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I just come from the Gyneco. with my wife and presented him the result of my sperm analysis... 9,6 million total count. Aparently it is realy too low as the minimum should be 20 million and good sperm count 60 million!!!

He asked me to stop drinking for 3 month and prescribed me a medicine (Proovironum) to increase count. This medicine is aparently working on only 25% of the people.

I would like to know if some of you had already the same problem and what you have done to finaly conceive, or even if you got a baby with a low sperm count.

I just come from the Gyneco. with my wife and presented him the result of my sperm analysis... 9,6 million total count. Aparently it is realy too low as the minimum should be 20 million and good sperm count 60 million!!!

He asked me to stop drinking for 3 month and prescribed me a medicine (Proovironum) to increase count. This medicine is aparently working on only 25% of the people.

I would like to know if some of you had already the same problem and what you have done to finaly conceive, or even if you got a baby with a low sperm count.

it only takes one, but he needs to be a good swimmer. Maybe it aint you

sperm analysis... 9,6 million total count. Aparently it is realy too low as the minimum should be 20 million and good sperm count 60 million!!!

I don’ t have the same problem but I know of two ways to increase the sperm count:

1. Wear no underpants or wear loose shorts that do not press your scrotum against your body. (For optimal sperm production, the testicles should have a temperature a few degrees Celsius lower than your body temperature)

2. Take 2 Ginsroy capsules twice daily. I don’t remember who makes Ginsroy, but it is a combination of ginseng extract and royal jelly and should be available from pharmacies.

Within one month you should be able to surprise your doctor with a much higher sperm count.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I will have a lok for Ginsroy. The Doctor gave me some Seroids (Mesterolone)from a good health company Schering and told me that this would increase the sperm count but it's only working on 25% of the men.

I will try it for 2 weeks and check count again. if it's working then good... If not, I think an IUI (artificial insemination) would be possible. Anybody experience about this?


It is not impossible to conceive with a low sperm count but it is less likely. If treatment to raise your sperm count does not work then artificial insemination can be done with your sperm. What they do is to concentrate the semen from several samples (thereby creating a higher sperm count) and then insert it directly into the uterus while your wife is ovulating. The child will still be biologically yours.

The procedure from your end is not much different than what you already did to provide the semen sample. From your wife's side, they may give drugs to stimulate ovulation and have her monitor her body temperature. Then she goes in for an office procedure to inject the sperm, which from her side is not much different than a normal pelvic examination. Then you both wait and if no pregnancy, repeat it the following month.

Good luck

It is not impossible to conceive with a low sperm count but it is less likely. If treatment to raise your sperm count does not work then artificial insemination can be done with your sperm. What they do is to concentrate the semen from several samples (thereby creating a higher sperm count) and then insert it directly into the uterus while your wife is ovulating. The child will still be biologically yours.

The procedure from your end is not much different than what you already did to provide the semen sample. From your wife's side, they may give drugs to stimulate ovulation and have her monitor her body temperature. Then she goes in for an office procedure to inject the sperm, which from her side is not much different than a normal pelvic examination. Then you both wait and if no pregnancy, repeat it the following month.

Good luck

Thanks a lot for your info. I called my doctor but had no time to call and told me that this would be the IUI artificial insemination which is 10-20% efficient and not very expensive.

Anyway, i will wait 2 weeks to see whether or not the medication is working and then if not follow your advice.

Thanks again


Another tip for increasing sperm count is to stop smoking marijuana if you are indeed doing that. Marijuana does lower the sperm count, among other things. Google marijuana sperm count if you don't believe me. Takes a couple of months without it to get the sperm count up.

Another tip for increasing sperm count is to stop smoking marijuana if you are indeed doing that. Marijuana does lower the sperm count, among other things. Google marijuana sperm count if you don't believe me. Takes a couple of months without it to get the sperm count up.

Now... Marijuana is not the problem. I promised my wife that i would sleep early (10.30 pm), eat my Mesterolone tablets, no more Pet Pet food, no coffe and NO BEER. WHISKEY and other liquors... as the doctor asked me. But this week end is Chineese new year and rugby on TV. The difficult part will be the NO beer. Apparently this one is the worst (up to my doctor, but he didn't mention about drugs)... 3 month to come back to normal count. This week end will be difficult.... :o


Another tip has nothing to do with homeopathic remedies or the absence of underwear. There is a speical procedure ("GIFT" - gamete interfallopian transfer) for those with low sperm counts. Too, if you're Catholic, this method has been accepted by the Holy See.


My first grandson was conceived many months later than he otherwise would have been, because his father bicycled in searing heat for hours ever day, wearing tight shorts. That killed the sperm. When winter arrived, the sperm count soared, and the child was conceived.

