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Marijuana for medicinal use ‘within eight months’


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20 hours ago, Shiver said:

Placebo double blind and control evidence not withstanding, I've seen someone with Parkinsons at an advanced stage use it, and the effect was dramatic and not 'that' debilitating.  The only other thing I've seen that was as effective was I.M. injection of large doses of Glutathione which is truly startling, but only lasts for about 30 mins.

I have an arm/shoulder injury which is problematic unless slugged by something where it can damp spasms (is that the right word?) by about half.  The bone healed fine and have full range of motion, but I daren't carry anything with it for fear of it slinging something across the room without me intending it to due to what I presume is nerve damage - it's coming back ever so slowly, but it's been a year already and I think the best of the repair is behind me.  That and general social anxiety (and panic attacks if in the wrong situation - I've learned situational avoidance to reduce those to maybe 2 -3 times a year, and I wouldn't wish those on my worst enemy, if I had any), I'd love to get hold of something of known consistent strength so I don't end up with kaleidoscopes and inability to move my legs.  I'm not looking for that effect, just to get by in life and be coherent.  A gentle vape to take the rough edges off would be ideal.  I'm going to ask a doctor when the time is right if they'll prescribe it off label and see what they say.


Yes...you clearly don't understand the difference between scientifically verifiable evidence and anecdote...The plural of anecdote is NOT data.

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2 hours ago, kwilco said:

Yes...you clearly don't understand the difference between scientifically verifiable evidence and anecdote...The plural of anecdote is NOT data.


If you hit your thumb with a hammer in a forest when nobody is listening, did it still happen?

Logic and science is not Truth.  It's a descriptive language, and fallible. 

Thank you for your positive schooling me, though I'll stick with my own methods thank you very much.  It's saved quite a lot of lives, but there's no white paper to prove it so it couldn't have happened.

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22 hours ago, Shiver said:


If you hit your thumb with a hammer in a forest when nobody is listening, did it still happen?

Logic and science is not Truth.  It's a descriptive language, and fallible. 

Thank you for your positive schooling me, though I'll stick with my own methods thank you very much.  It's saved quite a lot of lives, but there's no white paper to prove it so it couldn't have happened.

As I said, you clearly don't understand how the efficqacy of any medicinal product or therapy is verified.

The process is well established and universally accepted, it is incontrovertible.

You really need to educate yourself of this methodology, it is founded on critical thinking and skeptically.

Even the conclusions you draw from my post are incorrect which just further underlines how you don't understand the basics.

This site will help you understand the basics...




I would also suggest you read "Bad Science" by Ben Goldacre.


The whole point of skeptically and critical thinking is that is fully understands fallibility and the part it plays in continuing investigation rather than jumping to the first conclusion that comes along.


What most anecdotal examples do is substitute association instead of cause.

This is an interesting article that shows how quackery abuses evidence based medicine against science based.


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3 hours ago, kwilco said:

As I said, you clearly don't understand how the efficqacy of any medicinal product or therapy is verified.

The process is well established and universally accepted, it is incontrovertible.

You really need to educate yourself of this methodology, it is founded on critical thinking and skeptically.

Even the conclusions you draw from my post are incorrect which just further underlines how you don't understand the basics.

This site will help you understand the basics...




I would also suggest you read "Bad Science" by Ben Goldacre.


The whole point of skeptically and critical thinking is that is fully understands fallibility and the part it plays in continuing investigation rather than jumping to the first conclusion that comes along.


What most anecdotal examples do is substitute association instead of cause.

This is an interesting article that shows how quackery abuses evidence based medicine against science based.



Look, I have better things to do than to get into a pissing contest, so will suggest only one thing:

Take resveratrol, because it worked for rats.
(unmentioned: That's about 70 litres of wine per day, if you assume 100% bio-availability).
Maybe you could make Liposomal wine, and reduce it to just 3 litres a day... never tried.

Apple, Orange, genetically I'm guessing 95%+ the same.  One person can be an <deleted> and the other a president, and a third person would say what's the difference?

