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They can earn more in one night than slaving away at some menial job for a month

so it may be hard to forsake the bar life.

They enjoy having a different farang every night , plenty of spare and easy cash ,

when the bar closes at 2am they have snacks at the street stalls then its back for a few beers and playing cards till sunup .

There are plenty of newbie suckers who will pay them anything they desire and no taxes to pay on their earnings.

So for an issan girl who has few opportunities it is a dream come true..

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I have met some girls that had the opportunity to go to Europe but they wanted to stay here in Thailand and have fun.

Well as the years pass, they get older and fewer Farangs pay their barfines. Then one day they wake up realising that they have no money and are too old to so this line of work.

What happens to all these has beens? Its not as if they have an education to fall back on.


They become big and fat Mamma sams, bitter and twisted, complaining that nobody loves them.... then when somebody does show interest in them they fleece the poor unfortunate bugger for all his cash

This is my sister in law by the way, we call her 'Pig', and her bar 'Pig Bar'


They become big and fat Mamma sams, bitter and twisted, complaining that nobody loves them.... then when somebody does show interest in them they fleece the poor unfortunate bugger for all his cash

Cynical, but oh so true, known many of them. Just take a look at some of the mamma sans at the bars......ten fifteen years ago they were all spunky BGs and the sad fact is, that I knew most of them :o

Nice to see you back Bash. I had a great holiday....Went to the Isle of Wight :D


not another boring thread about the same old stuff as all the other boring old threads about boring old bars and the boring old people who write about them time after time after time, on and on., day after day, relentlessly churning out the same worn out old anecdotes that everybody has heard a hundred times and the childish one liners on and on and on about how it used to be about that girl that could never stop herself from doing something and that guy who never learnt his lesson..where was it now?... yawn.


Five years ago i knew one of the girls at a bar in soi cowboy. She was a top dancer at the top bar,very nice. Met her again last year and i wouldn't barfine her with your money! Most of these girls have a very brief shelf life and sadly very few of them are smart enough to think past the next farang they are going to ripoff. The sister of the girl i just spoke of married a friend of mine he took her back to farang land married her offered her a very nice life.She lasted 2 months and made up a lie to get back to Thailand. They are now divorced and the last time i saw her was last year with her sister drunk outside Nana plaza and looking pretty rough.

and the literary world would be a better place for that.

Spank me if I am wrong but wasn't this one of your hated one liners?

Taxidermist, if you don't like these boring going nowhere repetative threads, write your own interesting and witty one.

I would love to read what you have to say about your life and the world around it, but then again I need to sew a button back on my shirt, that might be a bit more interesting....



basher, these threads about bars...... some people just dont have anything else to talk about.

some bar threads have made wonderful reading, funny,perceptive and relevant,

most however are just the same old same old.

and when you've done that button, go spank yourself, i never have a go at one liners.


Really depends on the personality. Is she doing that job because she doesn't have another option? Would she change jobs if she could? Every person is different.


Erics got the beer goggles on I think. The life of a bar girlmust be so fantastic and fun.......go out eevrynight looking stupid in your blue eye shadow and red cheeks - god awful really and so old fashioned - someone tell em please.......anyway i digress, yeahthats it...accordingto Eric they go out and enjoy what they do. hey eric, it must be better than living on the rice farm up in Issan with no future ??

But think of those nights as a bar girl when the only punter shwoing interest in you is the newbie guy who has just arrived in Bangkok looking to find 'lurv'........ he is the stereotypical huge, balding, fat, sweaty, hairy f-wad - and his breath smells like a rotting caracass on the side of the road - and he wants to take you back to his hotel and do unthinkable acts to you and have you perform unthinkable acts on him - All night !!

Outside, the temperature is a neat 37c and the punter is bathed in a sea of filthy sweat rolling down his shirted hairy back and neck and he wants to hug and kiss you. Then when you arrive back at his hotel room he has a suitcasse full of olives, salami and blue vein cheese and he wants you to eat these off his hariy chest !! Of course he is paying you good money, you will be able to send some home to mum and maybe buy that other mobile that your boyfriend wants you to buy for him and thenyou will still have some moneyleft to buy that ugly red netted top you saw at the stall near Nana - yo uare thinking - wow this is fun and life is great !! I could not wish for anything more !!


Im going to set up a retirement home for all ex bar girls.

with all the money they earn it will be very exclusive.

thinking of loads of mirrors,chrome poles,<deleted> music piped into every room.free lady drinks.and pleanty of hansom men to pratice their english on,oh and also an internet cafe, maybe even a bank where money can be trabsfered direct.

we can make it a really neat place.

anyone want to become a 50% shareholder?

only 100,000 baht.

go on you know it makes sense!!

There are plenty of newbie suckers who will pay them anything they desire and no taxes to pay on their earnings.

So for an issan girl who has few opportunities it is a dream come true..

The Question is can a bargirl forsake?

I should imagine if she has been minimally sensitised to the bar scene then perhaps there is a brief possibility shall we say, which may or may not lead to some sorta trade off in her mind, that would in turn re-shape womanly attitude's.

Perhaps even a new sensibility...

Thaimee. [i've been drinking the tap water again :o ]

well basher, come on, there have been a few replies, tell me, honestly now.

was i right or was i fckucking right ? :o


you are right it is just another one, but rather than 'bag' it I will just not come back to it for a while.... that way it will seem less repetative

Sensible Basher

They enjoy having a different farang every night , plenty of spare and easy cash ,

when the bar closes at 2am they have snacks at the street stalls then its back for a few beers and playing cards till sunup .

You think they enjoy it? Hardly.

To be f****d by a different drunk a***ole every night?

Agree, there are girls hardened by the scene who appear to enjoy. But the punter has a wrong impression of what is going on. Hence the original post.


In my experience it depends on the "quality" of the girl. I've been out drinking with Nana girls and been back to apartments as a friend to drink and talk until sun up and had some mostly entertaining but good conversations with them, and it's the better looking ones who on the whole do generally enjoy it.

They will admit that it is a doss and that they are too lazy to get a normal job which is fair enough I suppose, and they can also choose who they go with.

The older, fatter, less attractive, acne ridden BG can not be so choosy and has to be kissed, licked and humped all night by the older, fatter, less attractive, sweaty sex tourist.

Most bar girls I've met have will appreciate a genuine friend, and as I once said to some drunken Swede who was slagging them off... If you are only after a screw, they will only be after your cash - what do you expect? I think he was one of these blokes who expected a huge discount because he was in his twenties and good looking.

Most bar girls I've met have will appreciate a genuine friend, and as I once said to some drunken Swede who was slagging them off... If you are only after a screw, they will only be after your cash - what do you expect? I think he was one of these blokes who expected a huge discount because he was in his twenties and good looking.

Did ya fancy him a bit Scampy.....?

Bash :o

If you are only after a screw, they will only be after your cash - what do you expect?

Very good one, GS.

I fully agree on it.

One of the best posting I have seen on BG,...

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