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Trump court pick tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation


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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They pulled it in the sense that Kavanaugh was using that endorsement as one of his strong arguments on why he should be confirmed. Now the ABA is saying we're not at this point saying he should be confirmed. An investigation is needed. The way he dodged multiple questions about whether he wants a real nonpartisan investigation was super revealing. Ford was credible. He was not. I reckon he still probably will be confirmed but he will be a tainted judge for life. He cares more about getting that job (and his clear ideological goals such as trashing gay rights and ending Roe v. Wade) more than clearing his name. Probably because his name can't be cleared. An innocent man would not have testified as he did. 

Yes. Still selling himself as Prime Beef... but now without the USDA approval.

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One thing I don't get about this is the way this is still being railroaded through. Couldn't the two women republican senators tell their leader, look, we're not going to vote yes OR no before there is a full nonpartisan FBI investigation. Not to be sexist, but they could take a "spa" day instead of showing up for the vote. That will be the same as no but then the republican leadership could decide whether they really have confidence he could make it through that, and if not, pull him. For the "rebel" republicans they can keep on the high road by doing that.

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3 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Let's just say the guy is innocent for a second.


He cried.


He threw fits.


He has a temper. 


He scowled at the committe.


He said "what goes around comes around" This was my favorite. Taken in context he was pretty much saying he will use his power to orchestrate public shamings of innocent democrats. That is if we take him at his word, mind you. 


The guy is a train wreck. 


How big of a man do you even have to be, even if you are innocent, to calmly, respectfully and rationally answer questions without crying? 


Even if he is innocent, he is a very little man. He can't control his emotions or temper in a time of adversity. 

Good take.


He even had to apologize to Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) when he got in her face TWICE when pressed on possibly drinking into oblivion.


When asked again minutes later by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) if he ever drank so much that he couldn’t remember what happened or parts of what happened, Kavanaugh again squirmed, offering a feeble denial before responding, “you’re asking about blackout. I don’t know, have you?”

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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Off topic, but the reality is such high profile hearings are often presidential auditions. Ms. Klobuchar's star is rising. What a great relief such a grounded normal Midwesterner would be after the horror reality clown show of "trump."

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:
2 hours ago, atyclb said:



furthermore after that incident i did not feel animosity or consider him an enemy. my analysis; adolescence , alcohol, sexuality.   boys will be boys as people will be people.




Says a lot about your personal ethics and morals.



thank you i appreciate the compliment. 


also means i am capable of critical-analytical thinking and putting things in proper perspective.  political correctness stymies intellectual development free thought, freedom of expression and creativity.


if i ever was to make such an allegation i would not want to be anonymous as i could be the accused one day and the presumption of innocence is something i would not want others to deny me . the person i would be accusing has that very same right. 


yale law school cancelled classes so its students could do a "walk out kavanaugh protest" i guess yale law school no longer teaches due process and presumption of innocence? what do they learn about, how to be politically correct precious snowflake safe space seekers?  the real world and life goes along with the school of hard knocks, where safe spaces are not abundant.

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10 minutes ago, manarak said:

a valid alternative to political appointments would be election by congress.


Or they could do as they do in the UK where all judicial appointments are made by an independent body comprising of judges and lay members. Politics plays no part in the appointment of judges.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

One thing I don't get about this is the way this is still being railroaded through. Couldn't the two women republican senators tell their leader, look, we're not going to vote yes OR no before there is a full nonpartisan FBI investigation. Not to be sexist, but they could take a "spa" day instead of showing up for the vote. That will be the same as no but then the republican leadership could decide whether they really have confidence he could make it through that, and if not, pull him. For the "rebel" republicans they can keep on the high road by doing that.


You full well know why.


Delay means a decision after the mid-terms. Those opposing Kavanaugh simply want to delay past that point on the chance of a good showing by the Dems.


The timing of his appointment is the play here on both sides. Literally NOBODY cares if there is an investigation or not. They care if there is a delay or not.

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6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:



often people suffering alcohol induced blackouts do not remember and would answer correctly "i dont know" his answer does neither rules in or rules out blackouts.