I'm done.  I found what works, and don't wish to engage with people who tell me what works with why it couldn't possibly.

Explain to me how SBM is more accurate than EBM, please... I'm all ears if you're constructive and trying to reach a result rather than insulting me.


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On 9/26/2018 at 8:36 PM, Mikeasq60 said:

And that of raging alcoholics they never quit puking, shitting, pissing on themselves or making complete asses of themselves . Death and destruction alcohol related Google it

Yep, they're sure don't. Two peas in a pod.

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On 10/1/2018 at 12:15 PM, Shiver said:

Look, I have better things to do than to get into a pissing contest,

I assume because your comprehension of the issue is a non-starter that is your only recourse?

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1 hour ago, trianglechoke said:

look, the only question that matters... Can we farangs buy it and get stoned without worrying about the law?

haha! That was your 420th post btw... 
I haven't been stonned in years, but these days I'd just want access to CBD oil for various medical reasons, without any worry or hassle. 

Edited by Easy Come Easy Go
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1 minute ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

haha! That was your 420th post btw... 
I haven't been stonned in years, but these days I'd just want access to CBD oil for various medical reasons, without any worry or hassle. 

CBD oil would be awesome. For backpain, relaxation, recovery after training etc. And not getting high. Good for sleep as well I heard... The fact that it's illegal is absolutely disgusting and shows a really really awful side of "governments".

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13 hours ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

haha! That was your 420th post btw... 
I haven't been stonned in years, but these days I'd just want access to CBD oil for various medical reasons, without any worry or hassle. 

I read about others experience, but tried CBD and it didn't do anything at all.  Others may say different (evidence based medicine rather than science based).  Tried a concentrate also, but same result, so gave it away, yet others thought it was okay. YMMV, I have nothing like that on my person these days - esp in this country.

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Great news. Glad to see Thailand taking a very positive lead on this. Sick people should have the human "right to try" alternatives and non-mainstream pharma companies should have the right to research and develop this. I have said it before and I will say it again here.... How can it be that the big mainstream pharma companies can monopolise the treatment of illnesses with such drugs as opiate based drugs and chemotherapies that can have harmful side effects and can be addictive? Maybe they like it that way!!! And, maybe certain governments also like it that way!!! It is no secret opium production finances wars, is it?

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On 9/27/2018 at 5:51 PM, Small Joke said:

Yes who knows, you or your kid might be the first person in the history of the world to die by cannabis. better not. ????????

It's tragic how there is such a staggering amount of fear and ignorance of out there still. No matter how many doctors and even lawmakers scientifically call for the legalization of everything. 

No you misunderstand it’s not at all about dying from Cannabis that’s not at all what I meant.  The point is whether or not the medicine value in marijuana (the CBD OIL) is actually helping with the seizures or not.  You MUST have the exact correct strain of marijuana and the right dosage for the individual child that suffers from seizures if it’s not right it’s just not going to help the individual and the seizures could potentially get worse.  They must have more research on it because I’m all for using it I’m not against the use of medical marijuana at all they just need to know more about it is what I meant.  When I watched that CNN documentary I noticed that the parents were having an extremely tough time and they literally had to figure it out on their own because there’s not even enough research on the subject in America so here in Thailand there’s definitely not enough research because Thailand is even more conservative regarding medical marijuana than the states.  In the CNN documentary the poor parents man they literally had to abstract the CBD oil themselves and make sure the dosage was right to treat their daughter’s seizures.  They eventually figured it out but they had serious trouble finding doctors educated enough about the usage of marijuana for children with seizures.  They even had to move across country where they could legally buy it for their daughter. There daughter’s name is Charlotte so when they finally figured out exactly what she needed to actually help her it was named “Charlotte’s Web” after the story Charlottes Web.  


