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99 Reasons To Visit/ Move To Thailand


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[quote name='farangRussIam' date='2007-02-12 12:25:13' post='1135587another reason for travelling to/moving to Thailand:

being able to patronise a small family run business ,whom show their appreciation by giving you service for which you would clearly have to pay hundreds of dollars for back home--all for only a couple hundred baht a day!!

yes,Thailand is a very special place!



Sorry, I cannot help myself.

There are several folks in need of financial help in my soi. They lost money in the um, well pick a problem/disaster, anything that attracts Canadian aid.


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90% of expats living/visiting here are single men. Why do you think they're here?

It aint for the Elephants, tropical plants, noodle soup and cheap taxis.

oh yes it is dgoz,

as i love noodle soup and the katoeys making it just crack me up every time i see them. :o

I stand corrected.

It's all about Katoeys and noodle soup then.

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jai dee

you were right to edit my last post.

its nice to have someone remind you to chillout.

and yes ..I agree ,I think Terry57's contribution deserves the award!! :D

live and let live!


oh yes,

lets all have a bleeding good old knees up at terry's expence . :bah:

ok, its monday and i got my yellow shirt and " i love the king bracelet " on.

i hope you all find that hilarious as well. :o:D :D

thank you very much all my punting mates. :D

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jai dee

you were right to edit my last post.

its nice to have someone remind you to chillout.

and yes ..I agree ,I think Terry57's contribution deserves the award!! :o

live and let live!


oh yes,

lets all have a bleeding good old knees up at terry's expence . ;)

ok, its monday and i got my yellow shirt and " i love the king bracelet " on.

i hope you all find that hilarious as well. :o:D :D

thank you very much all my punting mates. :bah:

But apart from his katoy fetishes he's a great guy to have a few beers with on Soi Rambuttri .... :D

Heres to Terry :D

Your pommie mate Dave :bah:

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90% of expats living/visiting here are single men. Why do you think they're here?

It aint for the Elephants, tropical plants, noodle soup and cheap taxis.

oh yes it is dgoz,

as i love noodle soup and the katoeys making it just crack me up every time i see them. :D

I stand corrected.

It's all about Katoeys and noodle soup then.

thanks very much for correcting yourself my top friend as you are almost on the money shot.

as far as the katoey's go,

they give me top laughs and entertainment but i dont do any funny stuff with them. :D

i leave that up to my top mate dave. :D :D

but those katoey's sure make a mean bowl of soup. :bah:

cheers fella :o

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i love katoeys

I'd like to nominate this contribution for the following award:


very bloody funny jai dee,

and if you keep taking bights out of my posts i will " SUE " you for every satang you possess. :D

Everyone knows that Mr. 57 don't swing that way! :D

i got to tell you mr G,

you know that rusty old gate i got ?

well i give it a real good oiling the other day and guess what happened ?

it still only swing one way :o:D

its my mates daves gate that is a bit ambidextrous. :D

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i love katoeys

I'd like to nominate this contribution for the following award:


very bloody funny jai dee,

and if you keep taking bights out of my posts i will " SUE " you for every satang you possess. :D


cant bite you jai dee,

as you are the big daddy boss of this forum and i'll get my arse kicked. :o

but i will say one thing.

i wish you would get yourself of to the dentist and get those choppers sorted out. :D

there <deleted> scary mate. :D

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i love katoeys

I'd like to nominate this contribution for the following award:


very bloody funny jai dee,

and if you keep taking bights out of my posts i will " SUE " you for every satang you possess. :bah:

Everyone knows that Mr. 57 don't swing that way! :D

i got to tell you mr G,

you know that rusty old gate i got ?

well i give it a real good oiling the other day and guess what happened ?

it still only swing one way :o:D

its my mates daves gate that is a bit ambidextrous. :bah:

Only on Fridays Terry and thats after 15 towers of German ales so I've got an excuse .... :D

It's when you asked the katoy waitress to take his bottom off your hand that I started having suspicions ... :D

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i love katoeys

I'd like to nominate this contribution for the following award:


very bloody funny jai dee,

and if you keep taking bights out of my posts i will " SUE " you for every satang you possess.

Everyone knows that Mr. 57 don't swing that way!

i got to tell you mr G,

you know that rusty old gate i got ?

well i give it a real good oiling the other day and guess what happened ?

it still only swing one way

its my mates daves gate that is a bit ambidextrous. ;)

Only on Fridays Terry and thats after 15 towers of German ales so I've got an excuse .... :bah:

It's when you asked the katoy waitress to take his bottom off your hand that I started having suspicions ... :D

HA HA HA HA :o:D :D :D:bah::o

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It's when you asked the katoy waitress to take his bottom off your hand that I started having suspicions ...


Allai wah?

Maybe there's more to that (mis)quote that meets the eye... :o

your loving this arn't you jai dee :D

cricky's mate,

i give you some top entertainment at my expense of course . :D:D

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It's when you asked the katoy waitress to take his bottom off your hand that I started having suspicions ...


Allai wah?

Maybe there's more to that (mis)quote that meets the eye... :o

your loving this arn't you jai dee :bah:

cricky's mate,

i give you some top entertainment at my expense of course . :D:D

I think Mr J's gone to take a cold shower Terry ... :D

Well I'll tell you another reason to come for a visit .. the SCUBA diving ... cracking diving here in Thailand ... :bah:

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Sorry, I cannot help myself.

There are several folks in need of financial help in my soi. They lost money in the um, well pick a problem/disaster, anything that attracts Canadian aid.


Ther's one Loveable Little Black Duck thats paddling in a very shakey pond that could use

a Job, a Hand Out, a New Sponcer, (Duck Breaks into song)"Someone To Watch Over Me"

Any spare cash thrown my way greatfully recieved... :o

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Just a reply to farangRussIam: don't mind Jet, s(he) has mentioned a backround of living around Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump. so I wouldn't bother taking any mind (after all, there's not really one there, is there?) Read prior posts with regards to the sign up date vs number of posts. S(he) is trying to get into bedlam? Be a Mod? Carry on bud, eh? :o

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This thread was going very well for a while - does anyone remember what the topic was?

sorry mate,

but the boys were just having a bit of fun.

ok the op was "why do we love los"

easy answer is,

because its bloody brilliant, warts and all. :D

thank you very much :o

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Cant disagree with what has allready gone before.

Although for me the main reasons are:

1. the way and friendliness of the people although some may have ulterior motives! in general thais are a friendly people.

2. The culture, lots of traditional culture present, somthing I love to learn about.

3. The countrys history and places of historical value.

4. The temples and respect the people hold for their beliefs/ faith.

All in all the list could be alomst endless. :o

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