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Residence In Thailand

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I planning to stay in Thailand with my family for 1 or 2 years. I am 41 yrs old with French passport with 2 children (2 and 8yrs old) and wife (japanese passport).

For school reason I would like to obtain a one year visa. I have no intention to work at this stage and to young to ask for a retirement permit. I plan to rent flat in Bangkok. What should I do?


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Is the 3mios Baths deposit enough to get a one year visa for the whole family. If ok, how long should the money stay in. If I leave after 2 years can I get back the money at that time?


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When you transfer any money make sure it is in Francs, not baht,

and ask the bank for the proof of transfer of foreign currency,

otherwise you will find it very difficult to get the money out later

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Thanks Astral!

I understand that it is better to transfer the money in foreign currency and keep receipt for it.

... but is it sufficient to get a one-year renewable visa to stay with family in Thailand?

PS: can this amount be utilized in the renting or to buy a house in Thailand (in the limit of 1 rai land surface)?

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