you that im not very happy with you. :D

i demand to know why MR G, Kmart , my top mate dave got a mention and i bloody did'nt. :D

its not very fair of you, and i expect to get a good lashing in your next post as myself is the top alpha male of this forum. :D

thanks mr hippo and a big thumbs up to the trouble and striffe. :o

Oh Dear..All the fires must be out the Fireman is back pouting about being left out..

Mr Hippo I think People a generally unkind to all creatures who live in and on water..

As I see it Old Buddy I don't mix very much with others so its your choice, like you

I paddle to the other side of the pond to avoid certain species of Ducks but

Gotta say its the Turkeys you gotta watch the closest...

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

hello mr hippo,

look mate,

ive got to tell you that im not very happy with you. :D

i demand to know why MR G, Kmart , my top mate dave got a mention and i bloody did'nt. :bah:

its not very fair of you, and i expect to get a good lashing in your next post as myself is the top alpha male of this forum. :bah:

thanks mr hippo and a big thumbs up to the trouble and striffe. :o

Oh Dear..All the fires must be out the Fireman is back pouting about being left out..

Mr Hippo I think People a generally unkind to all creatures who live in and on water..

As I see it Old Buddy I don't mix very much with others so its your choice, like you

I paddle to the other side of the pond to avoid certain species of Ducks but

Gotta say its the Turkeys you gotta watch the closest...

hey ducky,

you better watch out mate, as hippos eat ducks for breakfast and its a good thing that you are sucking up to the mr hippo, as he would be spitting out duck legs just for a giggle. :D :D :D

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

You gonna share that bit with us, Hippo?

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hey ducky,

you better watch out mate, as hippos eat ducks for breakfast and its a good thing that you are sucking up to the mr hippo, as he would be spitting out duck legs just for a giggle. :o:D :D

The Names Billy Hunt Mr Fireman not Silly ..... I know hippos eat ducks but then Ol Snake Head has threatened to Fry me, Fricassee Me, Fatten and Roast me, Ducks gotta be careful who he upsets..

Your Cool cause you know I'm just Joshin you, Don't You ??? :D

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The Names Billy Hunt Mr Fireman not Silly ..... I know hippos eat ducks but then Ol Snake Head has threatened to Fry me, Fricassee Me, Fatten and Roast me, Ducks gotta be careful who he upsets..

Your Cool cause you know I'm just Joshin you, Don't You ??? :o

I think "fatten" should come first in the little list, Ducky. And when did I say fatten or fricassee? You putting duckling a la orange in my mouth?

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The Names Billy Hunt Mr Fireman not Silly ..... I know hippos eat ducks but then Ol Snake Head has threatened to Fry me, Fricassee Me, Fatten and Roast me, Ducks gotta be careful who he upsets..

Your Cool cause you know I'm just Joshin you, Don't You ??? :o

I think "fatten" should come first in the little list, Ducky. And when did I say fatten or fricassee? You putting duckling a la orange in my mouth?

We're being very naughty doing this here with the Humans, we should be in the Mad House "BEDLAM"!!!!!!

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The Names Billy Hunt Mr Fireman not Silly ..... I know hippos eat ducks but then Ol Snake Head has threatened to Fry me, Fricassee Me, Fatten and Roast me, Ducks gotta be careful who he upsets..

Your Cool cause you know I'm just Joshin you, Don't You ??? :o

I think "fatten" should come first in the little list, Ducky. And when did I say fatten or fricassee? You putting duckling a la orange in my mouth?

We're being very naughty doing this here with the Humans, we should be in the Mad House "BEDLAM"!!!!!!

Shhh! You want them to know we are idiot savants and where we live?

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I am a Brit, so I don't have to tell anyone on this forum the "cultural" cross we Brits have to bear.

These days if a bunch of louts are around I just keep my mouth shut and make quetly for the door. I used to work in the States and have socialised with a lot of Aussies so if pushed to it can come out with a passable, to English ears, American or Aussie accent. But generally I just try and avoid the scum, fortunately here in KL it's so far escaped the attentions of the undesirables.

Sometimes I think that it would be a good idea if people had to sit a written and oral examination as part of the passport application process. That would exclude a lot of the neanderthals and keep them locked up in Saauuffffend on Mud.

I too rarely admit I am a Brit I usually try to give an evasive answer and normally seek to avoid groups of my fellow country man ,over the many years I have lived abroad ..now in Penang and Bahtu Pahat Malaysia every time I have weakened in my resolve and developed a relationship with a home country group I have been ambarassed and ashamed eventually . But I live in hope !!!

