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Juncker to hold firm on Brexit terms, offer close partnership - official


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Juncker to hold firm on Brexit terms, offer close partnership - official



European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivers a speech during a debate on The State of the European Union at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, September 12, 2018. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler


STRASBOURG (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will say on Wednesday that Britain should not expect EU negotiators to soften demands as they try to conclude a Brexit divorce treaty but he will reaffirm an offer of a close future partnership, a senior EU official said.


The EU chief executive will touch only briefly on Britain's impending withdrawal from the bloc in a keynote State of the European Union address to the European Parliament, he said.


And he dismissed suggestions that EU leaders might rejig their instructions for chief negotiator Michel Barnier when they meet May in Austria next week as both sides try to conclude a treaty that can be ratified by the two parliaments well ahead of March 29 when Britain is due to leave the EU, deal or no deal.


Among the toughest issues left to solve is how to avoid a disruptive new UK-EU land border on the island of Ireland.


To suggest there is a softening of the EU position was to give a "wrong signal", said the official, who is close to the negotiations.


Brussels and the member states remained united and determined to resist British ideas they fear would let it keep some benefits of the EU single market while avoiding the costs.


He also dismissed any suggestion that Britain's exit could be delayed beyond March 29 to avoid a disruptive "hard Brexit".


Postponement was "not in the real world", he said. Some in the EU fear talk of delay may take pressure off to reach an accord.


At the same time, the EU official said, Juncker would note that Britain and the EU have cooperated closely on global issues, including in recent disputes with Russia and with the United States over trade and climate change policy, and he would repeat Brussels' offer to continue such a close partnership.


The EU welcomes May's proposal for a very close free trade agreement, the official said, and Juncker would stress that while Britain would become, in EU parlance, a "third country", clearly outside the bloc, "the UK will never be an ordinary third country for the EU".


(Reporting by Alastair Macdonald)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-12


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52 minutes ago, webfact said:

And he dismissed suggestions that EU leaders might rejig their instructions for chief negotiator Michel Barnier when they meet May in Austria next week as both sides try to conclude a treaty that can be ratified by the two parliaments well ahead of March 29 when Britain is due to leave the EU, deal or no deal.

Ol' Jean-Claude now having the temerity to order EU leaders what they should or should not do in connection with the Brexit negotiations, is he?


He is clearly suffering from delusions of grandeur - and probably needs reminding that he isn't yet the president of the EUSSR superstate which he is craving to create!

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6 minutes ago, OJAS said:

Ol' Jean-Claude now having the temerity to order EU leaders what they should or should not do in connection with the Brexit negotiations, is he?


He is clearly suffering from delusions of grandeur - and probably needs reminding that he isn't yet the president of the EUSSR superstate which he is craving to create!

After 8 or 9 of his usual drinks he probably thinks  he is already

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7 hours ago, robertson468 said:

Refreshing to know that you know everyone that's a Brexiteer.  Well done you!

Just judging them by their actions. 


20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It appears to me that the EU is now trying to punish Britain for exercising it's right to exit under the charter.

That‘s nonsense. What power does the EU have over the UK to punish them? And how? 



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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

That‘s nonsense. What power does the EU have over the UK to punish them? And how? 

Then why the problem on a trade agreement and border movement?


Before the EU even existed- the Common Market facilitated trade within Europe and border checks were minimum. At the very least the EU can agree to the situation as it existed pre EU.  Switzerland and Sweden work fine with the EU. Why ca't the UK- it's not rocket science. I would posture the EU is pissed off they will not get billions of pounds to support what  the UK voters figured out.  Brittain  was being taken for a ride- that's why they voted for the exit.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Then why the problem on a trade agreement and border movement?

What problem? 


2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

At the very least the EU can agree to the situation as it existed pre EU. 

Why should they? 


2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Switzerland and Sweden work fine with the EU. Why ca't the UK-

Because te UK doesn’t want to. 



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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Then you describe why the UK and EU are having a hard time setting up trade and border control after Brexit?   Obviously, I don't understand the issues !!

Then shut up talking nonsense that you know nothing about, and move along to another topic. No insult intended, just advice.

