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The week that was in Thailand news: Could it be "Pennies From Heaven" for caveman Vern?


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Regarding the Musk guy referenced above from this NY Times yesterday on his interview 2 days ago:


If (Musk) is feeling any insecurity, it was not reflected in his webcast with Mr. Rogan. He appeared at ease, sipping whiskey, and spoke, at one point, about artificial intelligence and how it could not be controlled.

“You kind of have to be optimistic about the future,” Mr. Musk said. “There’s no point in being pessimistic. I’d rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.”


Edited by JLCrab
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I have to say, I agree with your assessment of wealthy Thais.  I have innumerable stories of being treated with kindness and great generosity over the years, especially when I was young.  They provided introduction and access to elements of Thai culture I could have easily overlooked or not even been aware of.  I can also attest to the pleasant and unassuming character of Chatchai, having worked with him and shared a meal with him many many years ago.

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I share similar experiences about wealthy (as opposed to Hi So) Thais.The first Thais I met and spoke to in school in Asford, England 60 years ago hugely impressed me with their courtesy and friendliness. Subsequent meetings with senior Thais around the world have simply served to confirm my first impressions. At the same, and I'm not sure if this is a Chiang Mai characteristic, the helpfulness of ordinary Thais in shops and offices always gives me a warm feeling - how else in LOS?

Signed a happy farang immigrant

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Having taught in 2 of Bangkok's top-tier International schools, I agree that those of Thai heritage and who have had great success financially, are of kind hearts.


I have seen them repeatedly open their wallets/purses to take care of the underprivileged. And now - retired - I see many Thai's who are married to well-off farangs but who take every opportunity to share with strangers  and take care of the needy as their budgets permit.



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On 9/8/2018 at 5:00 PM, rooster59 said:
"All The Sevens" award goes to the 7/11 employee at a gas station on Route 7 on Friday 7th who gave birth in the toilets to a baby girl. She had been told by a doctor that she wasn't pregnant, just fat, and had gone into the convenience store loos to have a much needed pooh.
And yes, you've guessed it...she called her newborn "Nong Seven". 

This was a great story. And Nong Seven does have a certain panache to it, a much better choice than Nong Hong Nahm...

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