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Pattaya Internet Are You Happy?


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I have lived in Pattaya for 5 years and have basically had 5 years or crap internet connections.

I have spoken to other people and they all seem to feel the same, slow speeds, unreliable service, and absolutely no help when you complain to TOT or other..

I thought I would open this Topic to let you all have a moan about your internet.

I understand there was a Cable damaged in that earth quake near Taiwan. I bet TOT loved that cause they finally have a valid excuse they can use for the next 5 years of Cr*p service. They will be using this excuse for a long time you see.

That cable was supposed to have been fixed within 2 weeks.

Why dont all fellow Ferang and Thai internet users have a Demonstration outside TOT offices to complain about the last 5 years of poor service. they find it easy to "Bum us off" 1 by 1 if we go to complain, so why dont we all gather together and complain together, this way we only have to go there once this year. instead of each of us having to phone or go down there many times.. Im sure it will gain some media interest the cameras will be there and it will basically shake them up down there.. and embarrass TOT for being so cr*p.

They are a discrace to Thailand. an embarassment. and they are expensive and give a poor service.

Whos up for it then?

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Hi Jing..

How long have you used the TOT adsl?

I have used it 3 years. and in that time there has only been a few glory days where it went fast for a while.

mostly it is slow. there has been times when the service has been totally unusable, speeds much slower than a dial up. all that time I was still charged my 1000 PM, no matter what. I was over paying for more than 2 years.. concidering the speeds. They say 1MB but you never get it. for about 1 year it was never over 256kbps.

have you ever checked your speeds?

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I started using TOT 25th December. This date coincided almost with the earthquake related problems for the coat of Taiwan. After repair my connection was satisfactory. Not very fast but I could live with it.

However, since last Friday evening most of the sites I usually visit are either not accessible anymore or extremely slow. Yesterday I made a phone call to the TOT ADLS helpdesk to vent my problems and I was told a technician would look into it. So far without results.

Using the Thaivisa.com speed test I came to the following results: download 574 kbps (71.8 kb per sec transfer rate) and upload 250 kbps (31.3 kb per sec transfer rate).

I wonder if there are any reasonable alternatives for de TOT ADSL connection.

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I have had several broadband connections over the last 8 years, going from the now defunct IPTV (one way satellite, upload was still through a modem), iPSTAR, and several ADSL offerings (8 or 9 different locations).

In my personal experience, it's only the home packages which return the low international speeds. Makes sense as well when you realize every ISP has to pay 25,000 Baht/month to the CAT International Internet Gateway for 1024kbps international bandwidth.

And then sell 1024 kbps adsl packages for 1000 Baht/month You can see there's going to be a lot of subscribers sharing the 1024kbps international speed!

You might get lucky being in a location where there simply are not much subscribers, resulting in good speeds on the home package...

If you move up to the business packages, speeds suddenly improves a whole lot, but so does the price.

I pay anywhere between 1600 Baht/month for 256/128 kbps and 4280 Baht/month for 1024/512 kbps...

At these prices the ISP can lower the sharing ratio to a manageable level and still be profitable!

There are exceptions though, but I think these are a result of low technical knowledge, I've known people who upgraded, but didn't get any speed improvements. Ended up being technicians not adjusting sharing ratio etc...

Just my opinion :o

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As an aside, things might improve since the CAT lost their monopolistic stronghold on international bandwidth, but due to high investments required (equipment, fiber optic cables etc) to get international bandwidth through other sources it seems the ISP's are very slow to upgrade their international capacity.

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I've had a connection in Hua Hin with Maxnet which was terrible. I now have a connection with True in Bangkok, it's even worse. Everytime we call them, they ask us to 're-set' the router, which we do and it works again for a while. Some days we have to re-set the router 5 or 6 times.

I understand that the speed will vary, and be low at peak times, but the actual connection is frequently lost completely .

I emailed True to complain, and it's clear that they didn't even read the email. All I got back was a robotic answer telling me that the problem is probably due to bad wiring. Technicians have been to the house twice and checked the lines - lines are ok. They must have a record of us calling, and them suggesting we re-set the router...or do they?

ISP's in Thailand seem to be world class at fobbing people off! Do it enough and people will eventually give up - as some have already done.... i.e. the 'if you don't like it then go home brigade'....

I would gladly meet up at True headquarters with a bunch of others and complain as a group, or sign a petition etc..

Something has to be done to stop this rip off!

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I've had a connection in Hua Hin with Maxnet which was terrible. I now have a connection with True in Bangkok, it's even worse. Everytime we call them, they ask us to 're-set' the router, which we do and it works again for a while. Some days we have to re-set the router 5 or 6 times.

I understand that the speed will vary, and be low at peak times, but the actual connection is frequently lost completely .

I emailed True to complain, and it's clear that they didn't even read the email. All I got back was a robotic answer telling me that the problem is probably due to bad wiring. Technicians have been to the house twice and checked the lines - lines are ok. They must have a record of us calling, and them suggesting we re-set the router...or do they?