Anyway I was not at all saying that using medical marijuana is a bad thing I was just saying that you have to be careful with it which you do especially in children because some strains can really mess adults up and cause paranoia and rapid heart beat.  And you have to make sure that it’s the right strain of marijuana and dosage of CBD oil that will actually help if not you’re just wasting your money.  The point is to help the child.  

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1 hour ago, Issanjohn said:

No you misunderstand it’s not at all about dying from Cannabis that’s not at all what I meant.  The point is whether or not the medicine value in marijuana (the CBD OIL) is actually helping with the seizures or not.  You MUST have the exact correct strain of marijuana and the right dosage for the individual child that suffers from seizures if it’s not right it’s just not going to help the individual and the seizures could potentially get worse.  They must have more research on it because I’m all for using it I’m not against the use of medical marijuana at all they just need to know more about it is what I meant.  When I watched that CNN documentary I noticed that the parents were having an extremely tough time and they literally had to figure it out on their own because there’s not even enough research on the subject in America so here in Thailand there’s definitely not enough research because Thailand is even more conservative regarding medical marijuana than the states.  In the CNN documentary the poor parents man they literally had to abstract the CBD oil themselves and make sure the dosage was right to treat their daughter’s seizures.  They eventually figured it out but they had serious trouble finding doctors educated enough about the usage of marijuana for children with seizures.  They even had to move across country where they could legally buy it for their daughter. There daughter’s name is Charlotte so when they finally figured out exactly what she needed to actually help her it was named “Charlotte’s Web” after the story Charlottes Web.  


Anyway I was not at all saying that using medical marijuana is a bad thing I was just saying that you have to be careful with it which you do especially in children because some strains can really mess adults up and cause paranoia and rapid heart beat.  And you have to make sure that it’s the right strain of marijuana and dosage of CBD oil that will actually help if not you’re just wasting your money.  The point is to help the child.  

Meanwhile they let doctors give out anti-depressants like its the wild west,,, "oh this one didnt work for you? try this one instead!" 

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

Meanwhile they let doctors give out anti-depressants like its the wild west,,, "oh this one didnt work for you? try this one instead!" 

Well actually I don’t take medication anymore nothing at all and I feel so much better I’m trying to get back in shape but it’s tough with all my old injuries and all the surgeries I’ve had 5 years ago plus.  But at least I’m feeling a lot better and healthier.  It’s like my brain reset like a computer ever since I stopped with the pain medication and I’m thinking clearly and I’m starting to feel and think like I used to again.  It’s so much better to avoid medication all together if possible unless you seriously need it which I don’t think I do anymore.  I personally don’t like anti depressants at all or anything else unless absolutely necessary.  

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10 minutes ago, Issanjohn said:

Well actually I don’t take medication anymore nothing at all and I feel so much better I’m trying to get back in shape but it’s tough with all my old injuries and all the surgeries I’ve had 5 years ago plus.  But at least I’m feeling a lot better and healthier.  It’s like my brain reset like a computer ever since I stopped with the pain medication and I’m thinking clearly and I’m starting to feel and think like I used to again.  It’s so much better to avoid medication all together if possible unless you seriously need it which I don’t think I do anymore.  I personally don’t like anti depressants at all or anything else unless absolutely necessary.  

Yeah good on you , I prefer being completely drug free myself as well.


 I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they don't harm others. If someone harms others because of drugs / addiction then that person might not be allowed to do drugs anymore, but don't take away drugs from ppl that didn't do anything wrong.


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On 9/26/2018 at 1:34 AM, bluesofa said:

Didn't we used to see seized drugs hauls being burnt? Where might this 100kg have come from, if it is all supposed to be disposed of?

Perhaps 'disposed of' is a better way to emphasise it.



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1 hour ago, SamReg777 said:

Hi folks!

Has anybody of you applied for the medical marijuana card ? And if you do, how long did it take for the application to go through? I have found some good info the website, but still need some real life recommendations. I'm considering getting one and am curious how long this process is gonna take.

This is Thailand, not the US. Medical marijuana has not been legalized here yet. There has been no update on legalization as far as we know.

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