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16 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Then why the problem on a trade agreement and border movement?


Before the EU even existed- the Common Market facilitated trade within Europe and border checks were minimum. At the very least the EU can agree to the situation as it existed pre EU.  Switzerland and Sweden work fine with the EU. Why ca't the UK- it's not rocket science. I would posture the EU is pissed off they will not get billions of pounds to support what  the UK voters figured out.  Brittain  was being taken for a ride- that's why they voted for the exit.

Sweden works fine not with the EU but within the EU. It's a full dues paying member.

And Switzerland is a member of EFTA. It allows free movement of people for EU members.It contributes money to the EU budget.

So are you for a similar arrangement for the UK?

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

t’s the U.K. having a hard time becauE the UK jumped from a cliff without thinking about what’s down there

Obviously you did not agree with the vote. However, while that is your right- the people have spoken. Brexit is a reality. The UK is leaving the EU and it might be better for all to work out an arrangement that puts both the UK and  EU in a position to succeed.


I would opine that the EU needs the UK much more than the  UK needs the EU.  The EU is overwhelmed with countries that have huge deficit problems and an invasion of immigrants. The UK was smart to never enter the money union.  The pound is one of the few fiat currencies that are stable- the others being the Yen and US Dollar.  In 10 years time the entire EU will be on the verge of a complete break- up. Time to dig out those Marks and Francs and Pesetas.

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4 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

It’s the U.K. having a hard time becauE the UK jumped from a cliff without thinking about what’s down there. 

Yes, lemmings, the lot of them in government. I've never met a more stupid rationale for triggering a disaster for the UK than 'respecting the will of the people'. 

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Obviously you did not agree with the vote. However, while that is your right- the people have spoken. Brexit is a reality. The UK is leaving the EU and it might be better for all to work out an arrangement that puts both the UK and  EU in a position to succeed.


I would opine that the EU needs the UK much more than the  UK needs the EU.  The EU is overwhelmed with countries that have huge deficit problems and an invasion of immigrants. The UK was smart to never enter the money union.  The pound is one of the few fiat currencies that are stable- the others being the Yen and US Dollar.  In 10 years time the entire EU will be on the verge of a complete break- up. Time to dig out those Marks and Francs and Pesetas.

Brexit is a reality? Next you'll be telling us that Sweden is not a member of the EU.

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1 minute ago, stephenterry said:

es, lemmings, the lot of them in government. I've never met a more stupid rationale for triggering a disaster for the UK than 'respecting the will of the people'. 

A disaster?  Hardly- the UK  has the 5th largest economy in the World;  a huge trading base with the World; a vital military and one of the saviors of Europe during 2 World Wars.  Not to mention a population that excels academically and a history that dates back thousands of years.  There was a time that the sun never set on the British Empire and History has shown that many countries were better off under the Empire.


The UK survived and did well without the EU and will do well without it.  You people need to start supporting your countries decision and stop fighting the inevitable. The UK is not a member of the EU after March 2019.  I wonder if some of the naysayers are proper Englishmen.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Then you describe why the UK and EU are having a hard time setting up trade and border control after Brexit?   Obviously, I don't understand the issues !!

Well basically its because the UK politicians and their backers are attempting to maximize their benefits. nothing to do with getting a good deal for the people, its what is in it for them that counts.    As one poster said we used to have the common market.  Very true and it worked well until the UK farmers n the 1990s , who are big supporter of the Tories,  found out that the recently joined Greeks were milking the farm subsides for growing olives , it was claimed 10 times over,, just like the Italians had been doing for 10 years previous.  Not liking to miss out on this EEC fraud,  the then incumbent UK PM,   yes Margaret the milk Snatcher,  negotiated  " a special UK EEC deal".   It was so special that there were only 2 UK benfitees.  One the farmers obviously and the other,  immediately following her agreement with mad Ronald Reegan to deregualate the banks,  the city of London, the historic and ongoing main sponsors of her party and their cronies.      Over the years those special" benefits" have been lost by the wets in the UK government and the more astute EEC members.  So when stupid Cameron came up with the referendum, those bankers and farmers jumped at the chance of restoring  their gains and became Brexiteers, not thinking for one moment it would happen, rather using it as blackmail to get a better deal from the EEC. Unfortunately it has happened and it has all gone pear shaped because no one to a man considered that the UK would ever have such an incompetent PM as Teresa May, so rather then claiming back what they have perceived to have lost to Europe , by threatening to leave,   the people voted to leave , and  the leadership is so incompetent at negotiations, it now looks likely they and the country will be far far worse off then before.                                                                                        