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The senate hearings are not meant to be a court of law. A big part of the process is establishing credibility and character. Kavanaugh scored a big FAIL on both of those. He should not be confirmed or at least they should delay for an FBI followup. But the shameless republicans plow on forward. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

The senate hearings are not meant to be a court of law. A big part of the process is establishing credibility and character. Kavanaugh scored a big FAIL on both of those. He should not be confirmed or at least they should delay for an FBI followup. But the shameless republicans plow on forward. 



The new cry of the liberal "delay, delay, delay" - just like Feinstein delayed announcing the accusations to the last minute.


Get him in.

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What is so appalling this about pushing through political nominees on the basis of there political bias to the highest court of the land where what is really need is judges with impartial views. 


The only good thing that will come out of this it will alienate the voters so much that come 6th of November it will bite the Republicans hard.

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There are a lot of certainties ,here are two. 4 people who couldn't  corroborate ford's allegation.  This guy ,at one time  was the Vice President of the USA.B.Obama's right hand man,I think even the second highest in the Dem party . He said this at one of a similar SC nomination hearings! The Committee should of put this on the big screen every time the con artist's  mention FBI Investigation! The Dem's credibility went out the window with their far left attempt accomplish their goal "we will stop at nothing to prevent" JK this nomination!


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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

We are not looking for perfection .just honesty. Don't you think honesty is a desire condition in a judge? 

 Would you like to have your case decided by a dishonest judge? and if it goes against you, will you resign to your fate by saying Good luck trying to find a perfect human being? 





the court of public opinion and a real court are distinct entities.   in my dealings with courts i have typically been treated fairly.  i suppose if i encounter a judge that rules against me, i must tell myself he should have never been appointed because of an alleged , unproven allegation from a drunk party during high school nearly 40 years ago.

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1 minute ago, chokrai said:

Yes because this is what it is all about really. The Dems lost and you cannot get over it. Hence the TDS that is destroying the country.

I agree TDS is destroying the country. TDS means "trump" fans that still support him no matter what he says or does. 

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3 minutes ago, chokrai said:

Yes because this is what it is all about really. The Dems lost and you cannot get over it. Hence the TDS that is destroying the country.

Have the dems lost???

I think them still pushing this guy through may well get more voting against the Republicans in a few weeks time.

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17 minutes ago, riclag said:

There are a lot of certainties 4 people who couldn't  corroborate ford's allegation.  This guy ,at one time  was the Vice President of the USA.B.Obama's right hand man,I think even the second highest in the Dem party . He said this at one of a similar SC nomination hearings! The Committee should of put this on the big screen every time the con artist's  mention FBI Investigation! The Dem's credibility went out the window with their far left attempt accomplish their goal "we will stop at nothing to prevent" JK this nomination!



Why did you stop there?  Tell us what Orrin Hatch said too.

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6 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Why did you stop there?  Tell us what Orrin Hatch said too.

The main argument for the dem's was another FBI Investigation.It seems the GOP was using facts to dispute non factual accusations. 


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48 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Let's just say the guy is innocent for a second.


He cried.


He threw fits.


He has a temper. 


He scowled at the committe.


He said "what goes around comes around" This was my favorite. Taken in context he was pretty much saying he will use his power to orchestrate public shamings of innocent democrats. That is if we take him at his word, mind you. 


The guy is a train wreck. 


How big of a man do you even have to be, even if you are innocent, to calmly, respectfully and rationally answer questions without crying? 


Even if he is innocent, he is a very little man. He can't control his emotions or temper in a time of adversity. 


Guys like this are a dime a dozen, priveledged little white boys who, in actuality, have no true skill in life whatsoever. Priveledge is what puts these guys where they are. Scum of the earth if you ask me. I would rather take my chances in Compton than be around people like this. 



so assuming he is innocent as you argue, now you are the psychiatric expert that despite being innocent, deems him unfit to serve.


it seems his grandparents emigrated from ireland and highly likely were not privileged nor elite nor likely had many assets or money to their name. his parents, mom former schoolteacher that went to law school and father also lawyer. i would take an educated guess and say the grandparents worked their butts off and sacrificed to put bretts father through school.  is that not what is referred to as the american dream???   why so many from so many countries dream of coming to america.


some would use the abstract far fetched argument that graduating yale undergrad and yale law school and passing the bar exam constitutes a true skill, but that is just me.

