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Trump questions Kavanaugh's accuser, says opponents want to 'destroy' nominee


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10 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


You forgot one:


All white men look the same; it coulda been another white guy!

That's not how I remember it.  It was "It was THAT white guy!".  Shame it was a massive bloody great lie trotted out by the GOP.

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Sorry my friend, I make up my own mind, and dont rely on the media, especially the Washington Post, to analyze a Judges views. And if they havent been stated in his writings, how does one analyze them? And no judge answers any questions about potential cases, viz Ginsburg.
And what treasonous statements are you referring to...when he leaned over and thought the mike was off and said "Yo Dmitry, wait till the election is over, Ill have more freedom then"...o wait that was Obama.
Id love to see a thread about what treason Trump has committed....

Remember when Trump changed “would” to “wouldn’t”? That was to avoid what his team feared would be treason. Russia declared war on the United States through cyber meddling in the election.

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30 minutes ago, Slip said:

That's not how I remember it.  It was "It was THAT white guy!".  Shame it was a massive bloody great lie trotted out by the GOP.


Yeah, I took some comedy license. What they actually did was worse: point the accusing finger at a specific *completely* innocent man. They don’t care who they plow down on the road to power.

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7 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Keith Ellison.


I wasn't familiar with the Ellison story, but now that I have read up on it, I don't see it as a case of sexual misconduct.


As for Bill, he was impeached, fined and disbarred.  That is, by definition, not being given a pass.  And these punishments were not for his sexual misconduct.  In fact, it wasn't even misconduct because both parties consented.


As for Hillary... huh?  I searched and found nothing aside from some stories about a campaign aid that got himself in hot water.  What sexual misconduct was Hillary accused of?


What else you got?

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22 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

What they actually did was worse: point the accusing finger at a specific *completely* innocent man. They don’t care who they plow down on the road to power.


David Roberts (@drvox)

9/24/18, 2:50 AM

"the skeleton key to understanding American conservatism is this: At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos." theconcourse.deadspin.com/brett-kavanaug…

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Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti)

9/24/18, 8:24 PM

My e-mail of this morning directed to Mr. Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. The American people deserve to know the truth and evidence regarding the allegations. There must be no effort made to avoid it. pic.twitter.com/8pcdW0PqQ1



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Ananatti has just said that his client, an alleged third accuser, will do an on camera interview within the next 48 hours and I bet it won't be on FOX News. I think that Ananattii will have properly investigated the allegation before getting involved or maybe that is why he is waiting the 48 hours, but who knows!

Edited by wayned
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9 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Wow...2 plus 2 equals 5 555555555 I think you need to reread your articles.


So tell me about the Democrat funding of the Fusion dossier?


Green cheese my brother, green cheese

Two is much better than your zero.

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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly. He comes off as GUILTY. Ford went to the FBI and took a lie detector test. Lying to the FBI is a serious crime. Yes, an actual innocent man at this point would be going the extra mile to REALLY clear his name. If he goes along with this sleazy RAILROADING then he will not have cleared his name. On top of that, if the democrats take over they can demand further investigation even after he's on the court. The court is dirty enough without adding Kavanaugh to the mix. 


No she didn't.


She allegedly paid an ex-FBI agent to administer a polygraph, which incidentally is NOT a lie detector test. So she did not go to the FBI to take a lie detector test. 


As much as you want him to be guilty, there is no evidence.


Your own dishonesty here is part of the larger problem of political mudslinging. Shameful.



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It's gotten beyond the point where there is going to be an actual investigation.   Grassley has already scheduled the vote in the committee for Friday and once that vote is done McConnell will schedule a full Senate vote for this weekend, whether or not the committee vote was to proceed, so that he can sit on the court beginning 1 October as there are some sensitive issues on the dock.


His fate will depend on  the testimony at the hearing, and, possibly the release of an additional accuser's recorded story on Wednesday afternoon with supporting statements by observers.  That is what Avanatti said that he is planning to do on CNN this morning.


In the end it might just sway those teetering on the line like Flake, Collins, the Alaskan Senator and any Dems.


Going to be a busy Thursday with this and the Rosenstein meeting with TRump.

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14 minutes ago, wayned said:

It's gotten beyond the point where there is going to be an actual investigation.   Grassley has already scheduled the vote in the committee for Friday and once that vote is done McConnell will schedule a full Senate vote for this weekend, whether or not the committee vote was to proceed, so that he can sit on the court beginning 1 October as there are some sensitive issues on the dock.


His fate will depend on  the testimony at the hearing, and, possibly the release of an additional accuser's recorded story on Wednesday afternoon with supporting statements by observers.  That is what Avanatti said that he is planning to do on CNN this morning.


In the end it might just sway those teetering on the line like Flake, Collins, the Alaskan Senator and any Dems.


Going to be a busy Thursday with this and the Rosenstein meeting with TRump.

Bombs away!

Regretfully I am not available on Thursday to park myself in front of a TV to watch the twin circus events.

It will be most interesting. ???? ????

Avanatti is not one to be fxxxed (fooled) with. If he says he's got the goods, you can go to the bank with it.

I wouldn't be too sure at this point about a quick confirmation.


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The Dems say that there is absolutely no corroboration of any of the witnesses in the Debbie Ramirez incident.   However, Don Lemon just posted and exert from a interview with Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale.  I'll summarize because I don;t have a link  it handy:  He said that Brett was a heavy drinker and when he got drunk he got very belligerent.  He knew Debbie and the crowd that Brett hung out with and said that the incident could have definitely happened as she described"!  Doesn't say much for the Dems partisan investigation, you would think that they would have at least talked to his roommate!!

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14 minutes ago, wayned said:

Here's a link that I found:



Guess that it takes a scumbag to nominate one!

The article says that he has told the few reporters that have contacted him the same thing.  He did not mention being interviewed by Grassley's goons!

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