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How much, exactly, does prenatal care cost in Thailand?

I am being asked to pay 8000 THB for a program that includes all prenatal care. From my (limited) experience with the thai medical system, this sounds a little high. As well as compared to an average Thai salary. (Doesn't stop the American medical system, though :o

Anyways, does anyone have any first hand information about

(1) How much this stuff costs in BKK

(2) Are there programs that include all prenatal care?

(3) If so, then when do you start them?

Before I pony up any cash, I would like to do some legwork as to the validity of the request.

Thank you very much to anyone who responds :D

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It all depends on the quality of the provider. 8,000 baht is very high for some 30-baht health clinic in Nakhon Nowhere. For full pre-natal care at Bumrungrad, it is a great bargain.

So - where will service be provided?

Also, it is one thing if this fee just covers unremarkable hand-holding for a trouble-free six months or so. It is another thing, if that fee covers problematic situations that may arise.

Good luck!


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Although you do not say what is included in the care, this does not seem very expensive at all. ($200!)

You don't say how old you/(the expectent moteher is)

There are some issues with prenatal care in Thailand for western women, the most important of which is the age difference between pregnancies in the west and in Thailand.

It is very common for western women to have their first child in their thirties, while it is extremely uncommon in Thailand.

The difference when considering preganancies in late 30s is also marked, Thai pregnancies in their 40s is a rare event in comparison with prgnancies where the mother is in her 40s in the west.

The impact of this on a western woman giving birth in Thailand is, if she is in her thirties or late thirties/early 40's the Thai doctor will not have the same levels of experience in late pregnancies as would a doctor in the west.

This becomes an issue when considering things like fetal testing or any complications that arise from late pregnancy.

If you need direct advice I suggest you contact one of the many expat women's groups in Thailand (for example the Pattaya International Ladies Club), they will be able to give you the best advice from perspective of western woman who have been pregnant and given birth in Thailand.

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You don't say how old you/(the expectent moteher is)

She is 21 and Thai. I'm in the states right now and won't be able to come back untill September. I am not entirely certain its not a scam, so I'm just doing some fact checking. Thanks :o

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Anyone know what the cost of this hospital is? They don't seem to speak english there, and I don't speak enough Thai to ask :o

Police Hospital

Rama I Road.

Tel: 252-8111 to 25

Modern government hospital.


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Cost me (rather the wife) 24k baht for a c-section, 4 nights in a private room in the hospital, with full (and rather excellent i might add) nursery facilities for the lit'lun.

Even included a camp bed for me (as i stayed with my wife for the duration)

She was 29 at the time.

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I recently paid 6000b for eye surgery (not Lasik, retina patching up :o ) at Rama Thibodi Hosp. I don't think that 8000b ($200US) is expensive for prenatal care! Just consider how many thousands you would spend for an uninsured pregnancy in the US.

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Well, the point here isn't the cost per se... I'm checking to see if I'm getting skimmed for money. Its a rather long story, and while I trust my girlfriend, I do not trust her sister as much, and she seems to be 'calling the shots' for my g/f... I am going back to Thailand in September, and would like to start seeing my girlfriend again, but I do want to make sure that she's not scamming me. That would, well, dampen my enthusiasm toward her considerably. So far so good, but now I am just looking for specific info re: the police hospital.


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Well, getting all the facts is the main reason for the post. I am reasonable certain she's pregnant, and that the kid is mine. I am setting up a doctors appointment for her at Burmengard hospital, and a copy of the results / etc will be sent to me, so if she is not pregnant, I will know it. If its not mine, then I will know by the conception day, and fur sure when the kid pops out :o

She has already taken a blood test and told me the results. As I said I am reasonably certain she is telling the truth here. (I have falang friends in BKK who can do a visual inspection)

I am just satisfying my own paranoia and the paranoia of others :D If the facts don't check out then I have a problem.

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IMHO Drummer, you would be better of without signing-up for a pre-natal program at any hospital, unless it is one of the better known ones.

I dont know, fully well, the nature of your circumstances, but the best would be to pay per visit. Then, if you are not satisfied with the quality of consultation in the first few visits, you could change to another hospital (if not another gynaecologist).

Having said that, 8,000B for the full pre-natal course (if it is indeed up to delivery) is quite a reasonable amount as you would then get about 12-20 consultations. The delivery costs are ofcourse another issue and some doctors may even convince you for a caesarian section when one is not really warranted!

All the best and congratulations! :o

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