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Attitudes Of Farang Men In Thailand Towards Arab Women


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So what is it you do here, ZaZa? If you work here then there is a chance that you can meet decent men. Of course bars are a no-no unless there is some social function on. Try joining a club or team of some kind.

I'm still picking up a sense of 'enemy of the three goats' from you but the what the heck, it makes a nice change to converse with a muslim that is not burning the flag of some decent country or other. I trust there is no beard.

I'd meet you. Just not near soi middle east in Nana. That is, of course, if I can find the time from trawling the rice fields and treating people like dogs and lumping everyone together like MALEE401. Poor MALEE, sounds like sour grapes.

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Oh my,who would think after this post was send,that there would come so many discussions out of it.

I think she just ties us out,but is not that serious anyway.proberly not so very sure about herself.

Cause any woman,not matter what could catch a man very easily.A man senses that,and makes them likeable.

Like many wrote before me,that there will be no difference where you come from,but she has got a lot of competition.And not everybody who stays here are sex tourists or are in need for a woman.Many farangs I see,I think can hardly find a woman in their home country,they just not look very fancyable,and farang woman look at that a lot.For thai ladys it is different,we look different,what they like,and many old guys, they love them for their pensions.but that is oke,they both have the times of their lives,it just comes together.not that it will fit for me,but it is funny to look at it.For Zaza,she just plays around,anyway still nice topic afterwards. :o

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Oh my,who would think after this post was send,that there would come so many discussions out of it.

I think she just ties us out,but is not that serious anyway.proberly not so very sure about herself.

Cause any woman,not matter what could catch a man very easily.A man senses that,and makes them likeable.

Like many wrote before me,that there will be no difference where you come from,but she has got a lot of competition.And not everybody who stays here are sex tourists or are in need for a woman.Many farangs I see,I think can hardly find a woman in their home country,they just not look very fancyable,and farang woman look at that a lot.For thai ladys it is different,we look different,what they like,and many old guys, they love them for their pensions.but that is oke,they both have the times of their lives,it just comes together.not that it will fit for me,but it is funny to look at it.For Zaza,she just plays around,anyway still nice topic afterwards. :o

:D :D

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Oh my,who would think after this post was send,that there would come so many discussions out of it.

I think she just ties us out,but is not that serious anyway.proberly not so very sure about herself.

Cause any woman,not matter what could catch a man very easily.A man senses that,and makes them likeable.

Like many wrote before me,that there will be no difference where you come from,but she has got a lot of competition.And not everybody who stays here are sex tourists or are in need for a woman.Many farangs I see,I think can hardly find a woman in their home country,they just not look very fancyable,and farang woman look at that a lot.For thai ladys it is different,we look different,what they like,and many old guys, they love them for their pensions.but that is oke,they both have the times of their lives,it just comes together.not that it will fit for me,but it is funny to look at it.For Zaza,she just plays around,anyway still nice topic afterwards. :o

:D :D

hahahaha ,something like that yeah maveric.

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Is there a chance to meet nice open minded farang men here ??Am a woman from an Arabic origin and that seems a bit frightening to most of the farang here :o .Maybe you would say I'd better look for arabic men but simply they are not my style cause I was raised in UK and am working here in Bkk.

Is being Arabic provocate hatred or dislike among farang cause they think we are all terrorist or extremist even if am not releigouse myself??

Please tell me your opinons honestly and bluntly


I like all women,you sound interesting. :D:D:D:D:bah::bah:

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Is there a chance to meet nice open minded farang men here ??Am a woman from an Arabic origin and that seems a bit frightening to most of the farang here :o .Maybe you would say I'd better look for arabic men but simply they are not my style cause I was raised in UK and am working here in Bkk.

Is being Arabic provocate hatred or dislike among farang cause they think we are all terrorist or extremist even if am not releigouse myself??

Please tell me your opinons honestly and bluntly


Zaza, Why worry about it? If the person can't judge you for the person you are, then they are not worth knowing anyway. Do you feel the need to profess something when meeting someone? So you're Arabic, so what, I don't have a problem with it. I like all people and try to judge each on their own merits.