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2 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

Well basically its because the UK politicians and their backers are attempting to maximize their benefits. nothing to do with getting a good deal for the people, its what is in it for them that counts.    As one poster said we used to have the common market.  Very true and it worked well until the UK farmers n the 1990s , who are big supporter of the Tories,  found out that the recently joined Greeks were milking the farm subsides for growing olives , it was claimed 10 times over,, just like the Italians had been doing for 10 years previous.  Not liking to miss out on this EEC fraud,  the then incumbent UK PM,   yes Margaret the milk Snatcher,  negotiated  " a special UK EEC deal".   It was so special that there were only 2 UK benfitees.  One the farmers obviously and the other,  immediately following her agreement with mad Ronald Reegan to deregualate the banks,  the city of London, the historic and ongoing main sponsors of her party and their cronies.      Over the years those special" benefits" have been lost by the wets in the UK government and the more astute EEC members.  So when stupid Cameron came up with the referendum, those bankers and farmers jumped at the chance of restoring  their gains and became Brexiteers, not thinking for one moment it would happen, rather using it as blackmail to get a better deal from the EEC. Unfortunately it has happened and it has all gone pear shaped because no one to a man considered that the UK would ever have such an incompetent PM as Teresa May, so rather then claiming back what they have perceived to have lost to Europe , by threatening to leave,   the people voted to leave , and  the leadership is so incompetent at negotiations, it now looks likely they and the country will be far far worse off then before.                                                                                        

The UK governmenthas certainly been incompetent in negotations. Whether competency would have improved their prospects is dubious. Their graver incompetence has been their negligence in preparing for Brexit.

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Yes- Sweden is a member of the EU but not of the money union.  Regardless-  my opinion holds.   And yes- Br exit is a reality no matter how many people object to it.  It's the same for me and Donald Trump being President- no matter how much I object to him- when I wake up tomorrow- he is still President.


The UK is a great country- it has survived  World Wars; devastating loss of life and it will survive leaving the EU.   The British people have a great amount of resiliency...

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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

A disaster?  Hardly- the UK  has the 5th largest economy in the World;  a huge trading base with the World; a vital military and one of the saviors of Europe during 2 World Wars.  Not to mention a population that excels academically and a history that dates back thousands of years.  There was a time that the sun never set on the British Empire and History has shown that many countries were better off under the Empire.


The UK survived and did well without the EU and will do well without it.  You people need to start supporting your countries decision and stop fighting the inevitable. The UK is not a member of the EU after March 2019.  I wonder if some of the naysayers are proper Englishmen.

Wow you managed to invoke WW 1, WW2 and the British Empire. These are relevant how to Brexit?

Tell us, since you seem so well informed about the particulars, what effect do you think Brexit will have on the supply chains for manufacturing facilities in the UK?

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

A disaster?  Hardly- the UK  has the 5th largest economy in the World;  a huge trading base with the World; a vital military and one of the saviors of Europe during 2 World Wars.  Not to mention a population that excels academically and a history that dates back thousands of years.  There was a time that the sun never set on the British Empire and History has shown that many countries were better off under the Empire.


The UK survived and did well without the EU and will do well without it.  You people need to start supporting your countries decision and stop fighting the inevitable. The UK is not a member of the EU after March 2019.  I wonder if some of the naysayers are proper Englishmen.

You clearly know nothing about trying to unravel decades of the UK being a member of the EU without committing economic suicide. It is virtually impossible in today's world without ruining the UK economy and devaluing the pound. And that's just for starters. Theresa May will go down in history as the PM who ruined Britain to respect the 'will of the people'.


Once Corbyn is removed, I fully expect the Labour party to win the next election and rejoin the EU - or at least the Customs Union, which will resolve the most critical of the current economic issues. 

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