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What will Bitcoin bring in 2019?


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On 10/11/2018 at 4:25 PM, Brickbat said:

Blockchain is not spelt B.I.T.C.O.I.N.

WHAT you folks do not understand is the technology and how it is going to impact our lives very soon. In so many ways. Especially Ethereum with its smart contracts platform. 

Then watch the party.....

You shouldn't presume what us folks do or do not understand, there is a word for that : ignorance.

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This is what I mean: I think the volume trend on the most decentralized and private exchange built on Bitcoin is a good indicator of what Bitcoin is likely to bring in 2019:

Bisq’s monthly trading volumes in $USD terms since project inception in April 2016.

Note that we’re only halfway through the month on that last bar.

Source: https://t.co/3RduGgxy9U pic.twitter.com/WG4HDwsbnA

— Bisq (@bisq_network) October 15, 2018

The price against fiatcoins seems not as important and still above where it was last October or any time before that:




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  • 10 months later...
On 10/11/2018 at 2:20 PM, twig said:

I'll risk predicting a significant rise in volume for the only even remotely decentralized P2P Bitcoin/fiat exchange:



ALL of its competitors are either centralized through their website, or trading only crypto, and crypto fiat derivatives tokens.


Bisq is the only one that does both fiat and crypto, is open source, maximizes privacy by default, and will be difficult for Big Brother to shut down, because there is no central server in it.


I heard a rumor Bisq might even be released in Thai language, either Q4'18 or Q1'19.




https://t.co/3RduGgxy9U Q3 update on this part (rumor of Thai language interface also came true):





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