ISP's in Thailand seem to be world class at fobbing people off! Do it enough and people will eventually give up - as some have already done.... i.e. the 'if you don't like it then go home brigade'....

I would gladly meet up at True headquarters with a bunch of others and complain as a group, or sign a petition etc..

Something has to be done to stop this rip off!

I have had much the same problem with maxnet through TT&T, They say put your Password, & username in, uninstall the modem, you have a bad modem, the problem will be fixed in 1 hour, turn your modem off & on and any other BULL/Shit they can come up with. I was going to do as monty said go for a more expensive one but Im only staying in Thailand for another two months and Im out of here just like a lot of other foreigners.

Somthing to consided, I pay 840Baht for maxnet 4home package here The same type of connection in Cambodia will cost about $200.00 a month???????

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I've had a connection in Hua Hin with Maxnet which was terrible. I now have a connection with True in Bangkok, it's even worse. Everytime we call them, they ask us to 're-set' the router, which we do and it works again for a while. Some days we have to re-set the router 5 or 6 times.

If you are in BKK you can choose any internet provider you wish so I would recommend changing - everyone seems to complain about True.

If you are willing to pony up some extra cash, get a business line.

The only other thing that comes to mind is the DSL router. I used to have a Billion piece of crap - it was the cheapest router TOT offered, for like a few hundred baht less than other models. This went down all the time, I had to go reset it to no end and it was a major pain. I reset this router a few times a day. Manually. And with cool-off period, disconnecting all cables, let it sit for 30 seconds etc. Horrible. I thought that the line was just bad.

It also fried 3 power adapters.

Luckily, I had bought it at the TOT office, so TOT could not blame me. After much complaining they sent me a replacement free of charge, a Zyxel Prestige 610. The difference is like night and day. The zyxel literally never needs to be reset. I still reset it sometimes when the connection goes down, but 99 out of a 100 times it's not the router's fault.

I think in over a year of constant use, a the router was to blame for connection problems twice, and both times it had to do with VPN routing. This thing just runs and runs and runs... internet goes down on TOT side, comes back up, router reconnects. It's excellent.

Another thing with routers - this is very sensitive equipment so be sure to run it on a UPS/stabilizer and grounded if possible.

Edited by nikster
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I read this "stories" with interest!

So, there is some questions to go "together" to the ISP and complain?!! There also some answers to point the "black sheep" not to the ISP but to the questioner or to the hardware!!

In the past I was running as a single person against two "giants" of ISP: CS-Loxinfo and TRUE!

In the case against CS-Loxinfo we just received today the Refund from the provincial Court in Samut Prakarn and CS-Loxinfo can pickup them equipment after the cheque is honored to our account!

This case was about the NON-Service on CS-L's IP-Star and we was refusing to pay for this non existing service and want also to get the lready paid amount for that time the service went down and wasn't back on again!

We won this case but we was going alone against CS-L.

In the other case against TRUE, it wasn't for personell benefit, it was for benefit for all users of TRUE! Even here, we was going alone against TRUE.

In both case and special in the second one, no one was even asking if there's is any way to "help" us - except one user of this forum who want to get our hard evidence and after I offered him the only way not any answer was coming! Furthermore the was also complaint against us from users of even this forum!! I was never asking for "help" and I'll never do because I know the nature of the people from my own experiences. If I start some case like the above mentioned I know I have a chance or not! And I'll go the way as I want and as I think is the best one. I also have to take care for my own security and what or how I publish something, I'll choose it by myself only and I don't mind what others think or want or not!

Remember: You can complain as much as you want but in 99.99% you will need to go your way alone! Do it and don't look what others think, do or want, go as you think is the best for you and not acspect any real help from others!

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My internet experiance in pattaya over the last 5 years or so has been a nightmare, constant drop off and this page cannot be displaid has become a way of life living were I am I can't even get on adsl, TOT say I havent got a good enougth connection but they can't give me a better one as Im too far out, Im not even as far out as the regent school on 36, hardly the middle of knowhere but by the sounds of your moaning it would appear Im not missing a lot not having adsl !

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I have lived in Pattaya for 5 years and have basically had 5 years or crap internet connections.

I have spoken to other people and they all seem to feel the same, slow speeds, unreliable service, and absolutely no help when you complain to TOT or other..

I thought I would open this Topic to let you all have a moan about your internet.

I understand there was a Cable damaged in that earth quake near Taiwan. I bet TOT loved that cause they finally have a valid excuse they can use for the next 5 years of Cr*p service. They will be using this excuse for a long time you see.

That cable was supposed to have been fixed within 2 weeks.

