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Trump likely to win whether or not Kavanaugh is confirmed


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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Don't know what country your from but we use a presumption of innocent until proven guilt ,it's a standard guideline ,in any hearing or court trial to seek the truth,even for a job interview!

7 FBI investigations and no corroboration to the allegations,and most importantly the the steps to destroy a man who try's to defend himself of rape charges by the Far Left lynch him mob,We will stop at nothing movement,In my opinion just bought the mid terms for American people who voted for change


you're wrong - shame on you

just look to Cuba

guilty until proven not guilty


the US is a total disgrace


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Kav will be confirmed Saturday regardless of the grievance clowns who cannot or will not see that this fine man is ???? % innocent of all the slander. 


FBI not coming up with anything, ok - go ahead -appoint the guy

maybe not particularly suitable -but at  least not criminal according to FBI


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34 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

I agree about the Democrat's increasing histrionics and distortion, but, people are also tired of the Republican's blatant lies, hypocrisy and bullying.


American politics is terminally broken. It's not enough now to win an argument, the loser must be ground into dust, shamed and humiliated. Otherwise, it can't be called a victory.

Compromise and reaching across the aisle is now considered as treason against the party. Most Americans I have talked to are disgusted by both parties and yearn for the days when politicians from opposing parties were at least civil to one another.

I can honestly say much of what you suggest has a place for discussion.As a  Independent party voter who always voted Dem in my life,I detested mud slinging and political attacks.I have been slighted in the past by promises of the politicians . I voted for change,a non politician .I have been under the impression all my life lawyers have a license to steal and  most politicians are low life,just google "why politicians are despised" ! 

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Don't know what country your from but we use a presumption of innocent until proven guilt ,it's a standard guideline ,in any hearing or court trial to seek the truth,even for a job interview!

7 FBI investigations and no corroboration to the allegations,and most importantly the the steps to destroy a man who try's to defend himself of rape charges by the Far Left lynch him mob,We will stop at nothing movement,In my opinion just bought the mid terms for American people who voted for change

????????????????????..... ok.... I’ll bite.


how do you, in America, determine guilt (or innocence) once an accusation is made... oh right... sorry... there it is in line three... seek the truth.... ????????????.... in my country that’s done by investigation, but I have never heard of an investigation being conducted by restricting its scope in such a way, by a politician


that is sort of opposite to “investigate” imo.... and a great way to prevent the truth from being discovered.... lol.. so much for seeking the truth.


mmmm... so... we do it with transparency... vs investigative enquiries, under restrictive conditions, designed to obsfugate the outcome.


lol... we also require politicians to provide tax returns and transparency in business dealings.


and... if we find deceit, those people get the bums rush... (including the elected leader)


life time appointments... lol... like the pope giving crusaders absolution for crimes past, present and future. ????????.... medieval America... lol... women where chattels, back then, too.... seems progress is slow in some people.




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