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Hooray, I'm back. My ban is over!


Welcome to Bangkok, I hope that you have a nice stay...How is your job going?

You mention that you are of Arabic origin, that sounds interesting, could you expand a little bit please. I ask because it's such a huge area and people are so diverse.

Being from the UK, like many people here, I suspect that attitudes towards people of an Arabic background are similar to what you have previously experienced, but with a slightly more open attitude due to the people's more travelled nature.

Working in Egypt I met some amazing women (although family "spies" were always present. There was this one time that I went out on a date and to my great surprise 15 family members turned up, and then proceeded to sit between us at the cinema! I kid you not, old aunts and uncles...Lovely people though.).

Working in Australia I met a group of lovely Moroccan women and was getting on really well, but as soon as I mentioned that I was English they refused to talk to me any more.

Here, you'll probably just be considered "exotic" and interesting. Thai women get very boring, very quickly to some.

Enjoy your time here.


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Hmmm . . . she says she was raised in the UK, yet uses the word 'dude'. That's not UK English, so methinks she is a troll...


But I was always told at school that a 'dude' was actually a camels foreskin, so we know definately of Arab origin. :o

I think the way Arab women are subjugated in western mens eyes may cause a little concern

Edited by glenbat
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Zaza, welcome to the forum, and thanks for an interesting topic.

I would hope & expect that the average farang in Thailand would be less racist, and more open to a multi-cultural relationship, than the majority of untravelled Sun-reading Big-Brother fans back in the UK.

Having said which, there might be some degree of trepidation initially, based on cultural ignorance of Arabia (?), and the way many younger Moslems are sometimes aggressive towards their fellow human beings, even those of us who are People of the Book.

Take heart. Most farangs out here are open to meeting people from another culture, would find you interesting to know, and are not sex-starved animals. If I get flamed, for saying this, please take their comments as light-hearted fun, rather than serious social comment. I certainly will !

Good luck in your search. Keep us posted, on your progress, if you feel able to - it might be interesting. :o

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just slight technical stuff:

what arab? muslem or christian? why would it matter in thailand??

the guy working with me (arab, non religious muslem, good family) has been hel_l bent on leather to date my (jewish) daugher

she has friends dating arab muslem guys.

why on earth would it matter in thailand if it doesnt matter to some of us in israel???

had to ask as u all know i normally dont get into the whole 'situation'...:o))

just thought it was a wierd concern in thailand of all places.

the woman doesnt want to date thais? the arab tourist guys are there for one thing only?(mostly yes actually, all the arab guys i know took 'fun' vacations in bangkok' not elephant treks) most westerners are more paranoid than us israelis when it comes to arabs from anywhere?

an attractive illegigent woman would attract the men regardless of origin. and if origin matters to the man, then he's really probably not worth it in te first place.


the token israeli woman here more or less

or did i miss something somewhere in the thread...??

Edited by bina
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Is there a chance to meet nice open minded farang men here ??Am a woman from an Arabic origin and that seems a bit frightening to most of the farang here :D .Maybe you would say I'd better look for arabic men but simply they are not my style cause I was raised in UK and am working here in Bkk.

Is being Arabic provocate hatred or dislike among farang cause they think we are all terrorist or extremist even if am not releigouse myself??

Please tell me your opinons honestly and bluntly


I think you have a very good chance to meet open minded farang if you go out. Why should you not met them?? I amagine since you are not religious you would walk around as a modern Arabic women, that said most in my opinion most of the men here are here because they have (the need for) Thai women.

But then again that depends on how you look and your next morning's :o personality

I also guess you have has some bad experiences.......please do tell us


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List of the best Arab Women

criteria: appearance, social skills, hygiene

1. Lebanon

2. Egypt

3. Jordan

4. Yemen

5. Kuwait

also known as list of huge big bull-s-h-i-t² !

It all comes down to experience of which you have none.

So don't hate-Appreciate

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