Why dont all fellow Ferang and Thai internet users have a Demonstration outside TOT offices to complain about the last 5 years of poor service. they find it easy to "Bum us off" 1 by 1 if we go to complain, so why dont we all gather together and complain together, this way we only have to go there once this year. instead of each of us having to phone or go down there many times.. Im sure it will gain some media interest the cameras will be there and it will basically shake them up down there.. and embarrass TOT for being so cr*p.

They are a discrace to Thailand. an embarassment. and they are expensive and give a poor service.

Whos up for it then?

considering a recent form of deregulation the price of BB should be reducing, haven't seen it yet

I use maxnet and unfortunatley live in the vicinity of 3 internet cafe's, they are always stacked with teenage Thais playing online games so the contention must be well used up in this location, as mentioned above - location plays a big part, i moved a year ago from the east side and noticed a huge drop in performance for the same package, wimax should even things out a bit if it ever gets deployed here, no need for land lines, has mobile phone connections, and voip telephony, the next communication revolution.

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I use maxnet and unfortunatley live in the vicinity of 3 internet cafe's, they are always stacked with teenage Thais playing online games so the contention must be well used up in this location, as mentioned above - location plays a big part, i moved a year ago from the east side and noticed a huge drop in performance for the same package,...........

If you live in a vicinity of 3 I-Net Cafe's, why not checkut they using a corporate package? If they don't, than you'll have a dropping in speed. If they have, they'll use a different connection without a more than slightly effect to your connection!

I-Net Cafe's need to use a special connection and corporate package. If they using normal "home" package that's against the regulation and here is a point where you can "cutch" them! If you want?!

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If they're "very happy" with internet anywhere in Thailand they probably don't know better :o

Face it. Internet anywhere in Thailand is CARP relative to the rest of the world - but of course if you've lived here all your life and only have Thai dial-up to compare with, ADSL is (usually) a great leap ahead.

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To MOnty thansk for your pennys worth, you seem to know what you are talking about more than any of us your Tech info is impressive, I think we will be waiting another 100 years for thailand to upgrade to Fiber optics.

I think this Whole ratio subject is a dodgy one.. its a way of Diluting peoples connection but still charging them full price. TOT are famous for over loading the ports with hundreds of users instead of max 20. and I totally belive what you say "I think these are a result of low technical knowledge, I've known people who upgraded, but didn't get any speed improvements. Ended up being technicians not adjusting sharing ratio etc..." Very true.


Thanks for your support, but it seams that my idea of going down there in force to make them realise we are all not such a bunch of muppets who will take the poor service they give us will not work due to lack of others who are prepared to go down there. we would need at least 100 people and so far its just me and you mate :o

I was hoping to a much better response.

To Reimar

Are you working for them or something?? lol didnt you ever learn that many voices is sometimes better than 1? its not about ethics is just about 1 thing, showing that we are a force and we want to be heard, they seem to find it easy to "bum" us off 1 by 1, I Just want to see their faces when 100 of us turn up. a bit of publicity of there poor service cant be a bad thing, it surely would make a small contribution or put pressure down the line to improve the service even if it is just customer service?.

Thanks to all who replied. its very interesting and the general opinion seems to be that we are not satisfied.

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Worst service in any country in my experience. I have a friend who his happy with his ADSL and the only reason he is happy with it is because he only uses it to check his e--mail. Anyone happy with the speed here is inexperienced with the internet.

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To Reimar

Are you working for them or something?? lol didnt you ever learn that many voices is sometimes better than 1? its not about ethics is just about 1 thing, showing that we are a force and we want to be heard, they seem to find it easy to "bum" us off 1 by 1, I Just want to see their faces when 100 of us turn up. a bit of publicity of there poor service cant be a bad thing, it surely would make a small contribution or put pressure down the line to improve the service even if it is just customer service?.

To Media

Are you working for them or something:::::

I must believe you didn't read what I wrote?! I was running alone against that 2 ISP and the only voice to "help" or go "with" me was from someone who in reality works for this ISP's! Whom I mean, who knows very well, he is a member of this forum!!

"it's not about ethics is just about 1 thing, showing that we are a force and we want to be heard, they seem to find it easy to "bum" us off 1 by 1,":::::::

Sure, they find it easy to "bum" you up because who of you realy want to go against them?? Try to find that kind of people you talking about, people with the curage to realy go that way! How many you think you'll find? one, or ten, or hundred, or how much?? Start to find them and you'll know in a very short time how many will go with you!And you will be back on mother earth from the seventh heaven and back to reality!

I suggest that you start to go against some of this companies and than you'll find out very fast what it is about that "many voices" and "force" and to be "heard" and so on!!

You will see that the finger is mainly pointed to you as the "black sheep" instead to pointed the whole time in the real and right direction!

Try to get the "100" together to look into their "faces" when you "turn up".

I wish yuou all the best for this and in that moment you have the "100" together I will also stand on your side!! That's a promiss! And I never break my Word!!

Start your campain and I wish you all the best in the hope you'll have more "luck" then I had!!

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