Another tip has nothing to do with homeopathic remedies or the absence of underwear. There is a speical procedure ("GIFT" - gamete interfallopian transfer) for those with low sperm counts. Too, if you're Catholic, this method has been accepted by the Holy See.

Yeah i heard about it but it costs 6,000 to 7,000 USD, and it is ot in my current budget.

Nothing to do with this but as i told you previously, i stoped drinking even on week end... i forgot how good it is to wake up at 8 in the morning on saturdays, have a good english breakfast and go to the swimming pool for 1 hour... :o


Good for you. A toptip that my gynaecologist in the UK told us was that Mr Man should dangle his nads in cold water for 15 minutes every day. Either that or point the shower head at them. Love him, he complied! Could be worth a go, it's free and refreshing (not likedoing it in the freezing winters of England). That's devotion :o

  • 2 weeks later...
I will try it for 2 weeks and check count again

Have you had your new test already? What was the count?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


I will try it for 2 weeks and check count again

Have you had your new test already? What was the count?



Yes, thanks for asking!!

I had my new tests last saturday. BTW the sperm collection in the lab's toilets with a monk (lady) preparing fruits just behind the plastic door (its a good lab,.... only the toilets...) was a little stressing...

Anyway, after 2 weeks with:

No coffe, No Alkohol (only 3 glass beers), sleeping at 10.30 pm, no spices, fruits, regular breakfast, lunch and dinner, 3 times per day meleosterone medicine (proviron), no sex (3 times in 2 weeks) my sperm count increased from 9.6 million to 44 million!!!!!!!!

I was happily surprised as the doctor said that the steroid tablet works only on 1 person out of 4 and i was expecting an increase (if it would work) of only 5 or 6 million. But it increased my sperm count nearly 5 times!!!

The doc told me that this is quite good as the minimum requiered is 20 million. he told me to not worry about IUI or any other artifiial insemination, but that now only luck and timing would operate.

I will continue this diet for the next 3 month (with some beers the WE but no excess as told by the doc.). i hope my wife will get pregnant before. I'll let you know anyway...

The other advantage is the week ends i spend full complete days: I wake up at 8h30, have a big breakfast, no headacke, not tired, hungry again. The last 2 week end i was much more active then the previous ones. That made me reduce smoking and i even went with some guys play paintball.

Any way, this diet works really and i am quite happy about it.

Thanks to take some news.

Amir :o


Did you follow the advice about underwear?

Of course, with that combination treatment, it is impossible to say which part contributed how much to the increased count, but I am happy to see you had a positive result.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



It's not unusual for sperm count to go up or down by 300% from one sample to the other. So, you can't really draw any conclusion. Besides sperm count the mobility and morphology of the sperm cells is also important. But people capable of procuding a 44 milion sperm count usually don't have any problem with any of these items.

Until now it has not been proven that a diet can improve your sperm count, although some tests seem to indicate that smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect.

There or also no medicines that have proven to cause an increase in sperm quality or sperm count. Many scientific reports have been written about oestrogen suspressing medication (in combination with testosterone), but most test seems to indicate test the improvements are minimal until non-existing.

I wouldn't worry if I would be you, you probably don't have any problem.

It's not unusual for sperm count to go up or down by 300% from one sample to the other. So, you can't really draw any conclusion. Besides sperm count the mobility and morphology of the sperm cells is also important. But people capable of procuding a 44 milion sperm count usually don't have any problem with any of these items.

Until now it has not been proven that a diet can improve your sperm count, although some tests seem to indicate that smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect.

There or also no medicines that have proven to cause an increase in sperm quality or sperm count. Many scientific reports have been written about oestrogen suspressing medication (in combination with testosterone), but most test seems to indicate test the improvements are minimal until non-existing.

I wouldn't worry if I would be you, you probably don't have any problem.

Personnally, i don't think that the medicine can make miracles about it. It also says that this steroid increases the testosterone level and not directly the sperm count. It only has an indirect consequence on it.

The thing i believe is that due to stress (work, or think too much), your metabolism can be slowered.

If you add being tired, lack of vitamins, hang over, think a lot of having a baby since 12 months and stress of works... i believe that this can be a reason to decrease the metabolism and so the sperm count. Which is different then having a normal sperm count and trying to Increase it.

Anyway, except the sperm count, this diet is helping me to be more active on my Holidays and even at work.

I live in Asia since 4 years, travel a lot for work, have very often drinks with friends late and so be since 4 years 60% (if not more) tired and lazy the day. I suppose that this is true for many people in Asia (foreigners). Since 3 weeks now I feel a real difference and i enjoy it.


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