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55 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Or they could do as they do in the UK where all judicial appointments are made by an independent body comprising of judges and lay members. Politics plays no part in the appointment of judges.


you can believe that as well as other fairy tales, such as neutral journalism.

some professions attract a majority of left-wingers, other professions a majority of right-wingers.


pluralism is vital for balancing the rights of minorities with interests of the mainstream.


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13 minutes ago, riclag said:

The main argument for the dem's was another FBI Investigation.It seems the GOP was using facts to dispute non factual accusations. 


Sorry, but that was the exact same clip you posted before.  I'm talking about what Orrin Hatch said.  Here, I'll help since you seem to be blind to anything that doesn't support your bias:

Despite now claiming this isn’t a job for the bureau, back in 1991, Hatch was in fact very supportive of the FBI’s probe into Hill’s claims. At the time he described it as “the very right thing to do. It was the appropriate thing to do.”


From https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/it-took-2-days-for-the-fbi-to-investigate-anita-hills-sexual-harassment-allegation

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35 minutes ago, atyclb said:



so assuming he is innocent as you argue, now you are the psychiatric expert that despite being innocent, deems him unfit to serve.


it seems his grandparents emigrated from ireland and highly likely were not privileged nor elite nor likely had many assets or money to their name. his parents, mom former schoolteacher that went to law school and father also lawyer. i would take an educated guess and say the grandparents worked their butts off and sacrificed to put bretts father through school.  is that not what is referred to as the american dream???   why so many from so many countries dream of coming to america.


some would use the abstract far fetched argument that graduating yale undergrad and yale law school and passing the bar exam constitutes a true skill, but that is just me.

The guy could not even talk. Did you watch it? He asked Klobuchar if she drank or blacked out. That was his answer to a question. 


He answered if an fbi investigation starting back up was a good idea by not speaking. 


I do not need to be any sort of psychological expert to realize that a person who can't talk, and who can't control his emotions, should not be appointed to the highest court on earth. It is sort of common sense. No expertise needed. 


Skills come in all forms. Not many of us can physically run as fast as an olympic sprinter for example. But, there are skills we can all attain with just a little bit of mental discipline. Things like not yelling and being disrespectful toward senators. Apparently he can't do these simple things, so no I feel any skill the guy does have is wasted on him because he is obviously a puny, mental midget of a man. 

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41 minutes ago, atyclb said:



often people suffering alcohol induced blackouts do not remember and would answer correctly "i dont know" his answer does neither rules in or rules out blackouts.

And according to Kavanaugh and some of his more frothy acolytes, no recollection of it happening is the same as it never happened.


This despite his initial, rational and calm assertion before she actually testified to the committee, that indeed something did happen to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford but that the testimony is flawed as he wasn't there. This is regardless of the high probability that just like his drinking buddy, he doesn't remember if he was there or not.

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Every Trump appointee thus far has been the epitome of white trash....much like the President. Never has the United States fallen so far, so fast as in the days since the election of Trump to the nation's highest office. There is little mystery as to why the military government of Thailand seems to approve of Trump. Narcissism is a trait shared by many leaders of many countries.

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5 minutes ago, NanLaew said:
1 hour ago, atyclb said:



often people suffering alcohol induced blackouts do not remember and would answer correctly "i dont know" his answer does neither rules in or rules out blackouts.

And according to Kavanaugh and some of his more frothy acolytes, no recollection of it happening is the same as it never happened.


This despite his initial, rational and calm assertion before she actually testified to the committee, that indeed something did happen to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford but that the testimony is flawed as he wasn't there. This is regardless of the high probability that just like his drinking buddy, he doesn't remember if he was there or not.



either they dont remember, were blacked out or are lying.  its not exactly a case with forensic evidence, significant corroboration, etc etc. he said, she said

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