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

Maybe because in your first post you wrote

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!
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you better watch out mate, as hippos eat ducks for breakfast and its a good thing that you are sucking up to the mr hippo, as he would be spitting out duck legs just for a giggle. :o:D :D

The Names Billy Hunt Mr Fireman not Silly ..... I know hippos eat ducks but then Ol Snake Head has threatened to Fry me, Fricassee Me, Fatten and Roast me, Ducks gotta be careful who he upsets..

Your Cool cause you know I'm just Joshin you, Don't You ??? :D

absolutely duck, i know your having a giggle, not silly enough to upset hippo's and also got a top new name called billy hunt. :D:bah:

cracker mate :bah:

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StateSix, yes I did teach but not any longer.

kmart - ther's a better game called 'Hungry Hippos'. I bought Mrs Hippo one for Christmas but no ducks included!

Jet, you will find the hilarious question if you search through yesterday's posts and replies!

Edited by mr_hippo
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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

Maybe because in your first post you wrote

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!

got the hippo there my top friend statesix,

so give us the good oil mr hippo as you been BUSTED mate :o

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StateSix, yes I did teach but not any longer.

kmart - ther's a better game called 'Hungry Hippos'. I bought Mrs Hippo one for Christmas but no ducks included!

Jet, you will find the hilarious question if you search through yesterday's posts and replies!

Too many. I gotta cut duck feet out of my tresses and file my nails and go see my broker soon. Now, tell me the Q or I'm gonna sick a fireman on you. (I'll pay, Terry, I'll pay.)

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Ulysses G., I will type this slowly as I know you can't read very fast (or accurately). 'Crossing the street' was used figuratively, not literally as I have already said in an earlier post. I choose not to associate with Westerners, just as I choose not to associate with bar girls, golfers and politicians - this is my choice and not yours.

kmart, your ignorance is showing, we are not members of the Bovinae family but of the Hippopotamidae family and are not related. Yes, hippos can attack but so will any animal; even domesticated ones have been known to.

davidjtayler, why do you think that I teach?

Finally, why do I read and post on this forum? For the comedic value, this site has given my wife and I a lot of giggles - perhaps one of the biggest one was posted yesterday and we are still laughing about it and it was not in the joke section.

I have no insecurities, am quite happy and content with my life, how is yours?

Maybe because in your first post you wrote

I am from WNW of BKK. I do not mix with any Westerners, I cross the street to avoid them. When i was teaching, I was often invited to go out for drinks after work - Sorry, but I have been here with you for the past 8 hours and that's enough for me. Anti-social? No, very, very particular!

got the hippo there my top friend statesix,

so give us the good oil mr hippo as you been BUSTED mate :D

Well, I'll tell you what boys ... I like Mr Hippo ... he's got a dry, canny sense of humour even if he is a tad reclusive at times :D ... and if you ever feel you need a bit of non hippo company Mr H, you just give me a call and I'll fire round with a crate of fresh frothy ales ... :o

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Well, I'll tell you what boys ... I like Mr Hippo ... he's got a dry, canny sense of humour even if he is a tad reclusive at times :D ... and if you ever feel you need a bit of non hippo company Mr H, you just give me a call and I'll fire round with a crate of fresh frothy ales ... :o

Call round by all means but bring some tea bags (not the cheap Liptons's floor sweepings) - I don't drink alcohol.

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Well, I'll tell you what boys ... I like Mr Hippo ... he's got a dry, canny sense of humour even if he is a tad reclusive at times :bah: ... and if you ever feel you need a bit of non hippo company Mr H, you just give me a call and I'll fire round with a crate of fresh frothy ales ... :D

Call round by all means but bring some tea bags (not the cheap Liptons's floor sweepings) - I don't drink alcohol.

cricky's mr hippo the boys are trying to be really friendly and you dont even get on the turps. :D

sorry to say this, but you will never see dave if you cant drink 15 towers of brown frothy german ale. :o:D :D

hes <deleted> dangerous mate.

anyway have a nice lipton for me will ya. :bah:

cheers mate.

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There you Alkafrolics go again, Cant you guys accept that not everyone accepts your religous beliefs,,

Sorry Mr Hippo but these pissed up testicostices, sneek in with the Humans, they're harmless..

Actually ther're usually legless by this time each day..Terry and DJT stop teasing the Humans... :o

That'll be Billy tea for me Mr Hippo I'm a White Banded Black Ring Necked Australian Duck..

Edited by Little Black Duck
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