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Yes, of course you did. Now go and lie down, it must be time for your nap.

You frequently make these claims of vast legal expertise, yet there are two things that give the lie to them.

1) You never, ever, cite your sources or even provide links to articles that support your claims.

2) More importantly, you claim to be a lawyer acting for clients. Yet you freely discuss their cases on an open, public forum! No ethical lawyer would do such a thing.

OK dear GU22 ...since you ALWAYS disbelieve, criticise and make defamatory accusations on this forum even in relation to the simplest and most obvious matters , the actual letters/emails from the Embassy confirming every single word to be true will be published here in return for you getting out from behind your bush and publishing your true name and address and status on this forum.

There is nothing more cowardly than to hide your true identity and continually snipe behind a cloak of anonymity.

Clearly looking back over his posts, although always ready to help (or stick his oar in) Gu22 is an arrogant cyber bully who always attacks anyone who dares to criticise the effeciency or honesty of his much loved Btitish embassy and staff. Why he cannot accept that they are unpredictable, do make mistakes and somtimes treat people as badly as he does remains a mystery.


Any other threads which end up in childish bickering and personal snipes will be closed and those responsible will be warned/suspended as appropriate. Members are free to state their views and to respond in a reasonable fashion to those who disagree, but selfishly disprupting a thread for the purposes of flaming will not be tolerated.

This is not aimed at any one member in particular.

Thread closed.


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